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Thread: Dumpy frogs

  1. #1

    Dumpy frogs

    I have two dumpys. One I have had for more than two years and one I just got. I am sort of confused by the differences between them. I thought the first one, Jeremiah, is larger, of course, but not too overweight. He sings in the winter time at night and is very docile. Joey, the one I just got, croaks like crazy and is hopping all over the place. Joey has almost all black eyes and Jeremiah has hazel eyes with black centers. And as I look at them I am wondering if maybe Jeremiah is a girl. Do females make noise? I always thought that they didn't make any noise. What do you think? Any thoughts, I would love to hear them.

    Frog Lover

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Female White's tree frogs aren't supposed to make vocalizations. There are a couple varieties of white's frogs that are bred so they may both be different varieties.
    "White's Tree Frog is not actually white; rather, it gets its name from the person who discovered it! These large frogs make gentle pets and may be available in a variety of lovely blue and green shades.
    Generally, White's Tree Frogs are rather docile. They may not hide as much as other frogs can, and they may even sit in your hands. Because these animals are nocturnal, they may spend much of the day hidden. White's Tree Frogs spend their nights foraging for food. They eat all kinds of insects including crickets, grubs, and worms. White's Tree Frogs are found in a variety of habitats including people's yards. They most often live in cisterns or irrigation ditches when they are living close to humans. Although White's Tree Frogs are not especially active, they are hardy and may make a good pet frog for beginners.
    Although many wild White's Tree Frogs are green, most of those kept in captivity have more of a blue hue. Most are turquoise blue or blue�green, and many may be bright green. Depending on environmental conditions or stress, White's Tree Frogs may show white spots on their backs or turn brown. Some are bred to show white spots all the time. They have a medium sized or small supratympanic ridge. Thin frogs will not have visible supratympanic ridges, but obese frogs will have ridges that lap down over their eyes, rendering them essentially blind. Females can grow up to 4 inches (10 centimeters) in length, but males are usually smaller. They have a rather squat, fat body type and thus have also been called the Dumpy Tree Frog. Their lips form an obvious curve and give the frog the appearance of having a smile on its face. For this reason, White's Tree Frog may also be called the Smiling Frog. Many White's Tree Frogs kept in captivity live to between 15 and 20 years of age.
    There are two types of White's Tree Frogs - Australian and Indonesian strains. Most breeders try to keep these separate, and some White's Tree Frogs are selectively bred for a variety of colorings. Most White's Tree Frogs originate from New Guinea, various islands in the Torres Strait, and northern or eastern regions of Australia. They also live in New Zealand, where they were introduced. It is believed that White's Tree Frog originated in South America and migrated to Australia, though there is much dispute about when such a migration took place, if ever. White's Tree Frogs have been bred in captivity, but very large enclosures are needed."

    I don't know about the eyes but it may be genetic. Calico goldfish sometimes have all black eyes when they are double calico bred, kind of like a double merle in dogs. Sometimes those fish with the all black eyes are less healthy and robust than the others, but they generally live a good life if taken care of right. This may not be connected to the frogs at all, but it would be interesting to know if the eyes come from certain genetic line breeding like the fish do.
    "There are two things which cannot be attacked in front: ignorance and narrow-mindedness. They can only be shaken by the simple development of the contrary qualities. They will not bear discussion."

    Lord John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton

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