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Thread: The economy

  1. #1

    The economy

    They say the economy is getting better.
    But I don't see that.
    Working for two Dr's I know people always become ill, in good times and very bad times.
    Our phone is quite, our patient load is down.
    The stores in our area and doing well. Yet other stores, mostly chains are closing.
    Alvins a jewerly store which has been around since I can remember is closing here.
    Going into Costco on a Sunday afternoon here is a mad house, tons of people buying, buying, buying.
    I know it will take a while for things to get better. How are things in your neck of the woods?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    SE USA
    The company I work for has so many boats tied up that it scares us. We are hoping when everything thaws and the Upper Mississippi River opens that things will change and pick up. I know we are pushing lot smaller tows than we usually do and they have us running in fuel efficiency mode.

    I think it is going to get worse before it gets better..... everywhere.

    Special Needs Pets just leave bigger imprints on your heart!

  3. #3
    To be honest... Lancaster doesn't seem to have been hit nearly as hard as every where else. even realtors are thriving. there hasn't been many business' at all close. many business's are continuing to thrive. I know our family friend who opened her bead store three years ago is doing better than ever actually. Same with hubby's company.

    We just seem to be in our own little bubble here. I don't know why but it has not hit this area yet nearly as hard as other places. we are very blessed

    R.I.P my dear Sweet Teddy. You will be missed forever. We love you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I live in Michigan - enough said

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    I work in a dental lab and we make crowns and do cosmetic work too. My boss said that in his 40 years of being in this business that last year has been his worst year yet. We're starting to get more business but there are still some employees that are only working part time or not at all. In my department of 2, I'm the only one working full time and my co-worker is only working part time and still collecting unemployment. She also works as the janitor for my company at night and this helps her with her car payment. There are days when I'm extremely busy and then there are days when I'm not so business isn't stable yet. I'm sure it'll take a long time before the economy is like it used to be. I'm just glad that I still have a job, a roof over my head, and that I've been able to keep paying my bills and take care of my cats.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    South Carolina
    I'm in banking and our business has dropped as well. We're seeing more customers who have been laid off, have lost their homes, can't pay their bills and accounts that have been charged off.

    We are operating with the minimal number of employees; people are being shifted around, sometimes we don't have coverage, and I have gone to part-time status, but that was my wish.

    The company has tightened up on ordering supplies, we are forbidden to have overtime, and incentive programs have been altered considerably. The budget has been cut for lots of different items and we are making do with what we have.

    My husband is self-employed and his work has dropped like a rock. Not much house-building going on, so trim carpenters are not needed.
    Loving meowmie to Archy & Binky (RIP my sweet boy 10/13/10)



  7. #7
    Join Date
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    SE USA
    They have claimed that our area hasn't been hit hard by it either but cuts are being made everywhere....? That sends mixed messages to me.

    Special Needs Pets just leave bigger imprints on your heart!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Tabbyville, PA
    People were hit here, but not as hard as elsewhere. I think its because our area has always been depressed, so a dip in the economy is less noticable here.

    Work has been good. We had a record 4th quarter. I am hitting bonus every month (yay me!) but this month has been awful. I'll chalk it up to the weather

    We eat out a lot and the places are always busy. Few restaurants have closed, in fact a ton of new places have opened up in the past few months.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Things are not going well here, especially in the field of education. I am hoping to find a teaching position for the next school year but we may have to move (my husband and I have interviews in New Orleans- cross your fingers for us please!). Most of the districts in the metro area are cutting their budgets (and the state is, too) and laying off teachers instead of hiring. My husband has a very stressful job he is unable to leave because there is nothing else.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Northern cyberspace
    We've seen things go downhill, mostly smaller stores are closing. Somehow the big box stores are taking over but I don't know how they're making it as they always seem empty when we go. Some people have lost their homes, some have moved away and others are about the same. I think it depends on where one is working, some places don't seem to be affected while so many others have closed shop. Lots of layoffs, employers are cutting back, I think mostly due to the box stores moving in. I don't see signs of the economy picking up around here, I feel sorry for the families that just bought new homes and have young children to support. Unemployment has gone up quite a bit. Easy to pick up a new house at a good price right now but I guess it evens out as you get less for yours than a few years ago.

