I often search for my dog breed on ebay. It bothers me that, at the bottom of the page, ads for puppy mills appear.

When I search on ebay for bichon, these ads appear at the bottom of each page:

Bichon For Sale
Add a lovable Bichon Frise Puppy to your family. Lifetime Guarantee.
www.BichonPupp iesforsale.net

Bichon Frise Puppies for Sale
White, fluffy, non-shedding coats, purebred, healthy, well-socialized.
www.BuyPuppie sDirect.com

Bichon Frise Puppies
Bichon Frise Puppies For Sale. Lifetime Health Guarantee.
www.BreedersDir ect.com/bichon-frise

One interesting point: if I search “German Shepherd,” or “poodle” ads such as these do NOT appear.

These ads do appear for Maltese, Yorkshire Terrier, Labrador Retriever. I didn't check any more.

No one can 'sell' a live animal on ebay. I want to stop these puppy mill ads on there, as well. There IS a place to submit suggestions, but it is difficult to find.

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Here is the link to the place to submit suggestions to improve ebay.


You can say something like this:

I am a regular on ebay. Ebay does not permit the sale of animals. When I do a search for certain breeds of dog, such as bichon, maltese, Yorkshire terrier, the ads which come up at the bottom of the page are for puppy mills. It will greatly improve ebay to discontinue these ads, and only permit ads from shelters, rescues, and the like. This would be easy for you to track at their web site extension is always .org

If anyone can find an easier link to the suggestion place, I will be glad to edit this and include the easier link. Thanks!