Hello to everyone

After much serching the net and looking at other sites I have joined pet talk and have been really impressed with what I see everyone seems really really friendly

I am 29 years old ( about to turn 30 yikes !) and live in the South Island of New Zealand

I have two cats

Max 6 years old who we think a burmese mix he is solid grey and very tall long lean and lanky. Max is very much the cat who walks alone he has only just started sitting on my knee but has always loved a pat and cuddle as long as it is on his terms ! and thank goodness and (with all fingers and toes crossed )no abcesses from fights for almost a year ( he was neutered at six months but never seemed to stop him getting into scraps don't even ask what he has cost in vet bills) But he is my oldest baby and I could never be without him He rather likes his brother Harry but they hate being caught cuddled up together and take great delight in chasing each other and having wee rough and tumble but he certainly rules the roost

Harry is 3 and is a large ( cannot seem to get weight off him have had to put a note on his collar asking the neighbours not to feed him ) ball of cameo coloured fluff who hates being brushed and who's main goal in life seems to be food ( he waits under the microwave when it beeps ) and a place in the sun and who could forget getting muddy foot prints all over everything and of course avoiding being brushed and combed, however you have never met a cat with a louder purr( he is commonly known as the tractor (my sister who is currently living with me refuses to have him in her room at night as she can't sleep ) or more loving and we have reached an agreement on the brushing he doesn't get brushed very often instead we cut the knots and matted bits out with the aid of the trusty sewing sissors and my gardening gloves.

Of course and last but by no means least is Molly the nearly two year old puppy .Her mother is LabXGerman Wire Hair Pointer and Dad is LabXboxer although after staying at the Kennels with a fantastic family who breed German Short Haired Pointers they suspect there may be a bit of Rhodesian Ridge Back in her as well. She loves everybody in a very energetic fasion that involves lots of leaping and running ( unfortunelty after several bad experience's she is really really not keen on small dogs) and is very very enegetic with the empahsis on very and full on she loves to run and has two speeds full on and asleep

I will get some photos up once I work out how !

As for me as above am about to turn 30 after working as a property manager for 8 years I have just started with a government department that deals with , well it's very hard in a short space of time to decsribe ( without boring people to death) but it deals with managing the environmental resources to make sure that water, land and air resources are used carefully and wisely with as little extra pollution etc as possible.

It has been a bit of a shock to the system to go back to a 9-5 in the office all day job after the freedom of being in and out all day in property management. Although on the upside it has given me a lot more flexability with my hours so I hope to start the black beast ( as we call molly ) with agility training soon

Not much more I can say accept of course I love my babies dearly and that I hope to get to know lots of you