    I've been frosted--- thank you Cassie'smom

    I've been Boo'd----

  11. #11
    I work in a very nice town, there is a new lovely shopping center there very upscale and several shops have closed. I think Z Gallery was the first to go. It's sad for every store that closes means more good people out of work, less money for people to spend and the country keeps going down. It will take years I am afraid for us to get back to where we once where, perhaps 10 to 20. In the meantime a new poor will emerge the once middle to upper class. We the people with two cars who bought or built our sparkling new homes and once shopped at Macy's and Ethen Allen. We who sent our kids to college to become Dr's and IT's, nurses, teachers, business managers. Our children now also suffer just when they are having children of there own to enjoy. It is so sad that you can work like a crazy person and then turn around and not be able to pay your gas bill to stay warm. My heart goes out to all.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Sweet Home Alabama (ZULU -6)
    They just announced that one of our oldest pipe plants is closing. I would say that we are effected but not like most of the country. Our city's (Birmingham) budget is in shambles but our state is heathy with announcements of new job being created because of expanded plant capacity or new plants coming in. Birmingham's, and the State for that matter, largest employer is UAB Medical Center/School with over 50,000 direct employee and all of the industries that support a major medical complex. The medical and automoble industry in the state is strong. Most of the new expansions or additions are in the automobile, aviation or medical fields. Trinity Medical is busy finishing the Digital Hospital that Health South started a few years ago. Trinity is now using the old Montclair Baptist Hospital location.
    Last edited by kokopup; 02-09-2010 at 12:36 PM.
    “You live and you learn, but if you never learn, at least you are still living.”
    — Unknown

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    New Zealand
    Well i do think things are on the up down under, NZ was not as hard hit as the UK and USA, and according to reports one of the first to recover, still got higher unemployment than before the recession and like over 500 applicants for a supermarket job,unbelievable,some people were indeed the casualties in the recession and they may never recover, it is them i feel so sorry for.

    We are just about to under go some major tax reform in NZ, first in ages, supposed to make it fairer but increasing GST, good and services tax from 12.5 to maybe 15 per cent, not happy about that, everything is going to cost more, they are off setting it all by tax cuts for everyone and increasing child support,however again the middle income earner always looses out.
    Furangels only lent.
    RIP my gorgeous Sooti, taken from us far too young, we miss your beautiful face and purssonality,take care of Ash for us, love you xx000❤️❤️

    RIP my beautiful Ash,your pawprints are forever in my heart, love and miss you so much my big boy. ❤️❤️

    RIP my sweet gorgeous girl Ellie-Mae, a little battler to the end, you will never ever be forgotten, your little soul is forever in my heart, my thoughts, my memories, my love for you will never die, Love you my darling little precious girl.❤️❤️

    RIP our sweet Nikita taken suddenly ,way too soon ,you were a special girl we loved you so much ,miss you ❤️❤️

    RIP my beautiful Lexie, 15 years of unconditional love you gave us, we loved you so much, and miss you more than words can say.❤️❤️

    RIP beautiful Evee Ray Skye ,my life will never be the same with out you ,I loved you so much, I will never forget you ,miss you my darling .❤️❤️

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Illinois, USA
    Statewide unemployment in Illinois is still around 10%. They say things around here are not getting any worse. But I don't think they are getting better either.
    Praying for peace in the Middle East, Ukraine, and around the world.

    I've been Boo'd ... right off the stage!

    Aaahh, I have been defrosted! Thank you, Bonny and Asiel!
    Brrrr, I've been Frosted! Thank you, Asiel and Pomtzu!

    "That's the power of kittens (and puppies too, of course): They can reduce us to quivering masses of Jell-O in about two seconds flat and make us like it. Good thing they don't have opposable thumbs or they'd surely have taken over the world by now." -- Paul Lukas

    "We consume our tomorrows fretting about our yesterdays." -- Persius, first century Roman poet

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  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    San Ramon,CA
    I think we didn't get here overnight and we won't get out overnight either. I think things are getting better. I think people need to support business that deserves to be supported and make better and more informed choices. I'm still hopeful.

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