Thread: Politics and religion.

  1. #3601
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Illinois, USA
    I have a pin on Pinterest from 1940: "Advantages of the Profession of Nursing" ... nursing "especially prepares a young woman for homemaking and motherhood". I smile every time I think of it! That's such a dated way of thinking! But the same article goes on to describe nursing as a "rich and varied career", which it definitely is.

    I heard on the news that parts of New Jersey are going to be voting via fax and e-mail on Tuesday because the polling places lack power, or they are not accessible due to storm damage, or possibly other reasons. The state board of elections is working out what to do. I wonder if this will lead to more use of these kinds of voting in future elections. I'd love to be able to vote on line in future elections. I hope it works well!
    Praying for peace in the Middle East, Ukraine, and around the world.

    I've been Boo'd ... right off the stage!

    Aaahh, I have been defrosted! Thank you, Bonny and Asiel!
    Brrrr, I've been Frosted! Thank you, Asiel and Pomtzu!

    "That's the power of kittens (and puppies too, of course): They can reduce us to quivering masses of Jell-O in about two seconds flat and make us like it. Good thing they don't have opposable thumbs or they'd surely have taken over the world by now." -- Paul Lukas

    "We consume our tomorrows fretting about our yesterdays." -- Persius, first century Roman poet

    Cassie's Catster page:

  2. #3602
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Kansas, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Edwina's Secretary View Post
    I was there too. Do you know the marginal tax rate for the highest earners was over 90% compared to 35% today. Capital gains tax was 25% compared to 15% today.

    You mention minorities but what about women? It was legal - and very common to pay women less than men for the same job. And of course, women were not hired in many jobs. The only job Sandra Day O'Connor could get as a top graduate from Stanford Law School was as a legal secretary. Teachers had to leave the classroom when their pregnancy began to show and flight attendants had to be young, skinny and single - or they lost their job. Even when I was out of college - the newspapers advertised "help wanted - male" and "help wanted - female."

    Polio was just beginning to be eliminated. I was six when the vaccine first came out. Just think of the medical advances since then!

    It is easy to remember the good times when you look back - but there are many, many things that are better today!
    I remember that Polio vaccine too. We had to take it in a sugar cube and it made me burp that flavor all day. My first experiance with heart burn. I also remember Ruby. An Afraican American girl who went to our grade school. I also remember the brace on her leg. She was about twice as tall as everyone else because she had missed a couple of years because she had had Polio.

    Most of the kids wouldn't even talk to her or made fun of her. That was when I decided it was just plane stupid not to like someone because of their skin color or looks. I would sit with her and talk every chance I got.

    I only felt discriminated against because of my sex one time. That was when mom made me start wearing a bra and my brother didn't have too. She had not had THAT talk with me yet and I thought it awfully unfair. She told me I needed one because the 'neighbors' were starting to talk. I told her they should mind their own business. I was 10 at the time.

    I also remember having to duck and cover under our desks in case an atomic bomb was being dropped on us. I always wondered why they thought those flimsy wooden desks would protect us.

    I also remember how us kids could walk every where in town and not have to be afraid someone was going to kidnap us or hurt us. All the adults I knew looked out for everyone's kids and had would be sure and tell our parents if we did anything we shouldn't. It was that way for me even through high school.

    There were few drugs in high school. There were a few kids that smoked but no pot or stuff like that. School was a safer place for kids. If a kid bullied another one, both the teachers and the parents took care of the problem.

    I was discriminated against so many other ways, I guess it didn't bother me if I was because of my sex. I was always too short, or too this or too that. (I did not play well with others even as an adult) I did think it was unfair that I had to pay more taxes because I was single. I did agree that women should be paid the same as men but for me that was just the way it was. I was not one to burn my bra and join picket lines. I never had the desire to do a "man's" job like work on highways and things.

    I guess every time has both good and bad. I also know I'd rather dwell on the good than the bad.
    No matter what anyone does, someone some where will be offended some how!!!!
    Grandma (RB), Chester, Angel, Chip

    Leonardo (RB), Luke (RB), Winnie, Chuck,



  3. #3603
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    This thread is about POLITICAL BOOBS.........


    Political Jesus.

    Please end this political season soon, November 6th sounds about right.
    Let the winners win with grace, the losers lose with face and let Bill Clinton disappear from the TV set.
    Please let the protect the people tht suffered from Hurricane Sandy and don't let them fall for the political
    promises and photo-ops. Protect them from any more weather and the winter season.

    Let whoever wins keep his promises to the people (fat chance, Jesus - but I want to believe) and please get Dianne Feinstein out of office. Keep taxes down, jobless rates low and please bring back the belief in the people we elect - I know, I am asking for way too much, but at least I am trying...........

    And finally?

    Please make the U.S. the arse kicking country that we were once upon a time.

