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Thread: argh!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    West Milford, NJ


    Just had to blow off some steam! I hate doing emergency surgeries!! I just spent the past 2 hours in surgery (i should've been home 2 hours ago) assisting with a spenectomy- it was long and extremely messy. Nothing like working a 12 hour day and only getting one break that's only for 1/2 hour for lunch!! I've got a headache, my back is killing me, and my feet hurt from standing...
    sorry just had to vent
    I love my furkid Neko!

    ^TAMA^ 8/24/00 - 4/27/12 Thank you for being in my life I love you always and forever

  2. #2
    I love surgeries! I always voluntered to stay to assist. Do you work at a vet? If so do you guys scrub in before surgery? I have only worked at one vet hospital that made the assistants/techs scrub in before hand. Makes you think you know.

    We once pulled out five pounds of rubber bands out of a mastiffs stomach! next week he was in the ER again with bloat, after eating most of his dog food. He never did learn. I hear he frequents the vet hospital often, but now it's just for little things such as coins.
    Fuzzies for Furries
    Northwest Opossum Society
    Zoology Major
    2 Virginia Opossums, 6 cats, 4 bearded dragons, 1 iguana, 1 red foot tortoise, 1 tripod chihuahua, 5 mice, dubia and hissing cockroaches as well as other misc animals that wander in and out of my home.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Geez, guess I can't complain about working all day in a smoky office *coff*
    Owned by a demanding cat. Lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Connecticut, USA
    You guys are vet Tech too! I work as one on Saturdays and during the week I work at the hospital in the kennels.

    I love working as a tech. especially becasue I am new and am learning a lot of new stuff. I love to stay and watch sugeries too!

    I just hate when we have to put animals to sleep The other day we were putting a dog down that had cancer and I got stabbed by the Euthanasia needle! I thought I was dead. But the vet assured me I would be fine and I was! phew...but was I scarred!!

    Felice, Zeus, Hercules

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    EEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKK!!!!!!!! I hate needles!!!! I woulda freaked
    Owned by a demanding cat. Lol

  6. #6
    Originally posted by ownerof3dogs
    You guys are vet Tech too! I work as one on Saturdays and during the week I work at the hospital in the kennels.

    I love working as a tech. especially becasue I am new and am learning a lot of new stuff. I love to stay and watch sugeries too!

    I just hate when we have to put animals to sleep The other day we were putting a dog down that had cancer and I got stabbed by the Euthanasia needle! I thought I was dead. But the vet assured me I would be fine and I was! phew...but was I scarred!!
    Oh My, what a scare! I remember my first day on the job! It was the hardest working day of my life. There was a huge German Shepherd Dog there, a bitch, who had a bleeding disorder. She was bleeding out of her nares, anus, vagina, ears and mouth! She was on IV's. The first thing I had to do was clean up all her bloody diahrea and rinse out the run. It was so sad. Then they immediately made me fill vaccinations, which I had never done before. It took me a few days to learn "how to tap" the vaccine just right as to not allow air in. I then did about 6 loads of laundry and a ton of other things.

    Yes it is sad when you have to euthanize an animal. I can recall the saddest one, clearly as if it were yesterday. A female lab/pit mix who was owned by an elderly women. The dog was way too much for her to handle and personally I think the lady abused her. The dog didn't like anyone but me and I was the only one who could go near her run, and pet her. Well after she attacked her owner for the second time, I was called in to euthanize the dog. I talked to her gently and stroked her soft fur, and said my goodbyes to the dog who put her trust in me, and I was the one who ended her life. It was so sad.
    Fuzzies for Furries
    Northwest Opossum Society
    Zoology Major
    2 Virginia Opossums, 6 cats, 4 bearded dragons, 1 iguana, 1 red foot tortoise, 1 tripod chihuahua, 5 mice, dubia and hissing cockroaches as well as other misc animals that wander in and out of my home.

  7. #7

    Re: argh!

    Originally posted by neko1
    Nothing like working a 12 hour day and only getting one break that's only for 1/2 hour for lunch!! I've got a headache, my back is killing me, and my feet hurt from standing...
    sorry just had to vent
    You just described a typical work day for me during the Christmas season - it sucks, doesn't it? If I do the 12 hours while the store is open, I have to deal with the general public, who become most unpleasant during the holidays. If I do the 12 hours 3rd shift, I have to deal with "personal-hygiene-challenged" temporary workers and annoying rap music played at top volume all night, which does not put me in a holiday mood. (You know that saying "crack kills"?
    I think it refers to all the "butt cleavage" I am tortured by when I work 3rd shift - plumbers got nothin' on this bunch, let me tell ya!)

    Tomorrow, when you're rested, can you explain what this procedure was that you were doing?
    The legend says that Mohammed adored cats. When one of them was sleeping on his sleeve and he had to go out, Mohammed supposedly cut off the sleeve so as not to disturb his pet.

