Sorry- no pics

But today we actually got some long-awaited snow!!!!! Not a lot of it, can't be more than a couple of inches, but when you live in north-west England and the snow we usually have is slushy and grey then it's enough to have HUGE snowball fights break out at school and people building snowmen! I'm a bit of a spoilsport, since i've been to Lapland and seen the masses of snow that they have there then a bit of British slush doesn't really amaze me any more, but it's better than none at all. Katherine (midget gem) was very excited, it started to really snow just before chemistry and she began to get very hyper and kept pointing at the window! It's also a freaky fact that she seems to be able to control the speed of the snowfall, when she says 'go fast' it does and when she says 'go slow' it does that too . Cue the mysterious music

I think we've been the last part of the country to get some, there was quite a bit down south and in yorkshire a couple of days ago but it didn't quite manage to creep over the Pennines But now, the garden looks very pretty with snow clinging to the fringes on the row of my mum's 'prized' conifers, although the animals don't seem to be pleased ...

Zsa-Zsa is horrified. The back door was open, and Zsa-Zsa jumped out the door ready for her daily garden patrol... and landed in snow above to her ankles (if cats had ankles anyway) She then jumped back, only to land in more snow. She then got very confused as she was running around to find the door, so i had to bring her back in. Poor girl, it must have been a bit of a shock for her feeling the cold snow on her paws, especially when she couldn't see it. Anyway, she preceeded to sit by the radiator for an hour and thoroughly clean her paws Also, the peahen was back today and she scraped herself a patch free of snow in which to stand in so she didn't get cold toes!

If the snow's still there tomorrow then i will probably build a snow-something, i don't know what yet but i don't usually stick with the idea of a snowman, way too boring! I always have a snow-horse, and last time it snowed i made a snow-bear too Hopefully i'll also find somewhere to go sledging, and it would be good if i could take my neighbour's Lancashire Heeler, Bonnie, with me as i'm sure she'd enjoy it too!!! Victoria (cavylove) might go sledging on Pendle Hill tomorrow which would be AMAZING, so good luck if you do Vicky!

Some friends of mine are going on a school netball trip to Edinburgh tonight. I hope the journey is OK for them, as there are a lot of closed roads!!!

Oh, Zsa-Zsa has just entered the room. I think that she would like to let PT know that snow is NOT fun, it is a terrible inconvenience which disrupts a cat's daily routine and the sooner it melts the better!!!!