    The secret of life is nothing at all
    -faith hill

    Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all -
    Together we stand
    Divided we fall.

    I laugh, therefore? I am.

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  4. #3604
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    Kansas, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by cassiesmom View Post
    I heard on the news that parts of New Jersey are going to be voting via fax and e-mail on Tuesday because the polling places lack power, or they are not accessible due to storm damage, or possibly other reasons. The state board of elections is working out what to do. I wonder if this will lead to more use of these kinds of voting in future elections. I'd love to be able to vote on line in future elections. I hope it works well!
    Oh, my, can you just imagine the law suits that voitng on line would cause? People have their undies in a twist just because some states have a voter ID law wanting you to prove you are who you are and have a right to vote. Plus the main complaint against the photo id is it would cause hardship on lower income people. Not everyone has Internet access either. Besides hackers would have a field day with on line voting.

    I showed my drivers license when I voted last week. It didn't hurt at all!!!
    (By the way, people can get a photo ID card for around $6. Most people can scrape that up by skipping a few sodas or chips or a beer or two or their smokes for a month)
    No matter what anyone does, someone some where will be offended some how!!!!
    Grandma (RB), Chester, Angel, Chip

    Leonardo (RB), Luke (RB), Winnie, Chuck,



  5. I voted last week. Like most people I know here in CA - I voted by mail. Did not have to show an ID. Like all states I did have to show ID when I registered.

    Now...if you think of the HUGE (not) problem of voter is in mail-in or absentee voting. Who knows who is REALLY voting when soldiers overseas send in their ballot? It could be anyone!

    Who knows when my elder mother sends in her ballot...was it really she who completed it? Who knows if I completed my could have been my neighbor, my husband or an illegal alien.

    The problems some people (including me) have with voter id are:

    - There is not a problem with voter fraud so why fix something that isn't broken? The statistics show such a low to non-existent incident rate!

    - It does nothing for the voting that offers the best opportunity for fraud - mail-in/absentee ballots

    - It is a blatant attempt to surpress voting (see Pennsylvania politician who crowed on tape that now they had passed strict voter id they could deliver the state for Romney)

    - It is like using an elephant gun to shoot a gnat. Of all the problems these politicians could be taking care this non-problem really all that urgent?

  6. #3606
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    Kansas, USA
    Well, to me making sure the people who elect the ones who will control our country are who they say they are makes more sense than not having a photo id. We need them to cash checks, open bank accounts, get beer and such. I'd think knowing for sure who was picking the ones who run our country is just as important. But maybe that's just me.
    No matter what anyone does, someone some where will be offended some how!!!!
    Grandma (RB), Chester, Angel, Chip

    Leonardo (RB), Luke (RB), Winnie, Chuck,



  7. #3607
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    I hope we win in the war on women.

    but I still don't understand why men "do not understand what women go thru as far as health/reproductive issues go",
    but we vote men in because "they understand what women go thru as far as health and reproductive issues go".

    I think we are going to have to settle for a tie.....No matter what happens, we are going to have to live with women.

    What's next, the war on girls?
    The secret of life is nothing at all
    -faith hill

    Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all -
    Together we stand
    Divided we fall.

    I laugh, therefore? I am.

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  8. #3608
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    Quote Originally Posted by momoffuzzyfaces View Post
    Well, to me making sure the people who elect the ones who will control our country are who they say they are makes more sense than not having a photo id. We need them to cash checks, open bank accounts, get beer and such. I'd think knowing for sure who was picking the ones who run our country is just as important. But maybe that's just me.
    That line of thinking was called 'voter suppression' because not all people have a gov't. issued ID.


    I have to laugh because people have lived for years without an ID and all of a sudden they are crying foul because you have to show one to vote?

    The secret of life is nothing at all
    -faith hill

    Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all -
    Together we stand
    Divided we fall.

    I laugh, therefore? I am.

    No humans were hurt during the posting of this message.

  9. Quote Originally Posted by momoffuzzyfaces View Post
    Well, to me making sure the people who elect the ones who will control our country are who they say they are makes more sense than not having a photo id. We need them to cash checks, open bank accounts, get beer and such. I'd think knowing for sure who was picking the ones who run our country is just as important. But maybe that's just me.
    In this country there has long been resistance to a national id. This resistance has been strongest among conservatives who see it as a step closer to a police state. But now - when there is a chance that requiring it to vote might knock out people they don't want to vote....they are whistling a different tune.

    Voting is a constitutional right - unlike cashing a check or buying beer. This country has never required people to show a government issued id to vote.

    When I vote absentee I must sign the envelope. This signature is matched against the signature on my voter's registration. The same is done at polling places.

    It was good enough 50 years ago....should be good enough today.

  10. #3610
    Quote Originally Posted by RICHARD View Post
    That line of thinking was called 'voter suppression' because not all people have a gov't. issued ID.


