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Thread: Agressive English Bulldog.

  1. #1

    Agressive English Bulldog.

    I have a 3 year old, male, neutered English Bulldog who exhibits periodic aggression toward my wife.
    The issues usually manifests themselves when she is leaving the house with package or purse in hand and as often when she enters the front part of the house from the den/bedroom etc.
    He will be sleeping or resting on the floor/couch and when she appears he immediately becomes aggressive by growling and "running" towards her with the intent to bite
    If she is able to first notice his posture/growling she can often stop this behavior by telling him "firmly" to go to his "house"/cage. This will he do reluctantly, slowly and snarling/growling all of the way.
    (As an aside he will beg to her for treats which he readily accepts from her hand)
    He sometimes is aggressive towards me when, if I want him to do something, like exit the car, and he doesn't or isn't quite ready to do so and if I reach for him I he will bite.
    What is most interesting is that his behavior is most pronounced in the early evening much so that he even intimidates my older/larger Beagle mix wherein that dog will not come near him...otherwise they get along okay.
    We have tried squirting water, pennies in a can, moving his bed each night to a different location...all this seems to do is exacerbate the situation.
    Obviously my wife feels trapped never knowing what his next move might be.
    What to do? Shock collar??
    Comments apprecaited.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    No, no shock collar. Time for some retraining, both of the dog and of yourselves. Has he ever had obedience training? He's trying, from the sound of it, to take over being the "big dog" in the house, and from what it sounds like, he's winning!

    Moving his bed every night isn't going to help, never even heard of that. How much exercise does he get? How is he on a leash? Who feeds him, and how often? Does he know any other commands?
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Chicagoland, IL
    This definitely sounds like a disturbing issue for you and your wife. My advice would be to perhaps consult with a behaviorist or two for opinions. I had one with one my dogs years ago. It was free for an initial consult and he came to my home and observed my dog and gave his thoughts and recommendations. In my case, my dog's issue was fear of men and defensive aggression if she felt trapped.

    I do definitely think a trained expert observing your dog's body language and behavior might be the best bet in helping determine the best steps to take. You definitely don't want to have to feel afraid of your own dog, and you don't want to take actions that might actually exacerbate the issue.
    Mom to Raven and Rudy the greyhound

    Missing always: Tasha & Tommy, at the Rainbow Bridge

  4. #4

    Agressive Bulldog

    First to Karen:
    Yes he has had some obedience training...sits, waits, down, not too good on come when called, but eventually will, goes into his "house"/crate when told and whenever he wants treats. (He is not stupid just stubborn)
    We did have a behaviorist come to the house and he "agreed" that "Butch" was wanting to be the alpha of the pack. Thus he suggested to move his "house" each night to different location so as to make him realize that we had control over his surroundings. That did work to some degree.
    I walk him every morning on leash...albeit not far as we live in Florida where the heat/humidity can be difficult...and not good for Bulldogs. (Interesting is often he will growl at me when I'm affixing the leash..but does not or never has attempted to bite) He seems to enjoy the walks.
    I feed him twice a day, (a.m. & p.m.) in conjunction with my other jealousy and not food possessive.
    The prominent time for "most" his aggressive behavior is in the evening...say from about 6:00 p.m to bed. This is time he intimidates both my wife and my other much so that my other dog will not come out of kitchen unless I escort him....other than that they accept each other.
    My wife thinks he has a mental problem??

    The problem, as we see it, is that Butch may not exhibit that behavior when the behaviorist is he likes people.
    My thoughts are that as my wife exhibits fear and that Butch senses that and takes advantage. (The problem may be, in part, training her to train Butch)
    He is extremely friendly with strangers and actually runs to them for attention. No aggression towards other dogs.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Okay, try having your wife take over the feeding duties for him, and at least one of his daily walks. He needs to understand that she is above him, and good things come from her IF he behaves. Make him sit and wait before she gives him his food, too. Maybe at first you can both walk him together, but he's obviously got the idea that she's intimidate by him, and is taking advantage. And he may be stubborn, but she just has to out-stubborn him. Tell her she has to act calm near him, and be firm with him, even if she is nervous inside, do NOT let it show. Would it be possible for her to take him to a simple obedience class? They are as much about training the person as the dog, and establishing that bond and trust ...
    I've Been Frosted

  6. #6

    Agressive English Bulldog

    Thanks Karen,
    We will heed your advice and give it a go...will update in a couple of weeks.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Salisbury Plain, UK
    I agree with the advice Karen has given so far. I would also like to know how long you have had the dog, how long is the dog left alone, with your wife or you during the day. Where does the dog sleep? Does it have free access to the outside if you are not there and does it have free access to food? If you have to leave the dogs during the day are they together? When did the behaviour start and when did your other dog start to show signs of anxiety?

  8. #8
    Sir George Foreman...aka Butch was given to me when he was approximately 9 months 3 yrs. When I say given, this was a unique circumstance as he was owned by a widowed lady who had purchased him from a breeder, and for some reason "could not handle him". Rumor has it that she often hit him. That said, we attributed some of his behavior to his association of her with my wife.
    He has a crate but we most often let him sleep on the couches and yes we have a doggy door which allows him free access to the backyard. Bulldogs by trait are not overly active...and Florida is "hot", thus he spends most of his time indoors.
    No free access to food. Fed twice a day a.m./p.m. in conjunction with my other dog...again not food possessive. (My wife is now in control of his feeding)
    Dogs are left together, alone, when we are not here and they do fine together...Butch's behavior seems to manifest itself in the evening hours when he seems to be tired and/or, as mentioned before, when my wife enters the living room from the back or when she is leaving the house with purse or package in hand.
    My other dog show his anxiety when Butch exhibits this "tired" behavior, (He seems to sense it). Interesting is that in the morning or during the day when they are outside they "play/roughhouse"...without problems.
    Butch is "my" dog..likes to be near me and we are associating some of this behavior with what might be jealousy.
    Hope I have answered your questions and thanks for your interest.

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