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Thread: Stories?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Lakeville, Minnesota


    I know that there are a few people on here that write stories, but I don't know who all writes stories. I know this is going to sound really stupid, but I was thinking that all the people who write stories could tell what their current story is about, even if you don't think they are any good, like mine.

    The story that I am currently working on is set in Austria in 1932, with the main character named Jacqueline, or Jackie for short, and she was abandened by her mother at the age of 1, and then when she was 17 her aunt (her mothers sister) adopted her. Her aunt is a very rich women living in a mansion outside of Vienna. Jackie wants to know some things about her parents but her aunt does not want to talk about it, and when Jackie brings it up she gets very angry. So Jackie figures that there is something that she doesn't want to talk about, so she sets out to find out what it is. She becomes friends with a boy at school named Konrad, who is also rich, as her mother ONLY associates with the "upper-class". Jackie's aunt, Lori, has a gardener named Rolf, that has a strange obsession with Jackie. Jackie is also noticing that a man is following her when she goes into Vienna. She does not know who the man is. She also presuades Konrad to help her find out about her parents. Those are basically the main points, I am sure there are going to be more as this is a work in progress.

    So tell me about YOUR stories!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Lakeville, Minnesota
    I KNOW that there are people who write stories on this board.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Oh my... I have three going right now.

    #1.) This is a story called In a Time of Confusion. (click the link and it takes you to the thread about it) It is about Kersey, a teenager who was raped and is just going back to school. Her friend dies from anorexia nervosa, and she begins to abuse herself in the form of cutting. Her boyfriend Jeremy tries to help but the cutting gets worse, and she is sent to a rehab center where she meets Graham, a cutter also. Kersey begins to fall in love with Graham, and Jeremy gets jealous and threatens to kill Graham and Kersey. He ends up killing himself, and Kersey almost can't deal with what's going on. Eventually, Graham and Kersey get married and move in together, and... well... just read it.

    #2.) This one (click link again) is about a girl named Kyla who is the oldest of 5 kids and her mom is expecting 2 more. Their family can barely afford what they have now, and Kyla turns to her best friend Spencer. Read on!!

    #3.) I am writing about my life... names have been changed, though. I may post it if anyone is interested.


    now she's slowly opening
    new eyes.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Lakeville, Minnesota
    Originally posted by ILoveMyAbbyGirl
    Oh my... I have three going right now.

    #1.) This is a story called In a Time of Confusion. (click the link and it takes you to the thread about it) It is about Kersey, a teenager who was raped and is just going back to school. Her friend dies from anorexia nervosa, and she begins to abuse herself in the form of cutting. Her boyfriend Jeremy tries to help but the cutting gets worse, and she is sent to a rehab center where she meets Graham, a cutter also. Kersey begins to fall in love with Graham, and Jeremy gets jealous and threatens to kill Graham and Kersey. He ends up killing himself, and Kersey almost can't deal with what's going on. Eventually, Graham and Kersey get married and move in together, and... well... just read it.

    #2.) This one (click link again) is about a girl named Kyla who is the oldest of 5 kids and her mom is expecting 2 more. Their family can barely afford what they have now, and Kyla turns to her best friend Spencer. Read on!!

    #3.) I am writing about my life... names have been changed, though. I may post it if anyone is interested.
    I have to focus on one at a time. Yes, I did start reading your first one, but I'm sorry I couldn't finish it because it was too graphic for me, sorry! Oh yes do post your #3 story! I want to hear it! I would post mine but I am afraid that people would think its lame. See I like to write stories in the ol' days, and I want to publish it so I don't want people stealing it, if ya know what I mean.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I'm thinking about writing a story on pet talk too, but like you, I'm not sure what to write about. Eventually, an idea will click to you. Whether it comes from a dream you had, or when you were supposed to be listening in social studdies but began to daydream, I'm sure an idea will come. When you come up with an idea, make sure you write your story right away before you forget your idea.

    "Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday." - unknown author

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Lakeville, Minnesota
    Originally posted by cookieluver7
    I'm thinking about writing a story on pet talk too, but like you, I'm not sure what to write about. Eventually, an idea will click to you. Whether it comes from a dream you had, or when you were supposed to be listening in social studdies but began to daydream, I'm sure an idea will come. When you come up with an idea, make sure you write your story right away before you forget your idea.
    I usually never forget my ideas. I have an idea, and am running with it.

    Wasn't Cayter, aka Foam, writing a story? What happened to that?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Originally posted by Miranda_Rae
    I usually never forget my ideas. I have an idea, and am running with it.

