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Thread: Is it working?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Is it working?

    Afternoon Campers!
    I hope this finds everyone well and you all have had a great weekend!
    I have been using the FILAWAY for several days. I have been spraying it on all the places that Shadow goes. She is now laying by the front door in the SUN!!!! I am hoping that she will relax some.PLEASE let this be working!!

    Of course last night JIm heard them hissing at each other... neither of us aw who started it.

    This has been a glorious day. I planted some Mums and Pansies on Pumpkin's grave. Cleaned out the mint so the new mint can come back. ALso planted more Pansies and Mums in pots on the deck for some early spring color!

    I just looked.. and Shadow is strtched out full length on the rug in the sun by the f ront door.... I am hopeful!!!

    Blessings and Light,
    MommaCat.. Deb

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I'm not sure, what day is it? ;-)
    Great news!!! Maybe it's a combination of the Feliway and the warm relaxing sun. As for the hissing at each other, that may not ever go away. My two, Tubby and Peanut, have been together for about 15 years now, and they're are still scuffles now and then. So as long as there are no injuries, it's probably best to let them work it out. At worst they will learn to tolerate each other like T & P have, at best they will get over it and become best of buds.
    Spring 1986 - Dec. 11, 2004
    RIP Big Boy
    Fall 1988 - Jan. 24, 2007
    RIP Snotty Girl
    Fall 1997 - Oct. 6, 2012
    RIP Sweet Monkeyhead Girl

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Dear T and P's Mom,
    Thank you so much for your encouraging words!!!
    I hope it's working. Shadow is back behind Jim's desk and Handsome is still in the basement ... it's about time f or him to come upstairs an dtell me it's bedtime.

    I am just about ready to start the second bottle of the Feliway... I'll use a case if I have too! If it helps my little girl to unwind and relax I'll buy all I Have to to help her.

    Thank you so very much for your kindness.
    MommaCat.. Deb

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Tabbyville, PA
    Well, its spring, when a young cat's mind can turn to love.

    Perhaps the Feliway is working and she'll learn to love her new roomate. Hoping it does!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    UMMMM Cancel the Love fest.....

    Shadow hides behind my husband's desk all day. She follows him around. He said that she thinks he is her protector.

    Meanwhile Clayton stays in the basement all day, eithe rin the window or in his "fort". When he does come upstairs he sits right outside JIm's study door and JIm says he is waiting to ambush Shadow. I say he wants to play but she won't have anything to do with him. THey were hissing at each other again last night.

    I am still using the Rescue Remedy and the Feliway... nothing seems to be working. Can I start drinking these myself?

    My heart is breaking for Shadow. I love them both so very much and feel it is all my fault. If I hadn't fallen head over heels for CLayton non of this would have happened. Clayton is so happy tho. His coat is now so shiny and soft it almost looks like it is wet. He is laid back and happy. I think he is lonely tho. Jim and I are his only playmates.

    Shadow hides behind things... where as before she was happy (for her that is). She still doesn't come into my study any more, and when I am allowed to pet her she is twitching that tail like a fly swatter... a sure sign that I am still not in good standing.

    I love her .. tell her.. spend time with her.. and yet I am not forgiven.... BAD MOMMA!!!!

    Mommacat.. Deb

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