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Thread: Rainbow Bridge

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Laverkin, UT USA

    Rainbow Bridge

    Today is indeed a sad day. My sister's furbaby had to go to the bridge yesterday. He was a 17 year old toy fox terrier, that she's had since he was a pup. Gino P. Doggins had cancer and was suffering terribly, so she made the decision that was best for him, but she is having a very rough go of it, so if all of my caring, pet-loving friends could say a little prayer for Annette to help ease her pain, I would appreciate it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    San Diego, California USA
    Hi Teena, so sorry to hear about Gino P. Doggins, our sympathies to your sister for her loss. A lot of love builds up in 17 years. We lost Kona in October and we had her for 14 years, everytime I look at her photo I cry. I can relate to how she is feeling and will say a little prayer for her and Gino.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    There are those of us out here who can really understand what Annette has been experiencing while Gino was ill and what she went through in making the decision and what her emotions will be like for some time. Gino P. Doggins is a wonderful name and 17 years is a very long life for a dog. He must certainly have been well cared for and loved. I certainly hopes he meets up with Bailey and Tizzie. I always envision how they must run and jump and play at the Bridge with their freedom from the age and illness.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    AB, Canada
    I am sorry to hear of your sister's loss. I hope she does find comfort in the Rainbow Bridge poem, and will soon remember the happy times she had with Gino P. Doggins.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    All my sympathys got out to your sister and to the beautiful Gino P. Doggins. Sometimes it seems that just as our beloved companions' suffering is finally at an end, ours if just beginning. My thoughts and prayers will be with Annette and the beautiful Gino P. Doggins. I know Gino P. is at the bridge with my Jing and Bailey and Tizzie and Kona all the others and that they are now healthy and happy and carefree, in a place free of pain or suffering. We all do know the incredible sadness your sister is feeling. Please express to her our deepest sympathy at such a devastating loss. I'm so sorry. Gino P. Doggins sounds like the most special of doggies.

    [This message has been edited by tatsxxx11 (edited January 31, 2001).]

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wichita Falls, TX U.S.A.
    This is the only negative of owning a dog. The goodbye is horrible, all of us dog lovers know how bad it hurts. I have a poem for your friend and it's written through a dogs eyes. I am so sorry for your friends loss and sorrow. If it makes her feel better, 17 is an amazing life span. I sure wish I had a canine friend spend that amount of time with me here on earth.

    You're giving me a special gift,
    So sorrowfully endowed,
    And through these last few cherished days,
    Your courage makes me proud.

    But really, love is knowing
    When your best friend is in pain,
    And understanding earthly acts
    Will only be in vain.

    So looking deep into your eyes,
    Beyond, into your soul,
    I see in you the magic, that will
    Once more make me whole.

    The strength that you possess,
    Is why I look to you today,
    To do this thing that must be done,
    For it's the only way.

    That strength is why I've followed you,
    And chose you as my friend,
    And why I've loved you all these years...
    My partner 'til the end.

    Please, understand just what this gift,
    You're giving, means to me,
    It gives me back the strength I've lost,
    And all my dignity.

    You take a stand on my behalf,
    For that is what friends do.
    And know that what you do is right,
    For I believe it too.

    So one last time, I breathe your scent,
    And through your hand I feel,
    The courage that's within you,
    To now grant me this appeal.

    Cut the leash that holds me here,
    Dear friend, and let me run,
    Once more a strong and steady dog,
    My pain and struggle done.

    And don't despair my passing,
    For I won't be far away,
    Forever here, within your heart,
    And memory I'll stay.

    I'll be there watching over you,
    Your ever faithful friend,
    And in your memories I'll run,
    ...a young dog once again.

    By Karen Clouston

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Indianapolis, IN
    AdoreMyDogs...what a wonderful poem. It's always very sad to have our pets journey on to the bridge. I'm sorry to hear of the loss of Gino. We'll all be thinking about Gino's family today. Knowing that he is with my beloved Misty and Jing and Bailey and Tizzie and Kona and all the others that have gone before us, is comforting. I was very sad when Misty had to be put down right before my wedding almost 2 years ago now. She had had 2 strokes and just couldn't manage anymore. I had her since the 2nd grade. A sad loss indeed, but as Sir Walter Scott says: "The final cause of dogs having such short in compassion to the human race; for if we suffer so much in losing a dog after an acquaintance of ten or twelve years, what would it be if they were to live double that time?"
    17 years is a long life, and I'm sure he was well cared for a loved very much. I hope everyone can find comfort in that and remember the good times spent with Gino

