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Thread: Take The H1N1 Flu Seriously

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    indianapolis,indiana usa

    Take The H1N1 Flu Seriously

    I was flooded by this story on tonight's News locally. I had thought,
    oh yeah, another "brand" of seasonal flu, but I feel a little differently
    after see this guy's story. I'm thinking I will be getting this vaccine shot.
    I've Been Boo'd

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    Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  2. #2
    You do notice the fact that:

    1. Seasonal Flu has been proven to be much more severe than H1N1;
    2. Many, many more people have, can, and will die from seasonal flu than H1N1;
    3. The only reason why this one person is getting attention is because the media freaked the entire world out over H1N1;
    4. The vaccination, which would normally take 2+ years to push out but was pushed out in 2 months, has been proven to cause multiple problems and is ineffective unless you get multiple vaccinations;
    5. And the entire H1N1 story is a massive media production centered around plying upon people's fears of new things, especially things that can harm them, all with the prospect of money in mind.

    No, I am not being cold hearted, and I am sorry for anyone's family members who have died because of H1N1, but the entire thing was publicized by the media and pushed by the media into worldwide panic.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    indianapolis,indiana usa
    Quote Originally Posted by Reggie View Post
    [*]The only reason why this one person is getting attention is because the media freaked the entire world out over H1N1

    No, the reason this guy is getting our attention is that he lives here in Indy.

    Opinions are like elbows, everbody has them.
    I've Been Boo'd

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    Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.

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  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Reggie View Post
    You do notice the fact that:

    1. Seasonal Flu has been proven to be much more severe than H1N1;
    2. Many, many more people have, can, and will die from seasonal flu than H1N1;
    3. The only reason why this one person is getting attention is because the media freaked the entire world out over H1N1;
    4. The vaccination, which would normally take 2+ years to push out but was pushed out in 2 months, has been proven to cause multiple problems and is ineffective unless you get multiple vaccinations;
    5. And the entire H1N1 story is a massive media production centered around plying upon people's fears of new things, especially things that can harm them, all with the prospect of money in mind.

    No, I am not being cold hearted, and I am sorry for anyone's family members who have died because of H1N1, but the entire thing was publicized by the media and pushed by the media into worldwide panic.

    You say facts. I am interested where a couple of your facts could be found?

    Where could I find the proof you speak of about the vaccination causing multiple problems and being ineffective unless you get multiple vaccinations? What are the multiple problems being caused?

    What is the basis of your fact that it normally takes two years to create a flu vaccination? That would mean that every year the flu vaccine is created for the previous year's strain of flu?

    Also, how does the "massive media production" contain the prospect of money for the massive media? Do the pharm companies own the media?

    And if the media doesn't publicize things - who does? Isn't the function of the media to publish?

    You want to state you opinion do so. Just don't call it a fact - unless it is.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I do take the H1N1 flu seriously. And now I take ANY flu seriously.
    I've never known anyone to die due to the flu. But now that I have lost a friend to the H1N1 I am very aware.
    I agree that the media has blown the H1N1 strain up. But maybe it will make people aware that any flu can be deadly. I know I am much more careful in situations where germs can be spread. I'm not a germophobe (well, almost), but I am more aware.
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  6. #6
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    I recently attended a meeting at which one of the leading flu doctors in the world spoke. He spoke at length about all of the hard work that has gone into the swine flu pandemic since it first reared it's ugly head last spring and answered questions from the audience, all of which work in the medical profession. All of the above statements were discussed at some point and according to him, nearly everything Hellow/Reggie just said is FALSE!

    1. H1N1 has nearly all of the same symptoms, but with the addition of more gastrointestinal upsets.
    2. This one is true....but H1N1 is quickly catching up. In fact H1N1 infections have continued to spread even during the summer months, which is almost unheard of among flu
    3. According to Dr Robert Webster, the media has not overblown anything about the severity of the H1N1 virus. In fact there are so many cases in Memphis right now that a major hospital has a special tent outside of the main building just to handle possible flu cases. There are that many! There have been at least 2 deaths recently from the H1N1. There is a huge chunk of data showing that the percentage of actual cases vs. symptoms is much higher than your typical flu.
    4. Currently, studies show that only ONE vaccination is necessary. This vaccination has been in development since early in the year, when it was realized that H1N1 was indeed going to be a problem.
    5. See #3. According to the Doc, H1N1 is not something to be taken lightly. It is far more contagious and has more severe symptoms than the seasonal flu. However you can still protect yourself by practicing the usual safety precautions like washing your hands. Some people will unfortunately die, but that is to be expected with any flu.