    I have to laugh because people have lived for years without an ID and all of a sudden they are crying foul because you have to show one to vote?

    I love the arguments about voter ID. They drive me insane for one reason: It is eminently possible to go through life in the US with not "acceptable" form of ID, and without a birth certificate.

    Want to have fun? Retire without a birth certificate. The gentleman I'm thinking of had multiple forms of ID, military, state, etc.......but went through hell trying to retire because Social Security didn't have his birth cert.

    Maybe the birthers could have helped him find it?

    (BTW, the person was a foundling in upstate NY, hence no Birth Cert. and a SS number issued when he joined the military)
    The one eyed man in the kingdom of the blind wasn't king, he was stoned for seeing light.

  11. Quote Originally Posted by Lady's Human View Post
    Want to have fun? Retire without a birth certificate. The gentleman I'm thinking of had multiple forms of ID, military, state, etc.......but went through hell trying to retire because Social Security didn't have his birth cert.

    Maybe the birthers could have helped him find it?
    Sounds like a job for Donald Trump!

  12. #3612
    Join Date
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    Kansas, USA
    Well, they could switch to fingerprints. When people register, they just give a fingerpint and when they go vote they could match finger prints. They could even put a place on mail in ballots for the person's fingerpint. No finger print, toss the ballot. In the sad casses where the individual has no fingers they could use a toe print. That way no one has to buy anything or is supressed. Just thinking of options.
    No matter what anyone does, someone some where will be offended some how!!!!
    Grandma (RB), Chester, Angel, Chip

    Leonardo (RB), Luke (RB), Winnie, Chuck,



  13. #3613
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady's Human View Post
    I love the arguments about voter ID. They drive me insane for one reason: It is eminently possible to go through life in the US with not "acceptable" form of ID, and without a birth certificate.

    Want to have fun? Retire without a birth certificate. The gentleman I'm thinking of had multiple forms of ID, military, state, etc.......but went through hell trying to retire because Social Security didn't have his birth cert.

    Maybe the birthers could have helped him find it?

    (BTW, the person was a foundling in upstate NY, hence no Birth Cert. and a SS number issued when he joined the military)
    A friend of mine, wink wink, had to contact the SS department and was sent some paperwork with a 'typo' on it. They put the mom's maiden name in place of the last name.

    When contacted about the error, They were told that in the 'permanent' record that is the way it was recorded in the system.

    So, This person probably could register twice and vote twice.......


    Didn't bother me to pull out my DL and flash it to vote. It saved me some time and the hassle of spelling out my name and having the poll person waste time looking.......


    Bill Clinton really understands women.

    There is a joke there, but I'll pass......
    The secret of life is nothing at all
    -faith hill

    Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all -
    Together we stand
    Divided we fall.

    I laugh, therefore? I am.

    No humans were hurt during the posting of this message.

  14. Quote Originally Posted by momoffuzzyfaces View Post
    Well, they could switch to fingerprints. When people register, they just give a fingerpint and when they go vote they could match finger prints. They could even put a place on mail in ballots for the person's fingerpint. No finger print, toss the ballot. In the sad casses where the individual has no fingers they could use a toe print. That way no one has to buy anything or is supressed. Just thinking of options.
    So I put my fingerprint on the envelope- still does not mean I am the one who checked the boxes!

    But it still comes back to ......why?

    There is not a problem with voter fraud.

    Just another intrusion of the government! Apparently some people are comfortable with more government rules!

  15. #3615
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I was watching Rachel Madcow rant on about voting (not my choice of viewing, I don't have the remote...) and have to LMFAO about how STUPID people are and how STUPID this 'early voting' deal is.

    Then if you have to show an I.D. and it's a conspiracy theory.

    I have always found people who "absentee ballot" because they are too lazy to go to polls, funny.


    You, as a voter, have some responsibility to find out what you need to do to vote.

    You have four years to figure you s*** out and, last time I heard? It's the First Tuesday in November. The date changes, so If you can't figure out how to read a calendar (But can post videos on YouTube with no problems) you shouldn't vote - Matter of fact, you deserve to stand in line, go to the wrong precinct or not cast a ballot because you don't have an I.D....

    Now, if you are one of the few that was born at home and managed to avoid being part of the mainstream?

    YOU STILL HAVE HAD TIME TO FIGURE IT OUT. I know, there are the cases where there's not a clear cut solution.


    I am hoping for a huge Charlie Foxtrot in this election, then have the outcome figured out on the day before the world ends in December.

    It would serve us right.


    Chris Christy?

    I loved his fawning over the fact that he got to ride in Marine One with the prez..........He sounded like a Justin Bieber fan who was able to go back stage and meet him.

    Loved it.
    The secret of life is nothing at all
    -faith hill

    Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all -
    Together we stand
    Divided we fall.

    I laugh, therefore? I am.

    No humans were hurt during the posting of this message.

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