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Thread: felix loves nails

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    newton, ma, usa

    felix loves nails

    Recently felix discovered that the basement is an excellent source of old, bent nails -- he has brought two of them upstairs for playing. The basic game is to chase the nail around the floor, occasionally picking it up in his mouth and carrying it around to another side of the 4 x 6 area rug, and then batting it under the rug. At which point he chirps impatiently for me to pull up the rug, retrieve the nail, and the fun starts again.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Madison, WI, USA
    My tuxedo, Bushes, does this with pens. NOT good! She manages to get the caps off and I find ink stains in the oddest places!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Yes the basement is a great source of discovery for my cats. We have two fish tanks and in the past we have used artificial plastic plants in the tanks. Currently we have African cichlids (a whole nother story!) so don't use any plants at all. Anyway, for some reason my cat, Andy, keeps rooting around in the bag with the artificial plastic plants and constantly brings them upstairs. He has to go through a "flap" door and I would love to see him in the act, coming through the door with a plastic plant in his mouth! Can't imagine what the attraction is.....nails, pens, plants.....who knows?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Sydney, NSW, Australia

    Perhaps some cats have a dominant "hardware" gene? My sisters 14 year-old Siamese loves to play with metal rulers, hammers, in fact any large heavy metal instrument seems to be fair-game. I can understand the attraction for cats to many cat toys, sring, paper, bags, boxes, but a hammer?

  5. #5
    My son and I just today were discussing cats' fascinations with long, narrow objects. What in nature, I wondered, would be long and thin and attractive to a cat for any reason? His only answer was snakes, but I don't think that's it since so many would be harmful. At the time our cat was playing with a butter knife, having the time of his life. They all steal our pens and pencils if we leave them around. I have to hide my syringes or they disappear under the couch. In fact, I had one cat who would stick his fluffy head in my purse and fish for a syringe! He would be so cute, sticking that woolly head in and pulling out treasure!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    New York, NY,USA
    Charlie always does funny things and keeps me in stitches most of the time. One of his favorite things to do is sit on the edge of the bathtub (between the shower curtain and the curtain liner) while I am taking a shower. He just sits there and swats at the drops of water as they land on the shower curtain liner.
    The other day, he got so carried away that he fell right off the edge of the tub! I laughed so hard! It was a good thing that he fell outside the tub, and not inside. I told him that next time he may not be so lucky!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Indianapolis, IN
    That is so funny that there is another cat out there that does the shower thing between the liner and curtain. It strikes me as odd that he likes it when people are taking showers, but doesn't like getting baths. The really wierd thing is that once I'm out of the shower, he jumps in and starts licking the tub!! This can't be good for him (all the soap residue and all), so I shoo him out of there, but it's so wierd. He also has a fascination with straws...another long item. My other cat likes to play fetch with tinfoil balls!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Greenville, SC
    It's curling ribbon (that you wrap packages with) at our house. Mimi and Butter really get active over that stuff. In fact, since Butter is a bit more playful than Mimi, as he is significantly younger, we went to buy him a toy. It hooks to the wall with a suction cup and has a short rod attached to it with an elastic string and a big blob of curling ribbon! We have tired out Butter everyday playing with the "dancing ribbon". We got great webcam shots of him last night, but I won't bother Paul with posting them now. Just wait until I get the digital camera. I'll have to start my own website.

  9. #9
    Another long thing - Q-tips! I accidently left the box within cat's reach, and they had a field day!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    New Jersey, USA
    My cat Chester loves to steal my plastic dixie cups from the bathroom. I started having to keep them in the medicine cabinet so he wouldn't do it everyday but sometimes I forget and I leave the cabinet open a little. The next thing you know, Chester is standing on his hind legs on top of the sink, nudging the cabinet open as far as he needs. Then, he grabs the cup in his mouth, jumps down and starts batting it around the floor. This amuses him far more than store bought toys!

    Another funny thing that Chester does is he loves those springy doorstops that are attached to the wall near the baseboards. For a while, he had a habit of "strumming" the doorstop in our bedroom until we woke up in the morning. He would strum a few times (making quite a racket!) and then look up to see if we had woken yet. If we were not sufficiently awake (enough to feed him that is), he would go back and do it some more. We finally had to unscrew it from the wall in order to get some sleep on the weekends!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    New York, NY,USA
    Well, it finally happened...the other day, Charlie was doing his in between the shower curtain and the liner thing while I showered, and he slipped and fell right into the tub! He scrambled out really quickly, though, and he only got a little wet.
    Ever since that incident, he hasn't hung out there while I shower anymore. He'll do it when the shower is not running, but as soon as the shower goes on, he's outta there!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Appleton, WI, USA
    This is really funny, but my cat does the same thing! His name is Jazz and he just loves to watch the water and bat at the drops that hit the curtain. He always slips and falls in....When his head gets wet, he meows very loudly, then sits patiently on the vanity till I'm done. When the shower goes on....he comes running!!!
    Originally posted by thelmalu99:
    Charlie always does funny things and keeps me in stitches most of the time. One of his favorite things to do is sit on the edge of the bathtub (between the shower curtain and the curtain liner) while I am taking a shower. He just sits there and swats at the drops of water as they land on the shower curtain liner.
    The other day, he got so carried away that he fell right off the edge of the tub! I laughed so hard! It was a good thing that he fell outside the tub, and not inside. I told him that next time he may not be so lucky!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Surrey, UK
    My cat 'Red' also has a fascination for water, he used to jump in the shower when I got out and pounce on and then drink the rivulets of water heading for the drain! Then he grew out of that and started licking my feet when I got out of the shower. Now he's stopped doing that too, and he climbs on the bathroom sink when I'm shaving and gets in the way!
    My theory about the attraction to pens etc. is that they roll around - as if alive?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Fresno, CA
    Solomon also seems to like water. Aside from his baths, he likes to lick the faucet so I will turn it on a bit so water flows. he looks so cute when he comes away with one cheek soaked!!! He has also started getting into the Q-tips, taking whatever he can get his jaws on and playing with it. he also likes to unroll the toilet paper!! What a nut!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Monroe, Louisiana, USA
    How strange! I know a cat that plays with Q-tips too! Here is the link to her with a Q-tip:

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