i've noticed a couple things on my dog's (Cleo, 3.5 yr old cockerpoo) skin today when I was grooming her out (she's at that point where she is quite hairy and we don't bath her a lot because we don't have a tub so we have to take her to my grandmother's). Anyways, I notice a patch of skin about the size of a thumbnail that is all flakey and irritated looking. It looked scaly and had little tiny bits of skin falling off with patches of red skin. I also found a scratch or something by her tail which is rather inflammed and started to bleed a little bit. i'm a little concerned and got her schedueled to see the vet next wednesday (im going to see if i can get her in sooner) and im trying to get her into the groomer's this week too. I was just wondering if anyone knew what might have cause the skin flakiness and would it do any harm to her skin further if i gave her a bath?

thank you so much,
