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Thread: 'Twas the Night before Christmas ...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA

    'Twas the Night before Christmas ...

    (With apologies to Henry Livingston Jr., who actually wrote the original, not Clement Moore. P.S. This IS fiction.)

    'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house
    All the creatures were tucked in, including the mouse
    All their stocking were hung by the chimney with care
    In hopes that Santy Paws and Santa Claws soon would be there

    I, in my fur-coated nightgown, and Paw in his slightly chewed cap
    Had just settled down for a long winter's nap
    After fighting the cats and dogs for a place in our bed
    And giving up comfort for a foot-warming crowd

    When out on the lawn there rose such a clatter
    That I threw off the dogs and rose to see what was the matter
    On the way to the window I tripped on a cat and crashed
    Picked myself up, soothed poor kitty and finally opened the sash

    The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
    Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below,
    The bird-feeder was still full, and the yard was now clear
    The snowman's carrot nose was gone, from the tracks it was deer

    So I turned with the thought of returning to bed
    But the animals had all filled my place instead
    The bird in the other room, awakened by the noise
    Had decided it was morning and was calling for his toys

    So I sang him back to sleep, he finally nodded his head
    And I tried once again to return to my bed
    One cat had decided that if I was up
    He might as well beg for food, but finally gave up

    I, now awake, glanced over toward the poor Christmas tree
    And replaced the few unbroken ornaments, no glass balls for me
    I then, with thoughts of sleep filling my head
    Headed back to my bedroom, and bed

    My spot was filled with animals, sleeping so innocently
    That I felt bad as I shoved them over to try to make a spot for me
    Well, the dog stepped on the cat's tail, she yowled, he fled
    And Pa woke when, in fleeing, the cat ran across his head

    So I, now frustrated, said "Okay, everybody OUT!
    And they all looked so hurt as they slunk down and out
    But I knew as soon as I settled down and got to sleep
    They'd all know, and back onto the bed they would creep

    I told them all the fuss and all that noise
    Had probably scared away Santa and his stack full of toys
    And if they were really good, for the rest of the night
    Then maybe he'd come back, maybe he might

    And for a moment the house was all quiet and calm
    The moonlight through the window shone off the snow on the lawn
    And the animals all curled up in their own little beds
    With dreams of new toys and treats dancing in their heads

    Made me smile for a moment, as I crawled back to sleep
    Still the house was peaceful, from the critters - not a peep
    And everything, suddenly reminded me what a blessing they were
    And a pillow isn't a pillow without at least a little extra fur

    As I settled in to sleep, and pulled the covers down tight
    I whispered "Merry Christmas, all you animals, and to all a good night!"

    [This message has been edited by Karen (edited December 25, 2000).]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Merry Christmas everyone!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    That was a good one, Karen. I just hope Carrie sees it.

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