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Thread: Tips for Morning Sickness....

  1. #1

    Tips for Morning Sickness....

    Does anyone have any good tips for morning sickness??

    This is all i got:

    - Saltine Crackers
    -Sweet tarts

    they all seem to kind help, but the saltine crackers make me feel so full and sick again

    anyone got anymore tips???

    Mommy's Little Girl

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Currently living in Ohio!
    Taken from

    Morning Sickness Remedies
    Not all morning sickness remedies will work for you, but here is a collection of suggested remedies. You may have to try a few in order to get some relief.
    Be sure to discuss your morning sickness and potential relief with your doctor.

    Do you have a favorite remedy or have one that did absolutely nothing for you?? Why not share your thoughts with other morning sickness sufferers!

    General Remedies:

    Avoid warm places as heat can increase the nausea feelings.
    Take naps during the day (but not right after eating). Tiredness plays a big part in morning sickness.
    Get enough sleep at night.
    Get out of bed slowly in the morning.
    Try eating plain crackers or dry cereal before you get out of bed in the morning.

    Open windows or turn on exhaust fans when cooking and after meals.
    Cooking in the microwave usually produces less odors.
    Silly as it sounds, carry a handkerchief with a few drops of a non nausea causing essential oil (lemon for example) in it and breath through it if you can't get away from the smell that is bothering you.
    Food and Drink:

    Avoid greasy or spicy foods as they often cause nausea or heartburn.
    Eat what you want when you want it. Your cravings will not lead you the wrong way.
    Have frequent protein snacks. (Low fat meats and seafood, nuts, eggs and beans are high protein.)
    Eat smaller meals every two hours or so.
    Eating something salty before a meal can help you "make it through" a meal.
    Do not drink fluids with your meals.
    Non caffeinated teas like peppermint and ginger can help calm nausea.
    Drink small amounts of fluids regularly though out the day to avoid dehydration.
    Do not skip meals if you can help it.
    Avoid spicy and fried food - both eating and smelling it can increase your nausea.
    Cold food may have less nausea inducing smells associated with them.

    Try taking your prenatals later in the day.
    Talk to your doctor about:
    Vitamin B6 - 50 mg. daily. Vitamin B6 has been shown to help with pregnancy induced nausea.
    Ginger capsules: 250 mg. three times daily. Ginger has long been associated with alleviating nausea. (Remember drinking ginger ale when you felt sick when you were little?)
    Ask your doctor if you can stop taking your Prenatals temporarily to see if the nausea diminishes. You may still need to take a Folic Acid supplement to help protect your baby.
    Talk to your doctor about not taking iron supplements unless you are anemic. Iron supplements can be hard for your stomach to deal with.
    Visit my website to learn about fabulous kitchen gadgets and cookware!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    There for a few weeks I basically couldn't cook. I'd either microwave something or hubby would cook while I hid upstairs. While I am feeling better now, I do still take my prenatal vitamins at night. Ginger snaps, sprite/ginger ale, high fiber cereal bars (like fiber-one) all seemed to help me. A friend told me that the only thing that helped her were french fries and flat pop....but I never tried that myself. Also, eat something before getting out of bed, and munch all day. I found that if I eat before the nausea hits, I seem to be ok, but if I wait too long, it's too late.

    Oh I almost forgot, sweethearts, jolly ranchers, and cough drops also helped me.

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