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Thread: Husky Rescue Effort

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Columbia, MD

    Husky Rescue Effort

    This morning, Andrew called and told me that he found an emaciated purebred Siberian Husky in his neighborhood while he was jogging.

    He has taken the Husky to the vet on post at Ft. Rucker. She had a collar on with a Rabies tag from 2 years and the address and number on their is from Ft. Lewis, Washington! Andrew tried calling the number on the tags, but it has been disconnected. There is no way of contacting anyone to find out who the owner is. Andrew suspects that the owner is someone who was previosly stationed there. He is still trying to find the owner. She has been admitted to the vet under our name and we will be trying to find her a home very soon. Once she is strong enough, she will be spayed. The vet says she is almost 2 years old and has never had babies (surprising, huh!).

    A coworer of mine lost his Husky a few months ago and has been asking me to help him find one. He wants a male though. He won't be back till after memorial day. I hope that he will take her despite the fact that he wanted a male.

    Do you guys know anyone who would be interested if this guy isn't? She will be free to a good home.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Syracuse, NY
    Souraya, I can't offer much help finding this girl a home but I just wanted to comment on how wonderful you and Andrew are!! It is absolutely amazing to me...
    How lucky you and Andrew are to have each other. He sounds as sweet and dedicated and caring as you are!!!
    I hope your co-worker will want this girl!! My fingers are crossed!!

    Let me know if there is anything I can do to help out!

  3. #3
    That is so wonderful of you and Andrew to to help yet another stray dog out. I hope you find someone to adopt her - though I know you won't give up till you get her a home.
    I liked your pictures from this weekend. I think you are pretty proud of your boys!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Pennsylvania, USA
    What wonderful kind souls you and Andrew have to get medical treatment for this girl! I am proud to know you through this board. It is very refreshing to hear of good people doing good things for our helpless canine friends instead of the horror of abuse that we all know goes on.

    I hope your coworker will take this girl even though he wants a male.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Columbia, MD
    Thanks Jenni and Sammi. Yes, I am very proud of my boys. I am very fortunate.

    We have located the owners of Emma and your blood is going to boil once you hear about this.

    Emma and her family moved from Ft. Lewis to Ft. Rucker a year ago. And hear this: "She never comes back when we let her out to go to the bathroom!" They live in an apartment copmlex. Neighbors have been nice enough to bring the dog home when they find it, but Andrew didn't know who the owners are. And, she has been "lost" for over a month now!

    They figured she would just come back! Well, now she neefds medical attention and we figured they will not pay the bills. Andrew is planning on meeting with the owners and will offer to buy Emma from them.

    Keep your fingers and paws crossed that they will say yes!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ohio, USA
    Well, you two have to be the best people around! I would love to have another, but sadly 2 is enough. I hope the guy you know will take her and give her a good home. Do you have any pics?

    Huney, Bon & Simba-missed so very much
    Remembering all the Rainbow Bridge Pets

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Milan, Italy
    your blood is going to boil once
    It certainly has. Why are people like this even allowed near a pet!

    Luckily she found Andrew. I hope the original owners will let you and Andrew buy poor Emma off them. I will pray that they do. She certainly deserves better owners and I'm sure a good home will come along.

  8. #8
    Those people sound real smart!! I hope they will let Andrew buy her. That is so nice of you to do that. You are also lucky that you have the funds to help out like this.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Ft. Wayne, IN
    AAAACCCCCKKKKK!!!! I almost wish Andrew hadn't found the morons. Are you going to keep her if they let you buy her or are you going to rehome her? Do you know yet how she gets along with Drake...or maybe I should say how well Drake gets along with her! lol Please keep us informed.

    Don't buy while shelter dogs die!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Syracuse, NY
    WOW!!! What is wrong with those people? Andrew shouldnt' have to buy Emma. Those people should be thanking Andrew on their hands and knees for finding their dog and taking care of her! They let her outside by herself to go to the bathroom and she doesnt' come back? Can you blame her???? Seriously though, Emma must have a guardian angel. It's amazing that she wasn't hit by a car or worse....

    How did Andrew find the owners? Were they even looking for her? ie posters, ads, anything? Did they find her from her tags? These are the types of people that should be arrested for neglect!! Letting an unspayed female dog roam around the streets? Poor Emma....I hope Andrew can knock some sense into these people and get Emma away from them....
    Keep us updated!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Columbia, MD
    Right now, Emma is at the Vet's office on post at Ft. Rucker. Andrew and I have already given them out credit card numbr to charge her treatment to.

    Andrew met with the owner and offered him $300.00 for Emma. He said he would talk to his wife and let us now tonight. I will be going to Alabama tomorrow afternoon and if they agree to sell her, I plan on getting the owner to go with me and sign a notorized purchasing agreement so that we do not have to deal with him in the future.

    Andrew has fallen in love with her, but we will not be able to keep her. With Andrew's flight training, he usually doesn't have much free time. My hands are full with Draker, writing a Thesis for my masters, full time work, taking care of my brother that just moved in with me, coaching a kids' rowing team, and volunteering! I can not take care of her and give her the love and attention she needs and deserves. So, Molly, we will be rehoming her.

    I got Steve's (my coworker) home phone number from HR. I plan on calling his house sitter to get a number I can reach him at. Do you think that is too much? Should I wait till he gets back? I just want to know ASAP if he wants her.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Columbia, MD
    Jenni, Emma's family hadn't gotten her new tags since they moved from Ft. Lewis a whole year ago. Andrew has a friend of his who was able to get a list of all the soldiers that have been stationed at Ft. Lewis right before Ft. Rucker. There were about 20 people. Andrew kept calling the families and asking if they owned a Husy till the owners were found!

    They said they didn't look for her because someone in the neighborhood always brought her back. She usually was brought back in a day or 2. She has been missing for one month and one week!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ohio, USA
    Well, then they really don't need a dog then do they? If they can't keep up with her or her tags, I wonder if she's been properly taken care of health wise (spayed, rabies, yearly boosters...etc)

    Huney, Bon & Simba-missed so very much
    Remembering all the Rainbow Bridge Pets

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Ft. Wayne, IN
    Souraya, I would call now because I'm an antsy person by nature anyway, but for Emma's sake I would call. I know this is sneaky (but I know that it's done), but what about taking Emma and giving her to someone and just telling the morons (who obviously don't care about her if they don't even go looking for her) that she ran off from Andrew too. I know that's underhanded, but I don't think these people deserve her and I think her needs come first. You know, being in the dog rescue arena has really made me sneaky!! lol I NEVER used to be that way...HONEST! <eg> Good luck!!!

    Don't buy while shelter dogs die!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    You guys are wonderful for helping poor Emma! my book, when those people quit looking for her (if they ever even tried to find her) she became a lost dog. Do they even WANT her at this point? If not, Andrew shouldn't have to buy her at all! You two are paying her vet bills, for goodness sake! Plus, $300 for an "emaciated" Husky sounds too high.

    I'm with Anna and Mugsy--don't give those people the benefit of the doubt, don't give them much (or any) money, and certainly don't give them Emma back!

    The hairy kids' photo album

    Animals share with us the privilege of having a soul.

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