Ever since we had the breakin the dogs have really been acting different. Jake, especially.

Jake is acting much more dominant - mounting Max all the time. I'm afraid he's going to get himself bitten. Normally a lazy dog, he's suddenly much more energetic - in fact I'm going to have to take him for a long run in the woods pretty soon to burn off excess energy. Today he was sleeping at my feet - and he NEVER does that. He is asking for a lot more attention than he normally does.

Max is cranky. He's growling at Jake and at the kitten, which he normally doesn't do. He's very sulky and when I woke up at 5:00 am yesterday, he wasn't beside my bed (where he always sleeps). I don't know but I think he was downstairs by the door. The breakin occurred at 5:20 a few nights ago - maybe he was waiting for something else to happen? He's not at my feet constantly lately.

Oh my gosh - just now Jake came and laid at my feet again. He's laying there now, and max is laying about 6 feet away. That's a complete turnaround. Normally, Max is velcro dog and Jake has no interest in hanging around me.

What's going on???