    Right now 2 people in my immediate work area have the flu. One is a confirmed H1N1 case, the other I have not heard back on. But seeing as these 2 people pass each other in the hallway several times a day, it's quite possible the other has it too. Being a laboratory setting, we all wear masks and gloves in our work areas anyway, but there are common areas where people gather to put on or take off our PPE.

  7. #7
    I take the H1N1 flu very seriously... however we will not be getting the vaccine at least for Hannah anyway.

    perhaps we will get it at our own risk but there is just NOT enough known about the vaccine. it was pushed through SO fast they don't and CAN'T know the true effects of the vaccine.

    AND hannah CANNOT have the regular flu shot due to an egg allergy and I'nm not willing to risk this particular shot either. ANY flu symptoms will be taken seriously VERY early and she will go the doctor immediately. but I just cannot blindly get her the vaccine without it being seriously and properly tested. many doctors don't even know the allergy complications and I have asked around.

    I have a friend who has a grandson that has the swine flu right now and I am praying for her and that child and his family every single day. but the vaccine is just not something at this point I am willing to risk. there hasn't been enough testing and they dont' know much about allergic reactions to it.

    R.I.P my dear Sweet Teddy. You will be missed forever. We love you.

  8. #8
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    "nearly everything Hellow/Reggie just said is FALSE!"

    Wow! Color me surprised..NOT
    I had the stomach flu a couple of years back. Got it while visiting my mothers rest home. There was a sign on the door indicating that it was going around. I thought I took precautions. Washing hands, clothes. Vitamins etc. I got so sick a couple of weeks later between Xmas and New Years! I've NEVER been so ill. I was so weak that I had to CRAWL to the kitchen to get something to eat and call my brother to come help me! I honestly thought I was at deaths door and I hava a HIGH pain tolerance.
    I would never want to be at that place again so I'm getting the shots asap. Waiting on my doctor.
    Regarding the media hype. I'd rather have this "hyped" than hear ANOTHER word about Kate/Jon or Letterman! At least this is a real concern.

  9. #9
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    From the CDC website - 2 doses may be necessary for kids of a certain age.

    Will two doses of vaccine be required?

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of one dose of 2009 H1N1 flu vaccine for persons 10 years of age and older. This is slightly different from CDC’s recommendations for seasonal influenza vaccination which states that children younger than 9 who are being vaccinated against influenza for the first time need to receive two doses. Infants younger than 6 months of age are too young to get the 2009 H1N1 and seasonal flu vaccines.
    What will be the recommended interval between the first and second dose for children 9 years of age and under?

    CDC recommends that the two doses of 2009 H1N1 vaccine be separated by 4 weeks. However, if the second dose is separated from the first dose by at least 21 days, the second dose can be considered valid.

  10. #10
    yes I also heard that YOUNG children may need multiple doses.

    and the REGULAR FLU vaccine does not protect you from ALL flus or sickness's. so even if you get the flu does not nessecarily mean the flu shot didn't work. it means you got a strain that they didn't predict and design the seasons shot to protect against

    again... Hannah won't be getting either because the regular one she can't have and theyd ont' know enough about the H1N1 and it is possible she CAN'T have that one and they have no idea.

    R.I.P my dear Sweet Teddy. You will be missed forever. We love you.

  11. #11
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    I haven't had the regular flu since getting the flu shot umpty ump years ago (knocks on wood). You bet your bippy that I'm getting every flu shot available. i take care of relatives in their 90's and can't afford to get sick. They're getting the shots too.

    I've been Boooo'd!

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    I agree that the media has blown the H1N1 strain up. But maybe it will make people aware that any flu can be deadly. I know I am much more careful in situations where germs can be spread. I'm not a germophobe (well, almost), but I am more aware.
    Well said!!

    Unfortunately, my insurance does NOT cover the flu vaccine. I paid out of pocket last year. Not sure if I can afford it this year. The problem is, I work with the public (retail) and customers and their snotty nosed brats are ALWAYS sneezing and coughing in my face. UGH!!! Why can't they just stay the hell home when their sick??

