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Thread: *Describe your friends*

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Riding my bike somewhere...

    *Describe your friends*

    I thought it'd be neat if we had a thread describing our human friends. Post pictures, what you like most about them, their age, whatever.. just tell us aobut them. Remember, friends are people we care about. Please refrain from any negative or rude comments about eachother's friends.

    *Feel free to post at anytime.*
    Last edited by Kfamr; 06-27-2004 at 08:38 AM.

    ~Kay, Athena, Ace, Kiara, Mufasa, & Alice!
    "So baby take a axe to your makeup kit
    Set ablaze the billboards and their advertisements
    Love with all your hearts and never forget
    How good it feels to be alive
    And strive for your desire"

    -rx bandits

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    BC Canada
    this is a cool thread ..

    I shall post my friends now.. mwahahaha

    This is Katerine, she is the most outgoing of all my friends, she is funny and a major goof off. She is a HUGE raver, and goes to all the biggest raves in BC. She is such a sweet heart and I wuv her for it . we have know eachother since grade 6. We are both grading together this year, and I cant wait to see her walk the stage. Katherine is 18 years old....

    This is Sarah, she is a great friend, we have known eachother for about 4 years and been best friends for 2. we have allot in common with eachother, she works at boston pizza, and her boyfriend lives in New Mexico. She is 17 years old, like me .

    This is Jennifer, I call her Jen, she is a funyn person to be around, she is artistic and cool, She loves to swim and she has won alot of swimming races ect.. She goes to Europe every year, she is there right now, lucky gurl. but year she is 17 as well, and she is adopted.

    theres my gurl Brandi, on the right .. she is so funny, being with her all you can do is laugh, she is such a clown, she loves country music, and umm basically every kind of music, she is a party hardy kinda gurl, she loves going to house parties and just dancing the nights away.

    And this owuld be Jordan *wolfsoul*, she is my closest friend, I would have to say that. me and her have sooo much in common, it is sick, and when we are together, we always see limos and weird uncommon things will happen.. cough cough, just kidding.. lol. She is a really cool person, smart, and funny.. I wuv you Jordan!!!! mehhh hahaa.
    Rainbowbridge- Tikeya 'forever loved'
    Owned By Luna, Prudence, and Raven

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Vancouver, BC
    Awesome idea for a thread.

    First up, is Gary. He's.. odd (in a nice way!). He's really random like I am and he's such a goof. He's crazy about playing music like I am and he's always willing to go shopping for hours with me.

    This is Patricia. She's president of the Leo's club, gets VERY good grades and still has time to do normal things with us. I think I'm a bad influence on her because she's been acting more like me lately LOL.

    This is Tiffaney (water_junkie). We actually started getting closer this year even though we've known each other since grade 8. She's one of my best friends and is such an animal lover.

    Here's Kate. We actually met in a Harry Potter chat way back in Grade 8 or so. Since then, we've met, gotten together loads of times and have grown alot closer. She's also one of my best friends and she's really odd (good way again) like me Lol. We have the wackiest phone convos and can go on for hours talking about absolutely nothing. She's hillarious and I could trust her with anything and everything.

    The one in front is Melissa. The other one is Emily. I've known Melissa since pre-school. She's nutty and very random as well.

    Emily is nice and also a dog lover. She always tells the wackiest jokes and is one of the only ones to get my stupid jokes Lol.

    This, is Scott. He's so amazing. He's truly the most genuine person I've ever met and has the greatest sense of humour. He's extremely random like I am (all my friends need to be random haha) so we always get the weirdest convos. He's always there to listen and has never once made me feel remotely bad. He's truly amazing.

    And just for kicks..

    Jynnelle. Lmao.. you're weird like I am.

    Jordan.. since I know how much you love seeing pictures of yourself (LOL), I had to mention you. She's so smart and we have the stupidest/wackiest convos. Even our phone conversation was odd.. (Jordan, did you honestly think I only wanted to see pictures of your pets on your site? LOL!)
    Last edited by binka_nugget; 03-18-2004 at 01:58 AM.

    Kai [Sheltie], Kaedyn [Sheltie], Keeva [Malinois], Kwik [Malinois]

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    San Jose, CA
    Good thread!! Just a few for now because I lack pictures of most of my friends!

    My best friend, Dan. I've known him for about four to five years, and we've always been close. We just click. He knows more of my secrets than anyone else. He also, for some reason, has horrible luck with women.

    Ian! Ian looks a lot like Johnny Depp sometimes. He's a nut! He's got a nice car that he regularly pushes to it's limits. He's a really fun person to be around, and he's always smiling. Unfortunately, he's been really busy lately and I haven't gotten to see him much.

    I wish I had a better picture of Jason, he's a real cutie! He's very quiet a lot of the time. Him and I have alot of similar tastes, and I don't ever get to see enough of him!! (that's my brother being a dork in the background)

    Ah yes...the rare *female* friend of mine....Ruthie. Ruth hasbeen a great friend, and a great counselor too! We've lost touch some since she moved and had a baby, but I've always been closer to her husband anyways. His name is Robert, and he knows the inside of my head better than I do! Dan may be my best friend, but I honeslty feel that I'm closer to Robert...he knows so much about me without my ever having told him.

