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Thread: I knew Iams was bad news !!!!

  1. #1

    I knew Iams was bad news !!!!

    Well my freinds list was true Iams is animals tested. And no its not the same kind of testing as waltham.

    Hello everyone

    A friend of mine from the UK passed this on to me. Please pass it on to alert people and urge them and their vets to boycott Iams pet food.

    IAMS - Pet Food Cruelty Exposed

    This article appeared in the Sunday Express, 27 May 2001. (national UK newspaper)

    Exclusive By Lucy Johnston, Health Editor.

    A major sponsor of Crufts dog show has carried out horrific experiments
    on animals, it can be revealed today.

    Thousands of weekend holiday visitors to the famous show at the NEC in
    Birmingham will be shocked to learn the truth about IAMS, a pet food
    made by Procter and Gamble.

    The Sunday Express has uncovered damning evidence of gruesome tests
    performed on dogs and cats during the development of the product, which
    is being heavily promoted at the event. IAMS has also been backed by the
    RSPCA - but after being told of our findings the animal welfare charity
    said it would sever all ties.

    Last night Crufts organizers launched their own investigation and were
    considering removing a stand sponsored by Procter and Gamble. In
    supermarkets and pet shops across Britain, IAMS is being marketed as a
    breakthrough in animal health care and nutrition.

    But our investigation as revealed that hundreds of animals suffered
    incredible agony in experiments designed to perfect IAMS. A huge dossier
    of research papers exposes how scientists deliberately induced kidney
    failure and other conditions in dogs and cats. Some experiments involved
    performing operations on healthy animals which were later killed.

    Last night animal activists and MPs condemned the research.

    Campaigner and comedy writer Carla Lane said:

    "It is horrifying to think people are buying pet food that involves so
    much experimentation. You don't have to harm animals to find out what's
    good for them to eat."

    And Liberal Democrat MP Norman Baker said:

    "It's ironic to say the least that a company which purports to care for
    animal is conducting abhorrent animal experiments behind closed doors.
    Perhaps they should list their experiments on their labels and then see
    how much they sell."

    Animal rights organization Uncaged Campaigns is to stage a protest at
    Crufts, distributing leaflets and waving banners highlighting "the
    suffering behind the science" and urging a boycott.

    Director Dan Lyons said:

    "Even the people representing IAMS at the show are unlikely to know they
    are promoting a company that inflicts pain and death on animals. Once
    they see the evidence they will be as appalled as anyone else."

    The protest is likely to embarrass the show's organisers who boast a
    star studded guest list, including Coronation Street's Roy Barraclough
    (Alec Gilroy), actress Susan George and Eastenders Martin Kemp (Steve
    Owen) and Pam St Clements (Pat Butcher).

    Details of the experiments are buried in obscure scientific papers
    uncovered by the Sunday Express and Uncaged Campaigns.

    In one experiment, 24 young dogs had their right kidneys removed and the
    left partly damaged to investigate how protein affects dogs with kidney
    failure. Eight dogs were killed to analyse the kidney tissue.

    Dogs which became sick were not treated because it would have undermined
    the test results.

    In another test, the stomachs of 28 cats were exposed so scientists
    could analyze the effects of feeding them fiber. The animals were
    operated on for at least two hours and then killed.

    The research team sterilized 24 female cats, which were then over-fed
    until they became obese. They were then starved on a crash diet and when
    they had lost at least 30 per cent of their weight their livers were
    examined to investigate the link between weight loss and liver disease.
    The company also sponsored research in which 14 husky puppies were
    repeatedly injected with live virus vaccines and allergy-causing
    proteins for the first 12 weeks of their lives. They developed permanent
    illnesses in the test, which was designed to see how severely allergic
    they could become.

    Twelve huskies, 12 poodles and 12 Labradors were regularly given chest
    wounds to see if diet could affect fur regrowth. This was justified in
    the study on the grounds that "dogs are enjoyable to touch and look
    at... Dogs with coat problems are simply not handled as much."

