But Canada is like a foreign country today. You need a passport to enter into it. It use to be your driver license was enough.

As far as history goes do you all believe everything they taught you in school? I don't!

Just like you should not believe what comes out of the mouth of ANY politician. They all make promises they can't keep. It would be better if they promised nothing. The most important question I would have is can you balance your own check book?

The world is changing so fast my world map from National Geographic 2011 is already outdated. I have never heard of some of the countries that are now on the map.

Two to three times a day we keep getting poll calls. We will be glad when everyone packs up & moves on to the next state.

It is true when the president was here his speech consisted of putting the blame on everyone else. He has had plenty of time to take a hold of the reins.