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Thread: Very Small Doggies :)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Gainesville, Florida, USA

    Very Small Doggies :)

    I am in the very early stages of planning to get a puppy!

    Currently, my favorite breed is Chihuahua. They are adorable, sociable (if owner takes necessary steps), and excellent lap dogs. Not to mention they are TINY, great for apartment living.

    I've also considered Miniature Pinschers, which I just don't like for whatever reason (they are really cute though!)

    Another contender (need to do some research) is Italian Greyhound.

    Any other very small breed dogs like them I should look at? I like smooth short hair coat, nothing curly. Under 15 pounds definitely, under 10 even better

    Just talk about these dogs!! Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Oldsmar, FL.
    I would recommend a chihuahua definitely. If you do take the proper time to train and socialize your puppy you will have an excellent companion. Roxie is such a good dog, and she is very smart. We are constantly teaching her new tricks and commands. You should be very consistant and use plenty of key words and they will pick it up very quickly! As far as socializing goes, take the puppy everywhere. Introduce him or her to the car early on, to new people & crowds. We took Roxie to my nephews baseball games where there were plenty of people including children and we also wanted her to hear the crowd cheering so she wouldn't be afraid of certain noises. The result is one well trained Chihuahua, or does she have us trained? Good Luck on your search, and please keep us posted!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Ft. Wayne, IN
    After meeting 3 Italian Greyhounds at the SPCA, they would be my recommendation of the list you've given. Our Jessie is a toy American Eskimo (at least that's what Dr. B and I decided after perusing the dog book) and she's hysterical. She turns circles when she wants to go out and jumps up and twirls in circles for treats. She's also a real lover. She weighs in at a whopping 16 pounds (we usually refer to dogs her size as "treats on feet" at our house with all the big dogs), but she has the heart of a lion...she is of the opinion that she can take on the 108 pound Great Dane!!!

    Good luck with your search, but I would suggest going to a shelter, SPCA, or rescue organization to get your pup...their are so many loving rescue dogs that may lose their lives if someone doesn't adopt them.

    Let us know what you decide on.

    Don't buy while shelter dogs die!!

  4. #4
    Good luck with your search, but I would suggest going to a shelter, SPCA, or rescue organization to get your pup...their are so many loving rescue dogs that may lose their lives if someone doesn't adopt them.
    Well said !!!

    My mother has a Chihuahua and my brother has a min pin and out of the two (if your living in an apartment) I would say the Chihuahua. My brothers min. pin. is very active and loves to run.. run.. run around the house and loves to spend alot of time outside. I just can't see him living in an apartment.
    ~~ My House Is Not A Home Without A Hound ~~

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    The chihuahua has my vote. I've had my little Tess for over a month now and although she's high spirited she fits into my lifestyle really well and she is soooooo cute

  6. #6
    Min. Dachshunds are my vote! They are soooo cute and very long! Daisy is just the best!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Concepcion, Chile, South America
    Jack Russells, especially females they are so cute!!!! Very active but an hour playing and a short walk wears them out, be careful though, these dogs have a thin layer of coat and makes them shiver when it's cold, and they can be a real pain in the butt for other dogs as they like to pick fights. The are highly intelligent and they are not heavy and tall neither.
    Puppies are a bundle of joy, dogs, are life's happiness.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Let's see, there is:

    Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
    Miniature Schnauzer
    Jack Russel Terrier
    Shih Tzu
    Yorkshire Terrier

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Allentown, PA (USA)
    Well I have a Yorkshire Terrier so I'm a little biased! lol The breed is 4 to 7 pounds but there are some a little bigger and some a little bit smaller. They don't have fur, they have hair so when you brush them a little comes out in the brush like your own hair but they don't shed. They have great personalities, they're very friendly and great little lap dogs. I was at Westminster this week and got to see all the wonderful dogs and talk to the breeders. The Cavelier King Charles Spaniels are adorable but you have to check going back to their grandparents to make sure they have no heart problems. That's a problem with the breed. I watched them pick the long haired Chihuahua that went into the show in the evening. Boy were they cute. I also watched the Maltese, Papillions, Yorkies, Chihuahuas, ShihTsu and some of the other small breeds. Boy I'd love to take all of them home. Well good luck in picking and let us know what you decide.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Originally posted by xoxjoaniexox
    Well I have a Yorkshire Terrier so I'm a little biased! lol The breed is 4 to 7 pounds but there are some a little bigger and some a little bit smaller. They don't have fur, they have hair so when you brush them a little comes out in the brush like your own hair but they don't shed. They have great personalities, they're very friendly and great little lap dogs. I was at Westminster this week and got to see all the wonderful dogs and talk to the breeders.
    Wow! You got to be at Westminster? What a wonderful opportunity to see so many different breeds, and talk to the people who own them!

    She said she likes short coats, whic h is why I didn't consider the Yorkie! I once met a Yorkie puppy, years ago, as I was walking around a pet supply store that also did grooming and boarding, so there were often at least a couple dogs wandering around. As I entered the aisle for fish food, I heard "yip!" pause "yip!" pause "yip!" at regular intervals. I looked down, and there was the tiniest puppy I had ever seen - smaller than my shoe. She was wandering around, just yipping at regular intervals, fairly quietly, just as if to say .. "I'm here! Don't step on me!"

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Off to the races....
    One suggestion I didn't see was a bichon frise. If they are kept groomed, their hair doesn't hav to be long or curly and the one my sister in law has is only 12 lbs. She also has 4 boys 10 and under and Gabby is good with the kids, if this or will ever be a concern. Bichons are also non-alergenic

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Just HOW DO YOU solve a problem like Maria?
    I don't have one personally but I do know people who have papillions and all I can say is that they are the sweetest little dogs. Of course both people that I know that have them both say that you can't have just one, they both have three a piece.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    New York
    Well, I'm a little biased in this, too. Since I'm getting my Italian Greyhound puppy tomorrow..

    But my vote would be for none other than the Italian Greyhound. I've done tons of research on the dogs, visited a breeder nearby, and the dogs were great!
    When I was told I could get a dog, I lowered down my choices to either a basenji or an italian greyhound. The IG attracted my attention right away, and I looked up a lot about the breed. As I kept reading, I was hooked on the dog, for various reasons; it seemed to be that the IG was my dream dog.

    When we visited the breeder nearby, it was my first meeting with IGs. And the breeder had quite a few. When we stepped into the house, they were all excited, bounding around us, sniffing at us, and whatnot. I actually had stood in front of her sofa for a moment, and I felt little taps on my back. I turned my head to see that one of her IGs had leapt up on the sofa and had been leaning against me; and of course, my face was met with a doggie kiss.

    All while we were sitting down and talking to the breeder, the dogs were on the two sofas in her parlor room. The dogs continually leapt on and off of the sofas, licking at our faces, and staying still for some petting.

    I really can't wait until I get my IG puppy tomorrow, and I would DEFINITELY reccommend an IG! They're such sweet dogs.
    "Whoever said money can't buy happiness forgot about dogs."

  14. #14

    I hope you get a Chihuahua. Buffy just turned a year old a few days ago and weighs exactly 3 lb. 2 oz. She's is the cutest and tiniest little thing and very smart and luvable. Bottom line: She stops traffic wherever she goes.

    on behalf of Lady/Tobi/Buffy
    a great site for all animal-lovers!
    Has your pet been featured yet?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Allentown, PA (USA)
    One thing I forgot to say concerning the Yorkie, Bichon, Maltese! Lots of people keep them in puppy cuts (tooooooooooooooo cute) so they don't have long hair.

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