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Thread: Grey's Anatomy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Cleveland, Ohio

    Grey's Anatomy

    One word to sum up this 3 hours season finale from Sunday and last night:


    The finale was so gut-wrenching. It wasn't that anything extremely shocking happened (I expected Denny, I just didn't want it to happen) but everything that did happen was so emotionally exhausting, at least to me.

    Meredith/Derek- I know this is a pretty controversial couple, many people love them and just as many hate them. I happen to really like them together. I guess it's because I fell in love with them last season before Derek was married and even after Addison was revealed, I saw Meredith/Derek's potential to really make one another happy. In the end, whether you like DA or DM, it all comes down to what Derek said, about his wife not being able to make him act crazy and irrational. He's in love with Meredith, it just is what it is.

    Meredith/Finn- I think they're really sweet together. They have a nice, easy chemistry and I definitely don't mind their scenes. I particularly loved the reveal of his wife and past, and also tonight when it said, "Damn, I have tons of plans." It was a nice moment, and I won't deny that I sometimes have a cheesy smile on my face when they interact.

    Izzie/Denny- Wow, this is what just killed me. I haven't been totally behind this couple up until a few episodes back, but at some point it happened and I kind of loved them together. Do I think Izzie was being selfish by doing what she did? Definitely. But that's human nature, that's real. And Denny just slays me, absolutely breaks my heart. The minute I saw that look on his face I knew the writers were going to go through with it, and I was an absolute mess from then on. When the group finds Izzie laying with him in his bed after he's gone. Sigh. That was so, so sad. Katy's acting was very low-key and understated and it really rang true for me.

    Christina/Burke- I absolutely adore this couple, love them. They're not the, in your face couple, they don't always have the A storylines but I love them all the same, maybe even more because of it. Watching Burke go through so much was hard (Amazing acting!) and I loved that Christina finally had the realization after Denny died, and she went to him. I also adored Christina, and Sandra's acting, in her scene with the chief. It was really, really amazing. I loved his response, about not being responsible for aiding her to become less of a human. So poignant.

    The George/Meredith moment - FINALLY. George apologizes. Finally.. that's all I have to say. I've always liked George.

    The Izzie/Alex moment where he lifts her up and carries her to the chair. That may be the most powerful moment of the episode for me. I'm not sure why, I can't even explain it, but something about seeing him lift her up while she's absolutely devastated and just letting her was a great moment for Alex and for both of them together.

    The scene where they put Doc down was really hard for me to watch, old childhood memories and such. It was so heartbreaking, I thought Ellen's acting was really strong and I loved the moment where Derek puts his hand over hers for just a second.. it was just... Wow.

    The cliffhanger was awesome... I had a feeling it was going to end like that - Meredith leaving to choose either Finn or Derek.. I hope she walks away though.. although I think Finn would be perfect for her.. Anyways... Overall, it was such an amazing episode. Three hours of truly great television. The writing is excellent, the acting is top notch, it's just amazing. I can't wait for S3!
    You're the one sure thing I've found so you better stick around...
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Los Angeles, CA USA
    Absolutely EVERYTHING that CountryWolf said!!!

    I couldn't believe I sat up to watch it all~~

    It truly is an excellent show - being moved to Thursday next year - and earlier HOORAY!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    with my nose in a book
    Oh i love that show.I thought denny was going to live.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Francisco, CA, where life is happy and gay!
    WAH! I taped it and haven't watched the last hour of the finale yet (too late for my bedtime). Denny dies?

    I AM glad that they're putting it on at an earlier hour in the fall - 9:00 on Thursdays.

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Los Angeles, CA USA
    Close your eyes - you didn't read that! Just watch your tape!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    This is one of my favorite shows right now! I cried like a baby when Denny died. I love all the characters on this show and I hope all the actors win lots of awards in the future.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Now I can't wait for Season 3.. AND the DVD for Season 2 comes out in SEPTEMBER!!!!!!!

    I wish I taped Grey's finale.. I want to watch it again but now I can't.. *sigh* I might have to resort to Season 1..

    I wanted to die when Derek said - "She..she doesn't drive me crazy. She doesn't make it impossible to feel normal. She doesn't make me sick to my stomach thinking about my veternarian touching her with his hands. I would give anything to not be looking at you."

    You're the one sure thing I've found so you better stick around...
    Best Fireman in da House´10
    dedicated to the kindest,loveliest and always helpful man that one would be honored and proud to know........R.I.P. Dear Phred

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I recorded it and finally got a chance to see it last night. Oh how I cried... about Denny, about doc, about the chief's neice, about Burke... I just love that show. I can't wait for season 3 either.
    I hope Merydith chooses Derrick... even thought Finn would be better for her.
    I hope Izzy doesn't leave for real...
    Oh I can't wait!

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