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Thread: Dog Jumping on the Bed

  1. #1

    Dog Jumping on the Bed

    This isn't the typical "I want that dog off my bed!" I want her to get ON the bed. All of our animals are allowed on the beds and furniture and whatnot. One of my dogs, Isis, is an 18 week old silver lab. She just can't seem to get the idea of jumping on the bed. By her size, she should be MORE than capable of jumping the short distance. She will put her paws up on the bed and try to crawl but just can't quite seem to make it that way. Anyone have any ideas of how I could teach her to actually jump up on the bed to get up there instead of just waiting for one of us to lift her up?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    She will learn - she's still got some growing to do, and nerves and muscles and bones to figure out how to coordinate. Also, you don't want her to damage any of her growing body, either. Just wait, and soon she'll be leaping onto your stomach in the middle of the night!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Tennessee, USA


    Jumping on the bed isn't always safe for dogs. My poodle had been jumping on and off the bed for years. A few months ago she jumped off and landed the wrong way. She blew a disc in her back and is now paralyzed from the waist down. We spent $3000.00 on surgery that didn't even work! I would re-think having your dogs jump on the bed!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I wouldn't worry about large dogs such as a Lab jumping on and off a bed, as much as I would small dogs.

    Isis will learn to jump on the bed on her own, when she feels she is able to to it succesfully. I've never personally had a pup that jumped up on to my bed before they were 5 months old, before then, they'd try to crawl on.

    Journey - 2yr old Australian Shepherd
    Ripley - 5 1/2yr old Doberman
    Dance RN CGN FM - 7 1/2yr old Toller

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