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Thread: ugh Terrible!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    British Columbia,Canada

    ugh Terrible!!

    Woman Accused Of Scalping Teen Surrenders

    POSTED: 12:48 pm EST February 9, 2005
    UPDATED: 3:59 pm EST February 9, 2005

    BOISE, Idaho -- A woman suspected of scalping a teenage girl surrendered herself to authorities Wednesday.

    Marianne Dahle turned herself in to deputies at the Ada County Jail. She was arrested on suspicion of felony aggravated battery for allegedly tying up the 16-year-old acquaintance and cutting away a 6-inch by 8-inch section of her scalp.

    Dahle will likely be formally arraigned on Thursday, Boise County Chief Deputy Bill Braddock said.

    "She said she was staying in a trailer court in the Caldwell area, and she walked to the jail alone. I have not had a chance to interview her yet, but I am certainly interested in hearing from people who are familiar with Marianne and familiar with her habits and patterns with juveniles," Braddock said.

    The victim - who has only released her first name, Sheila, to news outlets - said she spent two weeks in the hospital while doctors grafted skin from her thigh to cover the circular patch of missing skin on her crown. She said she still has one surgery left, and is wearing hats to hide the healing patch of skin.

    Police would not release many details for fear it would harm the prosecution's case.

    But Braddock said the incident happened on Jan. 18 at Kirkham Hot Springs, a remote campsite about 70 miles northeast of Boise. Dahle, the victim and another 16-year-old female witness were all members of the same "punk" clique, Braddock said. No drugs or alcohol were involved in the attack, he said.

    Sheila told Boise television station KTVB that when Dahle tied her up, she simply thought the woman was going to cut her hair, which she wore in a mohawk.

    "Why would they do something like this to me? I thought they were my friends," Sheila said.

    Braddock said the alleged attack was punishment for behavior that Dahle allegedly perceived as offensive to women.

    "In their punk group, wearing a mohawk is a sign of being a punker, and according to their creed if you disrespect women you are not allowed to wear a mohawk," Braddock said.

    The group is not a gang, Braddock said, though they had at least some established rules of behavior.

    "It was an act of revenge. I view this as a case where an adult female is using predatory control - both psychological and sexual - toward juvenile victims. There are definitely sexual overtones to this crime," Braddock said Tuesday.

    Police were alerted after Dahle dropped the teen off at St. Luke's Regional Medical Center in Boise. Sheila said her face and body were covered with blood when Dahle left her at the hospital.

    Authorities recovered the scalp, which had been left behind at the hot springs, but doctors were unable to reattach it.

    The Kirkham Hot Springs, about 70 miles northeast of Boise, are popular with campers and hikers, but visitors during midweek in the winter can count on near total seclusion, Braddock said.

    Previous Story:
    February 9, 2005: Police: Woman Scalps Girl For Offensive Behavior
    Copyright 2005 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Batavia, IL
    uggh jesus christ! yuck!
    Kari (me), Kiera (B&T Coonhound), Jesse (cocker), Jada (Ball Python), Derek (Betta)

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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    If You Don't Talk To Your Cat About Catnip, Who Will?
    Why is this world overflowing with whackos lately?
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    Author Unknown ~*~



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Re: ugh Terrible!!

    Originally posted by sammy101
    No drugs or alcohol were involved in the attack, he said.

    There are definitely sexual overtones to this crime

    Not meaning to be funny about this.

    Remember when drugs and drink were bad???

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