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Thread: Murph, Maddie and Oz with toy (pics)...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Murph, Maddie and Oz with toy (pics)...

    I have a friend, who has a terrier that rips apart, in a matter of
    minutes, any stuffy that she buys, just like Murph and Maddie.
    So she came up with an idea for an entertaining terrier toy,
    whereby she put a twitter mouse toy for cats inside a hamster
    ball. Her terrier was absolutely nutty over it. I figured Murph
    and Maddie would love something like that too, so off I went
    to Petsmart for the materials. I dunno know why, but for
    some reason I felt embarassed to be in the cat section buying
    toys for my dogs, but I suffered through for M&M.

    Well I got home and put the thing together and M&M showed
    no interest in it whatsoever, with the mouse inside the ball,
    even though it was making a lil' squeaky noise inside it.
    Oz, however, was estatic over this thing. He was nose poking
    that thing all over the bedroom, then picking it up and chewing
    on it, until he finally got it open and dumped the mouse out. As
    luck would have it, he didn't care anything about the mouse, just
    the big plastic ball. And as soon as the mouse was loose, then
    Murph and Maddie, were like "Oooo boy, let me at it". So M&M
    were happy with the mouse and Oz was happy with the ball, but
    it didn't take them long to rip the mouse apart, so our lil'
    experimental toy wasn't as successful as hoped for. Anywho,
    here's a few pics (Oh and ignore the missing dust ruffle, it's
    currently in the laundry):

    Oz trying to reach the ball, after he nose poked it under the bed

    .................................................. .................................................. ..... Nothin' Butt Dogs............ Free Dog eCards

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Murph has seen Oz open the crate with his nose, so when he was
    trying to find a safe zone away from Oz with his prey, he gave
    it a go too. Guess you need a longer, thinner nose though, because
    I eventually had to open it for him.

    Oz sniffing the mouse, trying to figure out what to do with it

    Maddie needing no such introduction, promptly takes it from me

    .................................................. .................................................. ..... Nothin' Butt Dogs............ Free Dog eCards

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Chicagoland, IL
    Oz is beautiful. I think that is the first time I've really seen a smooth sable-merle.

    My first two dogs were collies. I'll always have a weakness for them.

    Thanks for the pics, they are adorable!
    Mom to Raven and Rudy the greyhound

    Missing always: Tasha & Tommy, at the Rainbow Bridge

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Wylie, Texas USA
    Great pics Les. Gonna have to try that! I’ve never heard of a twitter mouse, but im sure the Petsmart employees can help me. I have to buy 2 though, or Chester & Millie will fight over it.

    Wonder if the Petsmart people would let me rub it on a real mouse???

  5. #5
    What is it with Smoothes and going under beds? Lol, Ozzy is too big now, but he does all he can to try and squeeze himself in there! =P
    Wodnerful pictures! Oz is gorgeous, as usual, and Murph and Maddie are TOO CUTE! I love Murph! He looks so soft, and cuddly. =)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Kelowna, BC
    GREAT PICS! I love seeing Oz, and Murph and Maddie are so adorable.
    I've been BOO'd!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Southern California
    GORGEOUS! I love Oz. Murph and Maddy are adorable!
    Hahah...Molly likes to play with the cat's toy mice. She'll tease Daisy and run around with them in her mouth, then drop it for me to throw it. How old is Oz now? How's the agility going?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    hiya k9soul!

    Ooooo if you've got pictures of your collies, hope you'll post'em.

    hola micki!

    Funny you should mention the real mouse. My friend and I
    discussed the very same thing about getting a real scent on
    it by asking the petsmart staff about rubbing it on a real
    mouse. Oh and it's actually called Play -n Squeak. We've
    just been calling it twitter, cuz of the noise it makes.

    hey there foam!

    It's funny because except for the fact that he won't fit, Oz has
    no problem going under the bed, but Murph wouldn't be caught
    dead under there and he's the terrier. He's a disgrace to

    Thanks Wolfsoul!

    hi there Goldenretrluver!

    Oz is 16 mos. Agility's going pretty good. Oz finally did the see
    saw in class the other night on his own. Yeah! The instructor
    was going to move us up to the advanced class, but then he fell
    off the dog walk again and was scared to do that, so I think
    we're going to stay in Novice a lil' longer, which is fine with me.
    My handling skills still need a lot of work, so probably better for
    us to stay in Novice anyway.


    .................................................. .................................................. ..... Nothin' Butt Dogs............ Free Dog eCards

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