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Thread: Mocha is hacking and gagging???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    NW Pennsylvania

    Mocha is hacking and gagging???

    Hi everyone, hope all is well in your homes. All is well here, all four golden babies,(Amos, Bailey,Stella, and Otis)and 2 cats(Sadie and Daisy) have adjusted really well to our newest arrival, Mocha!!(got him Oct.14) They are all hilarious to watch! LOL I have a question..........My Mocha,5months, toy poodle, started hacking and coughing on and off yesterday, sometimes gagging, and once actually throwing up??!! Have any of you experienced this?? And could it possibly be a "cold type cough" like us humans get?? How long before a vet trip is in order?? Thanks a million!
    Golden smiles,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    try calling your vet and get a suggestion...sometimes a little glycerin in a baster can help...but call your vet first..the deli dog
    The Deli Dog

    I want to Honor All of Our Rainbow Bridge Furkids

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wichita Falls, TX U.S.A.
    Has the pup been vaccinated against kennel cough (bordetella)? I would take him to the vet if not, just in case. That sounds like it possibly could be the early stages of kennel cough, but it could be anything. I'd take Mocha to the vet right away since it is contagious to other pups...just in case.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Columbia, MD
    I agree with DeliDog. Call your vet and explain what is happening. He/She will be able to help you.

    A few weeks after we adopted Drake, he started coughing and hacking up some nasty stuff. I freaked out. I called the vert and he told me what to look for and check on Drake (Color of gums, what he is coughing up). Turned out Drake had a little cough. He told me to give him 2 drops of regular coughing medicine for 5 days. Within the first day, Drake had already shown improvement!

  5. #5
    A tip for those who dont know, even if vaccinated for kennel cough, there are somthing like 20 different strains, when i worked at the vet we learned the shot only covers 4 or 5 of the strains so even if vaccinated, they still can get a different strain of it.
    good luck with that poodle!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    NW Pennsylvania
    Thanks for all the great advice everyone! I called the vet and he said that since he has had his initial 3 puppy shots that it probably isn't kennel cough, that he may have a cough. He said the best thing to do is wait and see. I checked his gums and took a temp, everything is okay there,I'll wait and see if he improves if not he said I can use 1/16 of a tsp of cough syrup!He's only 5lbs! Anyway, he's running around and playing and eating! I think maybe i'm being to overprotective (according to my hubby, I'm "mother henning" again LOL)Better safe than sorry.....right???
    Golden smiles,

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    I'm glad Mocha doesn't have kennel cough. One of my toy poodles caught it when we boarded him and, miraculously, he didn't give it to my other toy poodle. It was so sad to hear him hacking all the time. Hopefully little Mocha will respond to the medicine very quickly, and by the way we need more pictures!!!! It's been too long!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    Better a "mother hen", Terri, than someone who doesn't care at all. I've had my hands full with folks like that lately. I hope Mocha is going to be ok. I had to laugh at the 1/16 of a teaspoon of cough syrup! LOL!! How do you do that??? I guess you'll have to use a syringe, which is probably the best thing anyway, for making sure that cough medicine goes where it needs to go.

    Kiss and hug all of the many babies in your house, especially Mocha, since he is a bit under the weather. Hope he will be just fine.

    Ooops....I had another thought. Terri, do you remember when Zola, over at GR, had problems with Ben gagging? It turned out that he had something stuck in his throat! Maybe you should have the vet just take a look, just to make sure.....see, I'm just as much of a worrywart! LOL!

    [ December 05, 2001: Message edited by: Logan ]

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