    A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast - Proverbs 12:10

    How we behave toward cats here below determines our status in heaven. - Robert A. Heinlein

    What greater gift than the love of a cat? ~ Charles Dickens

    There is, incidently, no way of talking about cats that enables one to come off as a sane person. - Dan Greenberg

    If purring could be encapsulated, it'd be the most powerful anti-depressant on the market. ~Alexis F. Hope

  8. #8
    I think she meant "splenectomy"
    Fuzzies for Furries
    Northwest Opossum Society
    Zoology Major
    2 Virginia Opossums, 6 cats, 4 bearded dragons, 1 iguana, 1 red foot tortoise, 1 tripod chihuahua, 5 mice, dubia and hissing cockroaches as well as other misc animals that wander in and out of my home.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    West Milford, NJ
    yeah sorry hard to spell correctly when your so hungry you could pass out! Things haven't been going well at work lately so any minor stressor I tend to blow up into a major one.

    I also hate euthanasia's-the hardest part is seeing the men break down and cry- it's so sad.

    Speaking of being poked with needle, the doc poked me with one a couple of days ago- I was gushing and couldn't wash up right away cause I was wrangling a nasty cat. Needless to say I got it all over me. It's amazing how one little prick can hurt for so long!
    I love my furkid Neko!

    ^TAMA^ 8/24/00 - 4/27/12 Thank you for being in my life I love you always and forever

  10. #10
    Originally posted by neko1
    I also hate euthanasia's-the hardest part is seeing the men break down and cry- it's so sad.
    Bless you, bless you, for being able to do this job. As much as I love animals, I could not work in a vet's office and endure the sadness it often entails, and I'm grateful that there are people out there that can and will do this for pets. I hope today is a better day for you! (Maybe keep a Snickers bar in your pocket? )
    The legend says that Mohammed adored cats. When one of them was sleeping on his sleeve and he had to go out, Mohammed supposedly cut off the sleeve so as not to disturb his pet.

    A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast - Proverbs 12:10

    How we behave toward cats here below determines our status in heaven. - Robert A. Heinlein

    What greater gift than the love of a cat? ~ Charles Dickens

    There is, incidently, no way of talking about cats that enables one to come off as a sane person. - Dan Greenberg

    If purring could be encapsulated, it'd be the most powerful anti-depressant on the market. ~Alexis F. Hope

  11. #11
    Did you go get a tetenus? The worse is getting a dog to hold still while you tape his mouth shut to give him charcoal, now that's a pain!!!!!!!!!! I would rather be in surgery anyday, lol. Of course where I worked we pretty much did routine procedures such as spays and neuters, tail docking etc. I guess my favorite surgery was the nail. The doc could not find it in the gut, after we had taken out what he thought was all the food, well about 30 minutes later and risk of infection he found it. The funny thing is that we could see it on the x ray which we were studying while doing the surgery, but it just took him forever. That night was the longest I had to hold the hemostats in the air!!!! My arm was killing me. So I guess I am lucky I have never had to help with a massive life threatening surgery, just the easy ones which I enjoy. After he took it out, he made me compare the size of it to the x ray, lol, he wanted to make sure he got it! It did cause a laugh though and the dog quickly recovered.

    Hope today goes better for you.
    Fuzzies for Furries
    Northwest Opossum Society
    Zoology Major
    2 Virginia Opossums, 6 cats, 4 bearded dragons, 1 iguana, 1 red foot tortoise, 1 tripod chihuahua, 5 mice, dubia and hissing cockroaches as well as other misc animals that wander in and out of my home.

  12. #12
    Or how about the time Dr. Toledo made me pick every last bit of fuzz off out surgery towels! That took all day. The new assistant washed our surgical towels in with the bedding, but of course it was ME who had to pick the fuzz off and re wash them, not her!

    God it just makes me think of all the stupid people/vets out there. I could give you so many horrifying stories of my first work place! Including some about Dr. Toledo............
    Fuzzies for Furries
    Northwest Opossum Society
    Zoology Major
    2 Virginia Opossums, 6 cats, 4 bearded dragons, 1 iguana, 1 red foot tortoise, 1 tripod chihuahua, 5 mice, dubia and hissing cockroaches as well as other misc animals that wander in and out of my home.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Connecticut, USA
    I totally agree the hardest thing to see his men break down crying. For some reason that makes me very upset

    I remember the first week I was working at the hospital a greyhound had bone cancer in it front leg, so it had to be removed. At that time I just worked in the kennel and basically cleaned everything. So I come to work and the docter goes"the surgery room need to be cleaned" so I went in there and I was horrified because (without being graphic) it was a messy surgery because of arteries and veins. So anyway I was in there scrubbing the walls (they let it dry on- so of course it was harder to get off) mopping the floors. And was just think what did I get myself into?

    But I am really glad I stuck with it becasue I love my job (even though you get bites and scratch and beat up) and you start to learn all the tricks that make thing easier. unlike your first day and your like Huh?

    Felice, Zeus, Hercules

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