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Thread: Some people bother me!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    United States

    Some people bother me!

    I was just out for a walk with coco cainan and my boyfriend, our normal route it to go down two blocks to a school, go around the school witch is a full block, a couple times, and head home! well we were all sitting at the stop walk (were trying to teach them to sit before crossing the street)when a lady and man out in there yard started yelling across the road to us, saying "why do you let you dogs go to the bathroom in the school yard" i yelled back that we didnt, and how about they stop yelling at us when they have no proof and to mind their own business! She was mumbling something to the man that i couldnt hear! BUT i could help but notice there was a puppy on their porch, so why were they freaking out, we were just going for a walk! (im assuming they thought our dogs were going to the bathroom on the side walk because we told them to sit) once we got across the street, we didnt have a choice but to walk right by them since there house is on our route home! They started talking to us like we were best friends, asking us questions about our dogs, we answered politely and gave them some tips on helping their dog to stop chewing on their furniture and give them a toy or a bone or something else to chew on! They seemed grateful of our help but they were completly clueless on how to raise a puppy! They asked us a million questions as to why he chews, what should he be chewing on and basic food (the fact dogs need to eat just like people) and just weird stuff i'd assumed people should know before they buy a puppy! they just didnt get it, it amazes me how much people DONT research a puppy before they buy them, im seriously affraid something is going to happen to this dog, such as get hit by a car, owners just not caring or giving it away! We dont live in the safest area so im also affraid fighting may be in this dogs future! Some people dont understand what a big responsibilty puppies are, and their is more to them other than just playing! ugh...i feel better! i just needed to vent a little!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    At least they asked questions.

  3. #3
    i have found that most people are pretty ignorant when it comes to the care of dogs, they think that you throw down a bowl of something and pet them every so often and they are fine, that dogs take care of themselves.

    when i come across people like that though i am always honest and straitforward with them. like if they ask why you let your dogs go to the bathroom in the school yard , explain that you didn;t and how did they come to this conclusion. at least they were interested in why their puppy does the things it does, thats a step in the right direction.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Perhaps they saw you had dogs and wanted to ask you questions but didn't know how to go about it and got your attention by yelling across the road. I don't know. Because it certainly was not their business. I think that if they are to get a puppy they should most definitely research beforehand or ask questions beforehand. It's not good to go into the ownership of a puppy clueless. But at least they cared enough to ask.

    [Irish Setter]

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    United States
    Im totally with you all, im glad they asked! i was happy to answer their questions! But WHAT IF we hadnt been there, i mean would they not have known to give there dogs toys to play and have fun with, or know their dogs need fed on a regular basis, not just once a week or whatever they were doing! but im glad i was there to help in some small way!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    St. Louis, Missouri
    Quote Originally Posted by Karen
    At least they asked questions.
    That was my exact thought. Offer to stop by and help out a few times a week, or schedule some play dates? They obviously want to learn. So instead of being upset that they don't know, be happy they are asking questions and willing to learn and have you to help them and be upset at the people out there who are ignorant and dumb and blatantly ignore their dogs even most basic needs, and KNOW how to take care of them, but just choose not to.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by coco-bean
    Im totally with you all, im glad they asked! i was happy to answer their questions! But WHAT IF we hadnt been there, i mean would they not have known to give there dogs toys to play and have fun with, or know their dogs need fed on a regular basis, not just once a week or whatever they were doing! but im glad i was there to help in some small way!
    Then it was a blessing you were there because they would have been clueless about their puppy and never have known what to do.

    [Irish Setter]

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    St. Louis, Missouri
    Quote Originally Posted by coco-bean
    Im totally with you all, im glad they asked! i was happy to answer their questions! But WHAT IF we hadnt been there, i mean would they not have known to give there dogs toys to play and have fun with, or know their dogs need fed on a regular basis, not just once a week or whatever they were doing! but im glad i was there to help in some small way!
    I wouldn't even worry about the "what-ifs" because it didn't happen and you WERE there


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