There are some good ones.

Notable quotes from the 82nd annual Academy Awards (AP)
Source: AP Mon Mar 08, 2010, 1:32 am EST

- Quotes from Sunday night's 82nd annual Academy Awards at the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles:

"I'd just like to dedicate this to the women and men in the military who risk their lives on a daily basis in Iraq and Afghanistan and around the world. And may they come home safe." — Kathryn Bigelow, upon winning the Oscar for best director.


"This has been such a dream, beyond a dream. ... We had this fantasy of making our film our way with the talent that we hoped to have and hopefully we would find a distributor and somebody might even like the movie. So to be standing here, this was really, truly, honestly never part of anything we even imagined in our wildest dreams." — Mark Boal, accepting the best picture award for "The Hurt Locker."


"I would like to thank what this film is about for me which are the moms that take care of the babies and the children no matter where they come from. Those moms and parents never get thanked." — Sandra Bullock, after winning the award for best actress.


"Thank you, Mom and Dad, for turning me on to such a groovy profession. Oh, my dad and my mom, they loved show biz so much. ... I feel an extension of them. You know, this ... is honoring them as much as it is me." — Jeff Bridges, after winning the Oscar for best actor.


"What we did with Avatar, if you really look at it, we took things that are out there in the world every day, we just made them bigger, shinier. ... But all our inspiration comes from the real world. So if you really look, you can see all those things around you, and I would just encourage people to get out and look for it." — Joe Letteri, after winning the award for achievement in visual effects.


"I want to thank the Academy for not considering Na'vi a foreign language." — Argentine director Juan Jose Campanella, after winning the award for best foreign language film.


"I would like to thank the Academy for showing that it can be about the performance and not the politics. ... Thank you so much to my amazing husband, Sidney. Thank you for showing me that sometimes you have to forgo doing what's popular in order to do what's right. And baby, you were so right." — MoNique, after winning the Oscar for best supporting actress.


"This is for everybody who works on the dream every day: precious boys and girls everywhere." — Geoffrey Fletcher, after winning the best adapted screenplay award for "Precious: Based on the Novel 'Push' by Sapphire."


"Oscar and Penelope, that's an uber-Bingo." — Christoph Waltz, accepting the best supporting actor Oscar.


"Never did I dream that making a flip book out of my third-grade math book would lead to this." — Pete Docter, accepting the best animated feature film award for "Up."


"A lot of people have said it to me 'You made me cry.' And it was only because I cried myself when I watched the movie." — Michael Giacchino, on his award-winning score for "Up."


"The biggest change this year, the best picture category has doubled. When that was announced, all of us in Hollywood thought the same thing: What's five times two?" — Oscars co-host Steve Martin.