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  13. #13
    My son just had his 2 year checkup and my pediatrician advised against getting the vaccine. I did do a lot of research on it online, through the doctors office magazines, through my own doctor and by reading as much as I could about it through papers and my own magazines. Everyone needs to remember that this is NOT the first time we've had trouble with the swine flu. This is not a "new" flu. Do a little more research. It is getting more attention because it is not as common as your regular run of the mill flu, and it tends to cause much more severe respiratory problems. Back in the 70's (I think that's when they vaccinated people for it) they vaccinated people against this same strain, and guess what happened? Everyone thought it was going to be much more worse than it was, so people freaked out, got vaccinated, and 1 out of every so many people were paralyzed. Look it up. I'm sure you can find something about this online. My boss was vaccinated against it years ago, so you older folks may still have some immunity against it if you recieved the vaccine too.

    People die of the regular flu each and every day. People will die of this flu as well. It's just the way things are. Half of my family in California had the H1N1 (which is a shame as they were all sick during the time my sister got married) and they are all perfectly fine. They did have more congestion, but they recovered quickly and are all doing OK now.

    My pediatrician advised me to "keep an eye" on it, and if it seems as if it's getting out of hand than maybe then get vaccinated. Until then, don't do it. It hasn't caused enough havok just yet. Plus, next week the virus could morph and there could be even more strains, in which case the shot they have now will be no good. I have gone my whole life with only getting one flu shot, and hey, that year I wound up with the flu. Go figure!

    Check this out...

    So yes, 1976... this is not the first time this has happened!!!
    Fuzzies for Furries
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  14. #14

    Doctors have been put on alert for Guillain-Barr Syndrome (GBS) i. e. a paralysis of the breathing muscles, a deadly disease with a link to swine flu vaccines. The syndrome affects around 1,500 people in Britain every year, attacking the nervous system and resulting in temporary paralysis.

    With swine-flu vaccinations scheduled to start in the next few weeks, the Health Protection Agency has warned neurologists to look out for an increase in GBS, in which paralysis of the breathing muscles can cause death by suffocation.

    A mass immunisation programme in the U. S. that saw swine flu vaccinations blamed for more deaths than swine flu itself, led to a link being made between the vaccination and the cause of death.

    Over 40-million Americans were vaccinated after swine flu broke out at an army base in 1976. The programme had to be abandoned after hundreds of cases of GBS were diagnosed and 25-people died from it.

    Elizabeth Miller, HPA Head Of Immunisation, in a letter to the Association of British Neurologists said: 'GBS has been identified as a condition needing enhanced surveillance when the swine flu vaccines are rolled out.'

    With 13-million Britons due for the jab from October onwards, the warning adds to concerns about its safety, especially for those suffering from asthma, diabetes, heart disease, renal disease, or who have a compromised immune system.

    It is held that normal seasonal flu vaccine should be given at the same time.
    Fuzzies for Furries
    Northwest Opossum Society
    Zoology Major
    2 Virginia Opossums, 6 cats, 4 bearded dragons, 1 iguana, 1 red foot tortoise, 1 tripod chihuahua, 5 mice, dubia and hissing cockroaches as well as other misc animals that wander in and out of my home.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    I had the swine flu. I was 38 weeks pregnant. And honestly, I've had COLDS that were more severe. H1N1 rarely causes issues. The seasonal flu can kill up to 500,000 people a year (in ONE season!). H1N1 has been around for how many months??? Hasn't killed very many people in my opinion (think about other diseases that kill many more in a lesser amount of time). It's like any other contagious illness -- but because it's new, and there's not much left in the world to talk about these days, the media grabs hold and starts world-wide panic.
    Almost any illness can kill us -- everyone should just take preventative measures, think optomistically, and maybe this H1N1 will subside, like the other H1N1 flus did years ago.
    Not to make it sound like it's not serious, but I think people need to take a look at the bigger picture. Everything is going to kill us. The media will move on to something else. When cancer entered the picture, they stopped talking about HIV/AIDS. Now it's H1n1.

    Swine flu has been going around this area quite a bit. The daycares here have installed hand sanatizing machines and are encouraging parents to send their kids to school with sanatizer. Now the fire departments have to go around to every daycare and school to teach fire safety because the amount of alcohol these little kids carry around in their backpacks is a major fire hazard. Wouldn't it be easier to teach kids how to wash their hands correctly???
    I've been BOO'd!

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