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Thread: When you turned 21.. what did you do?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Cleveland, Ohio

    When you turned 21.. what did you do?

    Well I will turn 21 on Sept. 21, 2005 - so I'll be 20 in few months - and I was wondering what you guys have done on your 21st birthday? I'm trying to get ideas, and hear your experiences..
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Land of the Ducks...quack!

    I was drunk for literally three days. On my actual birthday, my friend from southern CA came to town and took me to her favoirte sports bar. I had a couple of hurricane shots and then these college frat boys came in with a beer bong *Beer bongs are a funnel attached to a large hose. You pour a beer into the funnel and drink the whole thing in about 5 seconds. Do this about three times and you're pretty much Game overed* I won the drinking contest though! Then I woke up the next day and my MOTHER takes me to the male nudie show. I drank there and got into another contest with mom....sadly I have to admit she won . The next day, I had a few beers with dad, opened some gifts and went to a party or two in my honor.
    I ended up with massive hangover for a week. Luckily school was out at the time lol.
    I did this when I turned 18 too cept this time it was legal.
    Im happy to say I spent my 22 birthday sober!! *My B-day is May 5th, yippie skip*

  3. #3
    haha, well I think you're gonna get the same answer from all of us.

    I won't go into it too much, after all ... there are some kiddies on board.

    To make a long story short, my friends took me out and I got completely wasted. I don't know why its such a big deal, I mean ... everyone drinks in college way before they turn 21, but for some reason that day is the one you always get the most drunk on. The best part was, the whole 'getting totally wasted' thing lasted for about a week ... it's a little tradition we have around here.

    Let me just say, the nights were great ... but the mornings were living hell. [pardon my french ].

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    South Euclid, OH
    I went out for a really nice dinner with my friends. No booze, at least for me. I volunteered at an animal shelter while in college and was bitten by a cat a few days before my birthday, developed a nasty, NASTY infection and had to be on strong antibiotics on my birthday, meaning no booze. I still had a great time, but it was a bit dissapointing. At least my buds had a designated driver without having to draw straws this time!
    The complete Knit-wit and occasional domestic diva.

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    I had a tame 21st birthday since I don't drink

    I went out to a mexican restaurant with friends and family and they put this huge sombrero on my head and sang to me and smeared cake in my face.

    You can have a lot of fun while sober!!!
    Shiloh, Reece, Lolly, Skylar
    and fosters Snickers, Missy, Magic, Merlin, Maya

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Land of the Ducks...quack!
    Originally posted by aly

    You can have a lot of fun while sober!!!
    Amen!!! I don't drink anymore BTW lol. I did that too much in high school/college ugh...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Stockton, CA
    My best friend, favorite aunt, and mom and I had a 'ladies night out' at the state capital. We had dinner at a fancy restaurant, went to a play (I love live performances...), and went to a nightclub. One drink only...

    Sounds tame, but the memories are very sweet none the less.

    I'm sometimes asked "Why do you spend so much of your time and money talking about kindness to animals when there is so much cruelty to men?" I answer: "I am working at the roots." -George T. Angell, reformer (1823-1909)

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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I don't even begin to know where I'm "from"
    First, we went to Stoner's Fun Store and got a headband with a big 21 on it. Then we went out for lunch and got free b-day lunch and a 99 cent margarita. Then went to the liquor store and bought stuff to make pink ladies. For dinner we went to a fun bar/restaurant and I had two drinks, then we stopped at another liquor store on the way home. I didn't get "drunk" I just drank all day! My 19th I went to Canada and got pretty drunk, and then on my 20th.... well, let's just say I don't remember 6 hours of my life I wanted to try something different this time! I had a lot of fun.
    Doing my part to save BBD's, one dog at a time!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Dayton and Columbus, Ohio
    I went to dinner theater with my folks and a date. Felt funny with the folks there, so didn't really have anything to drink. That happened when I got back to school. Then it was a large party at my apt. Yes after that I was a bit under the weather!

    BTW - my b-day is 9/20 Year to remain unknown!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Rock Camp, West Virginia
    I went and had my license renewed the same day I turned 21, then I went shopping and bought some beer and went home.

    After that I pretty much stayed home and had a few drinks and celebrated with my husband. I didn't get wasted but I did have a good buzz.
    "Careful what you say, careful what you wish or it may just regret it!"

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Middle TN, United States
    When I turn 21, I was already married, and had a two year old son. I still had never had a drink in my life. Though I did used to sneak into my dads apple cider when I was younger. I never got drunk though.

    I didn't start doing any kind of drinking until my kids were older. Two of them had done left home.

    So no, when I turned 21, I was sober!


    Thank You, kittycats_delight for my new siggy!!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Kensington MD USA
    By 21st birthday I had two babies.. 22 months apart. Husband had left me. I did not care to party. Did get better after that) *sorry, didn't mean to bring you down* Enjoy, be happy.. younguns are hopefully smarter now. CELEBRATE!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    I don't remember exactly what I did on my 21st birthday. It wasn't a big deal, I had already decided drinking wasn't worth it for me, anyway. Had friends to whom alcohol was way too big a deal, knew how it had negatively impacted people's lives, and ginger ale was always cheaper anyway.

    I DO remember my 22nd birthday, though ... It was less than a month before our wedding, and I was a camp counselor for a week at an elementary camp. Unfortunately, I also still has to work my "summer job" every night that week, and the two places were 70 miles or so apart. Paul came and picked me up at camp and drove me to work and back, just to be able to spend some time with me on my birthday. On the ride between works, I got a cupcake with a candle on it. And all my campers (8 girls between the ages of 9 and 12) thought that it was just THE most romantic thing ever.
    My mother had already given me my birthday present - when I opened my suitcase at camp, there was a bumper sticker for my (12-year-old, piebald blue and black and maroon primer Ford Maverick) car that said "This is NOT an abandoned car."

  14. #14
    Turning 21 isn't that big a deal here. I can't really remember what I did. I don't really celebrate birthdays. I know I wasn't drinking though as I didn't start drinking until May of the year I turned 21 (I would've turned 21 in March).

    18 is the big birthday day here. The legal drinking age is 18. But again that was an uneventful day as I didn't start drinking 'til I was 21.

    *Thanks Ashley*

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Under a tree, inside a rock. :)
    I'll never forget turning 21, it was a interesting day to say the least.

    I was living in N.Y. city then and my friends decided to take me out. First they took me to a adult movie. I didn't like that part at all. I made everyone leave. Then we went out for a nice dinner and after they took me to one of the hottest clubs in N.Y. It was something from what I can remember. I got so drunk that I can only remember so much. Next thing I know it was the next day and my friends where all over the apt, sleeping. How we even got home, I'm not sure.

    It was one of those once in a life time things, that I'm gald I did, but never want to do again. That was the last time I got drunk, ever.

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