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Thread: Thanksgiving 2001

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wichita Falls, TX U.S.A.

    Thanksgiving 2001

    I hosted my very first Thanksgiving last night, which is why I have not posted much lately. I have a full understanding what my mother goes through every year, with not only the cooking, but the cleaning afterwords. Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday but it is also alot of work

    It was a wonderful success, lots and lots of fun, lots of laughter, wonderful food and wonderful company with my whole family here. Even though my brother accidentally dropped a huge pot of my homemade gingered mashed squash onto the floor as he was trying to set it on a hotpad on the table...hurling perhaps 2 pounds of the bright orange stuff on my wall and carpet, Ritz drank water so fast that he barfed on a different area of the carpet, and then a small hot coal shot out from the fireplace and burnt a small black hole into my carpet, it was still perhaps the best Thanksgiving I have ever had

    Just to keep the dog theme going, here are a couple of pics from last night
    Here's Ritz crashed on my couch.

    Here's Graham showing off his stuff.

    Here's Cassie in her glory...catching all the fallen morsels.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Graham your so sexy!! And you lil fur friends are sooooooo beautiful!

    Leslie, im glad you enjoyed your Thanksgiving! I did too!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Kensington MD USA
    and that's what it's all about graham, too too much shaboom
    p.s. now I have to get off here and finish my own cleaning up
    ~ at least I'm not...

  4. #4
    Graham looks quite comfortable all spread out on the couch How is the sweet boy doing? It looks he's a bit happier now, showing a sort of half-way smile. We keep thinking about him and sending many hugs and good wishes.

    "All men are created equal but none of them is equal to a dog." From the "Howard Huge" cartoon..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    Well, if he has to be injured, Graham sure looks like he is taking full advantage of it!! LOL!

    Leslie, congratulations on your successful Thanksgiving dinner, even if you did have a few mishaps. I'm proud of you for doing it, after all the stress you've had over the last few weeks. Hopefully, you are relaxing now, or at least you will be soon.

    I loved seeing Cassie again too! And Ritz is adorable, as usual.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Leslie, I loved these pictures!! Graham looks a little like I felt after eating my big meal!! Just had to rest and let the ole tummy settle! By the way, he looks terrific and I was so glad to read in another post that he is feeling a little better and has even been off his pain medicine. What a guy!

    Ritz looks like such a lovebug. How adorable they are when they are tired out!

    Oh and dear Cassie.....I have missed her so much. What a cutie pie. As long as I live I will always adore those little pugglies. I'm so glad that she is happy and content with Mom and Ritz now, although I am sure she enjoyed seeing you and Graham again.

    Congratulations on your first official Thanksgiving cooking experience. It sounds like you pulled it off nicely, even if there was a hitch or two. Hope you have today off to rest up. It's always amazing to me how many hours are spent in food preparation only to have it all gobbled up in less than 1/2 hr.!!

    Lots of hugs and kisses to the furkids from Bella and me!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Westminster, MA, USA
    Sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving! Ritz is simply too precious for words. Graham looks gorgeous as always, and how wonderful it is to see sweet little Cassie again!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    San Diego, California USA
    Leslie, I think that was wonderful that you made a nice dinner for your family, I know they appreciated all the work put into it.
    I love the pictures of the pups, Graham looks so relaxed there, that is a great picture of him, he still is the Superdog.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Job well done, Leslie!! I have yet to host a Thanksgiving myself, but I know how much work it requires. I am so glad you only had some minor glitches but no major problems! I am also glad you were able to spend the holiday with your loved ones and have such fun.

    I love the pics of all the dogs. Little Cassie! I haven't seen her in awhile. And look at Ritz! He's sooooo cute. And last but never least, Graham is quite the handsome guy. Lolly already has a crush on him. I bet if I showed her that pic, she'd be running to Michigan to see him
    Shiloh, Reece, Lolly, Skylar
    and fosters Snickers, Missy, Magic, Merlin, Maya

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Arlington, TX
    I didn't host Thanksgiving this year, and I'm glad I didn't because I (hopefully) got to bring a little joy into a dog's life yesterday.

    Next door to my in-laws house in Abliene, lives an older Cocker Spaniel who looks very much like my PJ. It was quite obvious that this dog had a severe cateract in his left eye, and he was grossly overweight.

    No one was home to celebrate Thanksgiving with this poor boy. He was left outside by himself yesterday and today. I don't even know that his family came home today.

    I fed him some left over turkey and some of PJ and Bailey's treats. I didn't know how much he had to eat because he had flipped his food bowl over, and all his food was covered in dirt. He had water, but it didn't look very clean. Unfortunately, I was doing all this through a small hole in the fence, so all I got to pet was his nose.

    From what my mother in law tells me, this is common for the be left alone. The family has kids, and the dog watches them play in another part of the yard. They rarely play with him. The poor little guy doesn't even have grass to lie down in. He has a dirty dog house which is placed in a section of the yard that only has dirt and wood chips in it.

    I actually tried to climb the fence to be able to interact with him more, but my husband made me get down.

    I wish I could do to these people (and others like them) what they do do their pets.

    I just hope that he knew that someone loved him, if only for a little while.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    That story brings tears to my eyes. I am watching animal precinct right now and they have a very similar situation. There are all too many situations like this. God bless you for showing the poor boy some love.

    I can't even type anymore becuase the tears are flowing now Thank you for taking care of him.
    Shiloh, Reece, Lolly, Skylar
    and fosters Snickers, Missy, Magic, Merlin, Maya

  12. #12
    P.J. Just before I read your message I had noticed that my dog Buddy Boy had gone to bed already. I thought that maybe he was feeling down so I went to love him up and talk to him & I told Buddy that I couldn't understand why somebody would have ditched him when he was only 5 mo. old. And than I read your story. You did a good thing to give that doggy a friend even if only for a short while.
    And yes Aly, I feel kinda sad too - why are their so many cold people?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    San Diego, California USA
    PJsMom, that is probably the best Thanksgiving story I have heard. You did give some love even if for a little while to that poor dog. I will never understand the thinking of people when it comes to animals. They are living breathing animals and to treat them as objects to set aside is more than I can understand. Good for you.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Arlington, TX
    Thank you all for understanding. My husband often tells me I seem to care about animals more than people, and he almost makes it seem like a bad thing.

    I wish I could've done more for him. It wasn't enough, but the way he wagged his little stub showed me that what I managed to do was appreciated.

    [ November 24, 2001: Message edited by: PJ's Mom ]

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