    Dr Dan Cary, Director of technical communications for IAMS said that his
    company cared about the welfare of animals. He justified the scientific
    studies as being carried out to save pets from illnesses and improve
    physical well-being. He said:

    "Our mission is to enhance the health of dogs and cats. We take their
    welfare extremely seriously during the studies and don't enter into
    research lightly. All our studies have to be valid science and we have
    to be sure they are never repeated as it is wasteful of animal time."

    --- end ---

    Please contact IAMS to let them know your disgust at these animal
    experiments. Email [email protected]

    Uncaged Campaigns,

    2nd Floor, St. Matthews House, 45 Carver Street, Sheffield S1 4FT, UK
    phone +44 (0) 114 272 2220, fax +44 (0) 114 272 2225
    email [email protected]
    ~~ My House Is Not A Home Without A Hound ~~

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Columbia, MD
    This concerns me a bit since IAMS is what I feed Drake. I have given him IAMS since he was 4 months old when I got him. My vet suggested it because the had the large breed puppy kind. (Drake was 38 pounds at 4 months!) He is still eating IAMS and we have had no problems. He hardley ever has gas.
    What other brand do you recommend?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Milan, Italy
    Thanks for the warning, I was not aware that they carried out animal experiments. I will certainly pass the information. Mine don't eat IAMS, someone gave me some dry food to try but they refused it to eat it, so we fed some stray cats with it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Drama Queen Rehab
    OK, I really feel like I'm in the dark. What's up with Waltham?

    I'm in total shock about Iams. I suppose that I shouldn't be. After all today's society is out to make a buck regardless of the 'ethical' procedure.

    We feed our cats and dog Science Diet. I'm almost afraid to ask...They don't do any animal testing do they?

  5. #5
    Ugh! I had this whole reply posted already and the site was slow or whatever and it wouldn't post. Now I don't remember what all I here I go again...

    First off, I am surprised and sickened by this. I feed all 3 girls Iams food. I had tried others and thought this would be the best for them.

    Secondly, I try to get all of the facts and look at both sides of the story. However, if this is completely true, there is no defending the Proctor and Gamble company. I have zero tolerance for animal cruelty. But, again, it is so hard to know everything. A major newspaper wrote the story so I believe it is valid and I really really appreciate you sharing this Angie. I will most definitely be switching brands. I have already called my vet and received recommendations about other food and told them why I was switching from Iams. We will just never know for sure what happens behind the scenes.

    I must say, that I wish the story wasn't true for the sake of the poor animals involved. I had to skim the last part of the article where is listed the cases of cruelty. I gave me the shivers. I hope we get more info on this and that the RSPCA does in fact sever those ties.

  6. #6
    I will ask my friend to send me all she can reguarding this topic. And I will pass it on to you as soon as I get it.
    ~~ My House Is Not A Home Without A Hound ~~

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    indianapolis,indiana usa
    Thanks for posting this information & link
    to uncaged campaigns!!!Until a few years ago
    i thought of vivisection & barbaricly cruel
    animal expermentations as things of the old
    dark ages of science..But sadly they are not.
    Was schocked to learn there are actually
    Dog farms in the U.S. and U.K. which breed
    and sell dogs & puppies to labs ,(They sell
    mostly Beagles b/c of their friendly nature.
    This breed is very trusting & easy to
    handle by the lab workers.Is'nt that ironic.
    i've given up or switched brands of soap,
    shampoos, dog food, whatever..once i find out
    they animal test their products...
    The U.S.does not require these 'tests'but
    they are done anyway.
    This subject is surely not for the faint of heart!!! But does deserve to be aired &
    discussed...Thanks for posting it ilovehounds.
    I've Been Boo'd

    I've been Frosted

    Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Salisbury Plain, UK
    I have tried to email the RSPCA about this issue but they are moving headquarters and not available untill the 22nd. I felt it a bit unfair to block a phone line when it could make an emergency wait.

    The Animal Protection Institute released this article on August 6th, 2001.

    "Stop Torturing Animals for Pet Food Research!" Demand Animal Advocates

    Scottisdale, AZ -- Disturbed by recent allegations of cruel and invasive nutrition research funded, conducted by, or under the direction of, The Iams Company (Iams), the Animal Protection Institute (API) challenged the Association of American Feed Control Officials, Inc. (AAFCO), to adopt new pet food industry guidelines against the practice this week. API is also requesting that the Center for Veterinary Medicine, a division of the federal Food and Drug Administration, adopt the proposal.

