Don't waste your time with sites on the internet, or the BBB. The policy controls the relationship, not the sites. No matter who you call, or which supervisor you talk to, the policy governs the relationship. And, the number of claims you make (or don't make) doesn't control the coverage you get. Find a top-notch insurance company (like Amica Insurance) and you will find that they do focus on claims and customer service. Are they pricier than other companies? Perhaps, but you get what you pay for. I never understand people that hesitate to put in legit claims against their policy. It is what you pay the premiums for. Like having medical insurance but never going to the doctor.

If you have replacement cost coverage- and not everyone has it- you DO get replacement cost, but you have to first actually replace the item. Otherwise, you get paid the actual cash value of the item (which is replacement cost minus depreciation). Sometimes, there is a time limit in which you have to replace the items.

If you do not have replacement cost coverage, you get the item less depreciation- the actual cash value of the item. If you bought an item 10 years ago, it isn't worth the same price as it was when it was new, or if it was new. Think about it. You wouldn't pay top dollar for a ten year old car, or even a three year old car, would you?

Stick with the adjuster, work with him/her. They do want a closed file. There is some subjectivity in the valuing of items. AND, you are foolish to not recollect every single item and make a claim for every single item.