    Thank you Wolf_Q!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    My goodness Kay, James really *IS* attractive

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Toronto, ON
    Originally posted by Tiah
    My goodness Kay, James really *IS* attractive
    Ya I agree lol, he's cute
    - - Tiffany && Blueberry - -

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Proud living in ICELAND
    I have two close best friends..
    their names are Lolita and Liga (yup same name as I haver) but I think I've lost their original photos , they aren't in my computer, I just found that card, what I made some time ago..

    Liga(me),Carreras(gordon setter),Simba(the cat),Felix(bun),Aisha & Nila(ratties),Ellie(guinea piggy)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Lookit all the pretty friends!

    James is a cutie! (bad Kimmy...jail bait.. LOL!) And does Preston always hide his handsome face behind his hair?

    All the boys are handsome.

    Must dig up pics of my friends..... be back..
    ~Kimmy, Zam, Logan, Raptor, Nimrod, Mei, Jasper, Esme, & Lucy Inara
    RIP Kia, Chipper, Morla, & June

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Montana USA
    I hope this isn't just for you young people. This is my freind Ron we had to dress up for a holiday locally. He is the secrity gaurd for the mall I was working at.
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  10. #10
    I do have pictures, but they arnt on my computer. i'll have to get them scanned

    Amy- She has to be the most funniest person I know. She is so nice, and smart. She is a huge dog lover. She is so amusing to with.

    Lindsey- She is top-right nerdy. hahaha, in a nicest way. She is the best. she has to be the smartest person I know. She is always there to help me with my *cough* ditzy moments *cough* lol

    Kendra- She is so funny. She loves to have fun. A real party girl.

    Ashley- Fun, and nice. She loves to be around everyone. loves to talk...I dont think her mouth shuts up! lol, but you gotta love her!

    Kara- SO nice, she is a really athletic girl. She loves sports. Vollyball is her favorite. She is funny, and she is the best!

    Mallory- She is a quiet girl, but she gets really loud, and is funny when she get comfortable with the people around her.

    Megan- Megan, is the nicest caring person alive. She is so smart.

    J.P.- He is a annoying, but funny person. He is really nice, and outgoin.

    Garrett- Halarious. lol he is sooo funny, and is the school clown. haha

    and I save the best for last

    Brittany- brittany, is my most closest friend ever. We have been friends since we were babies. Our moms are best friends, so thats how it all came. We can tell each other anything, and know it will always be kept secret. We always do everything together. We go shopping, and go to the movies, ect ect. She is the best and I love her so much!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Montana USA
    I'm trying to find my girlfreinds photo and have to scan here kids photo on the computer may take me a little(not so computer savy)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Montana USA
    Tis is my friend Trudy"s girls.
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  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Proud living in ICELAND
    Jordan, your pics are very sweetm you're very pretty girl

    Liga(me),Carreras(gordon setter),Simba(the cat),Felix(bun),Aisha & Nila(ratties),Ellie(guinea piggy)

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Kalamazoo, MI
    I'll start with the love of my life. Alvin is everything to me and of course my best friend. We have been together for nearly 3 years. He is such an amazing person that has taught me a lot about life and myself. He is 24. And that is me with him.

    Next is a large group and not everyone is pictured. This is the Monday Night Crew. We got that because we used to bowl every Monday. These are my closest friends, everyone of us is very different. One group you don't want to mess with one person out of, because we protect our own. We've been through a lot together. We are all planning on moving to North Carolina together, when we graduate.
    Top row, left to right Danelle, Nate, Jody, Scott, Ben
    Bottom row Left to right Brooks, Jason Andrew (Jody's husband)

    My very best friend and the first person I meant when I moved here, Jen. She is the one person that I can talk to anything about. She is also Kim's (ramanth's) sister. Love ya chica! Can't wait to live with you.

    I am also extremely close to my baby (ok not a baby, 19 this summer) brother Lee. I don't have a picture of him on the computer though.

    There is also Tabitha (Tab) who is my longest friend, nearly 10 years. She is one of my closest friends but we live very far apart. I am in her wedding this summer.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Well lets see....

    I'm still close with my two best friends growing up. Shawntell, I met in 3rd grade. I don't have any pics online of her. I should take some when I see her. We've been thru a lot together. She's goofy and just fun to be with.

    My other friend, Deb, I met in 4th grade thru Girl Scouts. We've gone on a lot of trips together and somehow have managed to stay out of trouble. She's equally as fun to hang out with and isn't afraid to voice her opinon. She's in Scotland right now getting a Masters Degree.

    Here's Deb on 'dog duty' while Andy and I were preparing to costume in a parade.

    Jessica, is the first friend I ever met thru the Internet. We met online in 1996 and met in person in '97. Jess is... fiesty. LOL! I've pretty much 'watched' her grow up since there is such an age difference between us. I consider her my 3rd baby sister.

    I've made a lot of neat friends thru my costuming group... but the best friend out of all of them is the one I've been dating for 2 years. Andy is one in a million. *is smitten*
    ~Kimmy, Zam, Logan, Raptor, Nimrod, Mei, Jasper, Esme, & Lucy Inara
    RIP Kia, Chipper, Morla, & June

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