    Allegations of cruel pet food research by Iams first surfaced May 27 after an investigation by In Defence of Animals (IDA) and Uncaged. API assisted IDA in drafting the initial guidelines that were given to Iams.

    A set of revised guidelines was presented on August 4 by Jean Hofve, DVM, Companion Animal Coordinator for API and liason to the AAFCO Pet Food Committee at AAFCO's 91st annual convention.

    "Like most people, we're appalled that pet food companies are torturing animals under the pretense of nutrition research and demand that they adopt stringent guidelines for future research to prevent animal suffering," said Alan Berger, API's Executive Director. "While such guidelines would not be necessarily binding to manufacturers, they would set a reasonable standard for ethical, humane research and hopefully put an end to what can only be considered a disgraceful contradiction."

    "The studies reviewed thus far suggest that there have been some questionable and even cruel procedures sanctioned and conducted by Iams," charged API's Hofve. "Worse yet, Iams is far from beig alone."

    According to API, other large pet food manufacturers, including Hill's, Waltham's and Ralston Purina among others, have funded, sponsered or conducted many studies that caused significant pain, discomfort or distress, used invasive procedures, and/or resulted in the death of the subject animals. In one experiment, 18 dogs were killed so their bones could be harvested for research on bone strength. The initial investigation into these studies was conducted by the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV).

    To see what the BUAV have to say on the subject go to

    you will see where to go from there - this is an exceelent site and has massive support from around the world.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Westminster, MA, USA
    Oh gosh... this is disgusting! I felt sick reading what poor innocent animals were subjected to. Thank goodness Daisy doesn't eat Iams. Something must be done to stop this! A girl in my Honors Englosh class last year did her speech on animal testing. It's just horrible. There has to be a better way.

  10. #10
    Okay. I know this is one of those things where everyone will believe what they want to believe, because unless you go down and LIVE at Iams' factories, you will NEVER know the TRUTH.

    But some things need to be said before everyone gets hysterical and possibly damages the reputation of what is probably a very reputable company.

    All that being said, I don't claim to know the truth. But here is what I DO know.

    First of all, Proctor and Gamble was the last company to discontinue animal testing. This, plus a "curse" that has followed Proctor and Gamble since someone announced decades ago that their logo was a satanic symbol, has led to many consumers to consider them as "evil".

    Many of the more radical and less level-headed animal "rescue" groups, such as Uncaged, ARF, and PETA, insist that they still do animal testing although no one has been able to come up with irrefutable evidence confirming this. This is probably just a grudge that lasted way longer than it ever should have becasue P&G did resist discontinuing animal testing.

    Most of the animal testing that P&G continues to be accused of is illegal and has been for years.

    There is no logical reason to conduct the types of experiments that are being described. For instance, it has been a known medical fact for decades that dietary protein is not easily tolerated by the kidneys, so kidney patients have been on restricted protein diets for a very long time. It would not make fiscal sense for a company to conduct tests to confirm something that has been a known fact for decades.

    Of all of the animal groups I have seen associated with this announcement, all are of the more radical ones with somewhat questionable motives (they let loose various caged animals without thought to whether those previously caged animals can fend for themselves in a foreign environment, for instance). Remember, anyone looking for media exposure can start a "foundation" to collect a salary and get in the news, whether or not they are really benefitting, or even believe in, the cause they are supposedly championing.

    Lastly, this rumor got started because animals groups say P&G does animal testing, now P&G owns Iams, ergo Iams must also be doing animal testing.

    Again, I'm not claiming to have the answers, but as I search for the answers I am keeping all this in mind for balance. I beg everyone else to do the same.

