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Thread: Who are the Amish?

  1. #1

    Who are the Amish?

    I've been following the Pennsylvania school shooting tragedy on the news. How horrific and heartbreaking. As my heart breaks for the families who have suffered in this, I also realize that I'm seeing people in pictures that I never knew existed today.

    Are the Amish really rare, non-existant in California, or am I just naive about this group of people? Who exactly are these people? There's a chance that I've read about them in history during my school years, but I don't remember.

    I was looking at pictures on CNN, and watching the videos about their way of life. I'm rather surprised. Are they a sect of Christians? The men keep beards and the women dress modestly. That is very interesting. Muslim men usually keep beards, and the women dress modestly, so that is something 'normal' to me, but everything else about them is SO different. Their clothing reminds me of the first settlers, centuries ago, and their electricity, no cars, no planes...WOW! It is strange to me, but somehow, I find myself fascinated with this. I don't know why. I just didn't know such people exist anymore in the US, and follow the old, simple way of life so strictly. Does anyone here know more about them? I've never heard much about the Amish, let alone met them, so its surprising to me. I almost want to go visit an Amish community to see what their lives are like ...but wonder if 'different' people would be welcome there? Someone, enlighten me please. What are the Amish like? Would visiting them be like...going back a couple of centuries?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    PCB, I don't know much but as far as I know there are no amish here in California. They live a simpler way of life, no electricity, etc. But I don't really know someone else can tell us more.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I do believe they exist in CA, but its not like they advertise, many Amish sects want to be left alone. In Wisconsin we have a lot of Amish communities. Some are friendlier toward outsiders, others would prefer to be left alone. Some actually have electricity and cars, but they use them modestly. I often get to see a few Amish people, as they frequent a farm supply store near my house.

    Here is a good sight to start learning about them.

    You can find a lot of information with web searchs, just use your best judgement as to which sites are truthful and have good information.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    There are a couple of current threads that have a lot of information about the Amish, Popcornbird. See and

    They are a Christian sect, to answer your basic questions, and of German descent originally. The term they are sometimes called "Pennsylvania Dutch" misleads people, they are not Dutch. They are more prevalent in the East and Midwest.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    New Jersey
    The only place I know of Amish people are, are in PA. If anyones driven through "The Amish Country" its interesting. We talked about this in SS the other day, they live a simple way of life they read the bible and just interpret it a different way. They have no eletricity, they use candle lights. They also live in small homes and use horses and carriges instead of cars. I don't know that much, but thats what I know.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Here is another good site on them.

    I live in Colorado, we have a lot of Mennonites here. They are some what like the Amish people.

    Thank you Kay for the beautiful sig!

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    ~Find the seed at the bottom of your heart and bring forth a flower~

  7. #7
    PCB...I have always been fascinated by the Amish. As a little girl I had many books about them. They are not only in Pennsylvania but also in Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and Ohio. They shun modern ways. If you ever travel to areas where there are lots of Amish you will see beautiful neat and tidy with flowers at the end of every row. No electricity and old-fashioned clothes hanging on the line. They travel by buggy or bicycle. They often have stores selling homemade delicious foods and quilts. There are patterns of quilts that are distinctly Amish.

    They are a Christian sect. They are a very peaceful group. They believe everything is God's will and therefore forgiveness is always given. Already they speak of forgiveness of this monster.

    They speak a dialect that has German roots. Mennonites are an offshot of the Amish. They do not like photographs taken of their people.

    There is sometimes friction between the Amish and what they call "the English" because of the differences. They are also having some genetic problems because of the limited number from which to choose a spouse.

    Here's a webiste with more about them.... Amish

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Upstate NY
    Quote Originally Posted by I_luv_rusty
    The only place I know of Amish people are, are in PA.
    I know there is a LOT of them in upstate NY too, especially around Middlesex, Naples, Rushville, PennYann area. I see some at least every other day or so. And if memory serves me right Ohio and Iowa have them too.
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    I have also always been fascinated by the Amish and their ways, since they are so different than the modern way of life. I think that some of them are Quakers, but not positive about that. There are lots in PA, but not so much on my side of the state (I live closer to Pittsburgh).

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    South Hero Vermont

    Thank you Edwina's and Eddie's Mom

    The links to the Amish information is timely. Thank you.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I_luv_Rusty explained it pretty well. They don't use cars but instead have horses and buggies. They never use the computer, TV, cars, lights, modern tiolets, video games, anything. They are very relegious people and go to church every Sunday. Amish people don't wear modern clothes either, instead old time. They are into family life ALOT and live much like we used to in the 1800's.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    South Hero Vermont

    No electricity...

    They due use other forms of power. Not electricity. Many of them have computers if they need them for work. They heat with wood and use candles for lights. Oh, and did you know that they do watch TV, they just cannot own one. They do ride in cars, just don't own one. They do what they need to do to earn livings and survive. If it means having someone pick them up for a drive to the worksite, then fine.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Binghamton, New York
    There are many Amish around our area, I love to see their horse and buggies around. Sometimes I wish we still lived like them. My Saddebred Mare, used to be an Amish Cart horse. They live a very simple life, and they always help eachother out. They have huge families, and go out of their way for them.

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  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Montana USA
    Many of them are moving here to Montana as the hutterites (simular) can drive cars and in some Amish colonies they csn ride just not drive . So they have a co-op type arrange ment. It also alows them to inter marry to get some fresh blood in the gene pool.
    I've been boo'dMerlin my angel

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Indianapolis, IN
    Everyone has already done a good job explaining about the Amish, so I thought I'd add an anecdote. There is a town in Indiana called Nappanee that is essentially an Amish Town.
    My parents and I were in an old car club (Model 'A' club - cars from the late 1920's early 1930's) that would go on tours as a group, and one of those tours took us to Nappanee for some of the best food I ever had! It was at a large Amish farmstead, where an Amish family fixed us food. Totally neat experience and everyone was so nice. It was cool to eat by only the light of candles and be in a place with no modern facilities such as electricity and running water.

    I'm not sure if this same family does this today, but I do know there is a resort in Nappanee called 'Amish Acres' that has an inn on the grounds of a historic farm.

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