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    San Diego, California USA
    Adoremydogs: I read that poem and it was very comforting for me. Kona had been suffering with arthritis plus other ailments so we got some medication from our Vet and she was better for about eight months, almost acting like a puppy, playing etc.
    Then it went all downhill from there. We knew she was suffering, but we were selfish,
    we wanted her with us, we couldn't bear to part with her. Then we realized how selfish we had been and were thinking of ourselves and not what was best for her. Kona had been my best friend for 14 years and it was the most difficult thing I ever did in my life, ending her suffering and letting her go.
    I cried when I read that poem, but I feel better for reading it. Kona is now at the
    Angels Rest at Best Friends.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Annette, I am so sorry for your loss. Try to think of the good days with Gino (and that was a long time!) and take comfort in Rainbow Bridge. Gino is romping with Wolf and Avalanche and all the other loved pets. So sorry.

    ***Save a life, ADOPT***

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Laverkin, UT USA
    Just a quick note to thank all of you for your kinds words. I e-mailed them to my sister and she of course, cried like a baby, but was most appreciative to know that she's not alone.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Greenville, SC
    Teena and Annette,
    I sit here with tears in my eyes right now, knowing what you're going through. My precious Kaycee is sitting there waiting for your baby to join her. She was the loveliest Cocker Spaniel that you would ever want to meet. So gentle and happy. I cry just thinking of her and she's been gone almost two years now.
    Honey and Lilly have helped us to replace our sad memories by helping us make new, happy memories.
    Know that life goes on eventually and 17 years are a blessing for any dog owner. I'm crossing my fingers that I will have a long time with my girls.
    You are in our prayers. Every day will get a little easier, I'm sure.
    Logan, Helen, Honey and Lilly

    [This message has been edited by lhg0962 (edited January 31, 2001).]

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    My dear friends..
    I usually ignore this subject because I just can't think about it. But this is very timely
    Within the last 3 months, unfortunately, 4 k9 sweeties that I know have gone to Rainbow Bridge. All of them were very sick but their owners did everything possible to help them.
    I work directly with one of the bereaved humans. She was off yesterday to put her 5 yr old Visila to sleep due to a raging cancer. So far, today, I have taken 3 breaks with her to help console and listen.
    She is feeling very guilty. She said a few hours before taking the dog the vet, she livened up so now she hopes she did the right thing, in as not holding on another day. She is also concerned that the grief she feels is worse than what she felt for her parents, whom she loved with all her heart.
    She says she can't read Rainbow Bridge right now, it will make her feel worse, although I will send her this poem in a day or 2. Of course I feel awful for her and told her she was very unselfish I don't feel terribly qualified since I cry at just the thought of losing my dog. Any comments on the more guilty part of this? She really is in the dumps and trying very hard not to lose it at work. I know I can count on you all. Thanks.
    Love, Karen

    [This message has been edited by karen israel (edited February 01, 2001).]

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Tell you friend that she should in no way feel guilty. What her dog knew, more than anything, was that she always loved him, and cared for him. I'd bet he knew when she was sad, and would comfort her. He knew he was sick, and suffering. He knew that his suffering was difficult for her, whom he loved so very much. For himself, he would put up with pain if he had to, but he did not want make her so sad. He is free now, free of the pain and sadness, and will wait for her, joyful and running free, at the Rainbow Bridge. We know she is sad for her loss, but he will always, always be with her, in her heart, curled up in a warm corner, for whenever she thinks of him. Cry for a moment for her loss, but then smile forever at the joy he brought to her life - joy for always.

  14. #14
    It is a great saddness to lose a pet you love. A year ago this past December we had to put our girl Sam to sleep (she was only 3 years old) from lympth node cancer. She was at the end and could hardly walk and no longer eating. I also felt should I wait and see maybe she will snap out of it - I just didn't want to let her go because it hurt so bad. The nights following I was home alone as my husband was gone for his work and it was terrible. So (I hope this dosen't sound too foolish) I wrote my sweet girl a letter with my final goodbye and set her free. I felt so releived after. I finally showed the letter to my husband otherwise it is private and someday I will get rid of it when the time is right. I have heard of people writing letters to loved ones that have died so I thought why not a dog?

    I think sometimes the grief you feel for a pet seems almost harder than a human because you only have a small circle of humans that you can share your feelings with. When a person dies all your friends and relatives share your loss. We all have friends that we are very close to but when it comes to your feelings of pets they don't have a clue how you feel. Sorry I went on so long but I feel the pain of your friend and I guess this has also helped me by writing it out.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    San Diego, California USA
    Karen if you read my post above Sudilar, I too felt guilty about helping Kona cross over to the Rainbow bridge in October, but I now know it was the right thing to do, it doesn't make it any easier, but in time you realize you set your baby free and someday will be together again.

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