    Although I know a company under attack will always do spin control, I though I would close this lengthy post with a lenghthy letter from Iams themselves:

    Dear Nikki,
    Thank you for taking the time to contact us. We appreciate you giving us the
    opportunity to clarify the issues regarding our research. Please take a few
    minutes to review the facts about dogs and cats in research:

    The Iams Company has made major advances in nutritional health benefits for
    millions of dogs and cats world-wide. In our efforts to develop nutritional
    health advances, we sponsored research world-wide at veterinary schools and
    universities. This research has answered vital questions about animal health.
    Based on those answers, we have been able to make many discoveries including
    nutritional advances in:

    * Canine/feline kidney disease, which resulted in our specific veterinary
    diets, available only by prescription. These diets make a significant difference
    in the lives of cats and dogs with renal failure, a chronic and fatal illness
    that affects 15% of dogs and 25% of cats.
    * Skeletal development, which makes a big difference for large breed dogs,
    where painful and debilitating developmental bone problems can occur in up to
    40% of puppies.
    * Skin and coat, which provides nutritional support for addressing
    sensitive skin problems where pharmaceutical intervention may be the only
    * Immune system, where antioxidants provide a significant impact on young
    and senior dogs and cats.

    Iams openly publishes our findings so that other researchers can help improve
    the health and well being of dogs and cats without repeating research studies.
    Iams research has been presented, published, and part of the public record for
    the past 12 years. Other leading petfood companies have also sponsored studies
    over the years.

    The Iams Nutrition Symposia regularly brings together experts from 80
    universities and 136 veterinary hospitals, from more than 40 countries who then
    return home to apply the knowledge in their own practices.
    All of our feeding studies have had to meet very specific criteria:

    * The results must help veterinarians and pet owners to nutritionally
    manage important pet health conditions and the benefits to dogs and cats
    worldwide must be genuine.
    * The studies must be unique, relevant and truly pioneering - in other
    words, no existing research could answer the questions raised.
    * The care of animals is of paramount importance, and animal well being is
    always our top priority.

    The Iams Company policy on the development of pet food is based on the following
    fundamentals: The Iams Company is committed to improving the health and well
    being of cats and dogs through the development of superior nutrition.

    The Iams Company will not participate in any study requiring the euthanasia of
    cats or dogs, nor will we conduct the veterinary equivalent of any tests on cats
    or dogs, which is not acceptable in nutritional or medical studies in people.

    Our efforts have always been guided by a strict code of ethics that meets or
    exceeds the standards of the relevant legislation, e.g., Animal Welfare Act of
    the US, the US Department of Agriculture and Directive 86/609/EEC of the
    European Union.

    This policy applies to all Iams research whether conducted by our scientists or

    At Iams, we stand behind our research and our 55-year track record of enhancing
    the well being of dogs and cats by providing premium quality nutrition. We are
    proud that our science has been available and used by others and that we have
    led breakthroughs in companion animal health.

    The Iams Company has recently received support from several independent,
    third-party organizations. Click to see statements from: - The American Kennel
    Club (AKC) - American Animal Hospital Association
    (AAHA) - The Animal Medical Center (AMC)

    Again, thank you for taking the time to explore the facts. If you have
    additional questions, please contact us at 800-525-4267 Monday through Friday
    from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. or on Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


    Danette Bridgens
    Iams - Customer Service
    7250 Poe Ave.
    Dayton, OH 45414

    The Iams Company is proud of having over 50 years of nutritional excellence,
    dedicated to enhancing the well-being of dog and cats by providing world-class
    quality foods.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    Thank you, Leah, your points are well taken and your efforts are appreciated.
    Unless evidence is shown to the contrary, I am inclined to accept the Iams statement:

    "The Iams Company will not participate in any study requiring the euthanasia of
    cats or dogs, nor will we conduct the veterinary equivalent of any tests on cats
    or dogs, which is not acceptable in nutritional or medical studies in people."

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    indianapolis,indiana usa
    WELL!!! If IAMS says they don't test,never did..never will..who am I to disagree??
    Honestly folks.. Please just go back and read Carrie's post of 8/16/01. PLEASE.. just
    read what information is being offered.
    For myself, i think I'll suspend judgment
    until 8/22/01 when Carrie can contact the
    RSPCA for more info on the subject..
    Thanks, and hope everyone has a great weekend.
    I've Been Boo'd

    I've been Frosted

    Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

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