    Wasn't Cayter, aka Foam, writing a story? What happened to that?
    Amber (CamCamPup33) was writing one also... maybe go look for her thread and bump it up.


    now she's slowly opening
    new eyes.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Originally posted by Miranda_Rae
    I have to focus on one at a time. Yes, I did start reading your first one, but I'm sorry I couldn't finish it because it was too graphic for me, sorry! Oh yes do post your #3 story! I want to hear it! I would post mine but I am afraid that people would think its lame. See I like to write stories in the ol' days, and I want to publish it so I don't want people stealing it, if ya know what I mean.
    Sorry you didn't like my first one!

    You should read my second one. I like it better.


    now she's slowly opening
    new eyes.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Lakeville, Minnesota
    Yep, I should! Come on people, I know there are others. Doesn't wolfsoul write stories?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Land of the Ducks...quack!
    I write stories...lots actually. I have an idea right now about this girl who can pick up psychic impressions off of people. Like if someone was raped, she could *see* the event by touching the person. Kind of turning out to be creepy though. I also am writing this wierd Vampire the Masqurade/Underworld crossover type thing...only its WAY too errrr adult to put on here! Im also writing a post apocolyptic story thats like The Matrix with a Catholic twist. THAT one is the wierdest of them all. I write a lot of poems too, and to me each one tells a story. Here's an example:

    I’ll stare at the black lotus knowing my time
    Has come to a point in which I have no control
    My soul cries for something I can never explain
    Yearning for comfort I’ll take to the grave
    Moonlight betraying what I am inside
    I can’t explain why I am
    I pray to the darkness for some sign of light
    Fighting the memories I keep locked away
    I can’t seem to escape past stains on my heart
    Tears always flowing for the love I might have lost

    A thousand deaths and I still remember
    Maybe I’m only dreaming, cloistered
    In childlike innocence and naivety I wither away
    Wanting something I never thought I had
    I remember
    I remember
    Maybe I don’t want to anymore.

    I’ll stare at fate and distant premonitions
    Have come to pass in predictable pattern
    My soul lingers behind for some unknown reason
    And I find myself burdened by unknown regrets
    I know love like no one has known love before
    And I’m bound to it always
    I pray to the light for an end to my darkness
    Living in a love I could never forsake
    Once upon a time I thought I’ve forgotten in
    Tears always flowing for the love I might loose

    A thousand deaths and I still remember
    Maybe I’m only dreaming, cloistered
    In childlike innocence and naivety I wither away
    Wanting something I never thought I had
    I remember
    I remember
    Maybe I don’t want to anymore.

    You can see some of my older work at I warn you its kind of creepy, and I think it stinks but if you like it or have comments or whatever, let me know!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Cactus country.. tucson, AZ!
    I have lots of short stories, hundreds of pages of poems and i'm currently working on a fantasy novel
    "He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals."
    -- Immanuel Kant

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Kelowna, BC
    Originally posted by Miranda_Rae
    Doesn't wolfsoul write stories?
    Yup, I have a couple of them on PT, but neither are finished.

    Here is the one I've been trying to work on.
    I've been BOO'd!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Miami, Florida
    I do...

    I loveeee to write, it's a passion, like photography.

    Anyway, I have alot, but most of them, i got unintrested in and stopped writing. They were going no where. But this story i feel, more.. I dont know, connected with, i guess. It's easier for me to write it, and i have more ideas popping into my head about whats happening next.

    Here it is; Click me! It's about a girl named kaci who just moves to Canada from miami, who's adjusting to many changes around her. She just moves into a new house, when unexpected changes start happening to her. First it's two cute boy's in school, and now theirs something happening with her mother. Kaci has to jump a bunch of big obstacles before she makes the wrong choice.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Davenport, Iowa
    I do not write stories but I do write poems, mostly about love. Here are a couple...

    Courage to Leave
    You always make me cry
    Your harsh words and every single lie
    I don't know what I did, I just can't see
    Will you please explain it to me
    All of the tears rolling out of my eyes
    Hearing all of your painful lies
    There is nothing that I can do
    I cannot leave, I'm so in love with you
    So I take all this pain you cause me
    And I get down on one knee
    I ask the Lord to make you change
    The way that you treat me is so strange
    He tells me to leave you and be strong
    I tell him I can't, it's been so long
    He says that I can do better than you
    Walking out is all I have to do
    I thank him and say Amen
    And vow never to go back to you again

    Impossible Love
    It hurts me that we can't be together
    It makes me cry
    I bang my head upon the wall and yell out why
    I thought we were so right for eachother
    Where did we go wrong
    When we've been together for so long
    Things were going well
    Then everything fell apart
    Now that you aren't with me, I only have half a heart
    I hope you miss me
    And think of me every day and night
    I keep praying someday our love for eachother will be right

    I have more but I don't really feel like typing any more

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