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Thread: Let me tell you about Mooch.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Under a tree, inside a rock. :)

    Let me tell you about Mooch.

    I have posted about Brock and my Boxers many of times, but not that offen about Mooch. I feel it's time to talk about her, my life for the past 17 years. If you want you can call this a living memorial to a very very special dog. You'll figure out why, I say that in time.

    17 years ago, I was called to help a dog that had been set of fire by some teenage boys. Their first thought was to put her down sense 90% of her body was burned. She was about a year old at the time. I talked the vet out of putting her down and letting me try to save her. It was months of burn cream rubed on her, months of specail baths. A lot of sleepless night and the smell of burnt skin. There were days I wasn't sure I was doing the right thing by her, but I was set on saving her. She did heal, of course she hates fire and water to this day.

    I took her to work with me every day, of the years. I owned day care centers and she was great with the children. She put up with so much but gave so mush more back to the children. You see my centers where for children of abuse and the love of a Dog was a wonderful gift and leason for them. She want everywhere with me, even on trips. She was my right hip for years.

    Well Mooch is 18 now, my old lady. Old age is hitting her now. I see it more and more as the days go by. It use to be that she had some sight problems. She has always had a hard time seeing at night, but that was the effect of the fire. Well as of a few days ago, Mooch has gone blind. I belive she has some very small amount of site, but very little. She moves her head back and forth as if she trying to find that area where she can see something. But, I'm not sure if thats just my wishful thinking.

    I have to ease into picking her up as she doesn't know I'm there and it scares her if I just pick her up. She knows where her food and water bowl are, but even with that you see her slowly working her way up to them and feeling it out, till she finds it. I guess we are lucky, she knows her way around the house so her site is not needed to get around. We do have to watch where we walk as she can't see us coming and sometimes she moves under our feet not knowing we are there. When she goes outside to pee, I carry her out and then back in, having to put her down in the same spot ever time so she knows where to start on her walk around the house. If she is put anyplace else it throws her off on locating things in the house. I'm back to where I started from when I first got her, am I doing right by her, living with this blindness? But I guess as long as she knows her way around the house, she fine. I pray.

    Today, was a ruff day with her and my thoughts have truned to when she has to leave this world and me. She has gone through more then most people could handle and has always come out a champ. So I guess you can say that I felt that Mooch deserved this thread for being a miracle dog and I don't post or say enough about her. I pray that she will be with me for many more years, but I know that too is wishfull thinking. Please pray for her, that she is happy and that I'm doing the right thing by her. I can't bear to lose her yet.
    Last edited by Fox-Gal; 05-04-2004 at 10:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Middle TN, United States
    Well it seems like my vet told me about the dog I had that was blind, just don't change the funiture around. He did find until the day he died. I would carry him out, left his food and water in the exact place all the time. He seemed very happy. I remember when I would take him out, he would lose me, and just walk around in a circle until I let him know I was there. Poor old boy, but he was very precious to me too. I was always afraid the vet would tell me that it was time to let him sleep and go on. He died peacefully in his sleep.

    I think Mooch is just adorable, she sure don't look that old. Now that would be great if I could say the same about myself!

    I think you are doing the right thing, and I think when the time comes you will know. She and you are in my prayers, as always.


    Thank You, kittycats_delight for my new siggy!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    That's a very sweet story. Pets that stay with you that long are hard to let go of. I know it was hard when I had to put my Bruno down in June (he was 15) and my cat, Dusty, made the decision on his own, at 17. Mooch looks pretty in the picture, how old is the photo?

    Thanks, Dogz!

    "...when does sometimes turn into all the time...." Joe Pisapia

    "We all start off as strangers, it's where we end up that counts." Jennifer Beals, Four Rooms

    "And I find it kind of funny...I find it kind of sad...The dreams in which I’m dying Are the best I’ve ever had" Tears for Fears, Mad World

    "The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that's wrong with the world" Dr Paul Farmer

  4. #4
    I can see why Mooch is a very special dog. Overcoming those horrible beginnings and still trusting people is no small feat.

    You are also a very special person. Not many would have done what you did.

    You are absolutely doing right by her. Many many dogs live complete lives blind. You just need to be careful not to change things suddenly, just as if you were living with a blind person.
    Another thing I've heard of people doing is helping their dogs use their sense of smell to get around. You put a few drops of a scent near certain areas ie. Put a lavender scent at the top of stairs, or a few drops of peppermint in a doorway etc. (I'm not sure if I explained that properly).

    Anyways, she looks like a great dog and sounds like she already has a good handle on her being blind. Dogs are such adaptable creatures. We can learn so much from them, especially one as special as Mooch.

    *Thanks Ashley*

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Under a tree, inside a rock. :)
    Originally posted by guster girl
    Mooch looks pretty in the picture, how old is the photo?
    I Know it's hard to belive, but that picture was taken last summer. Mooch was 17 then.

    she sure don't look that old. Now that would be great if I could say the same about myself!
    LOL I say that too about her. I think it's the blonde hair, the grays don't show up as much in it. Just don't look to close at her.

    I think you are doing the right thing, and I think when the time comes you will know.
    Thats what I wanted to hear. Sometimes if just helps when other say it too. Thanks Willie.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Under a tree, inside a rock. :)
    Originally posted by Shelteez2
    You are absolutely doing right by her. Many many dogs live complete lives blind. You just need to be careful not to change things suddenly, just as if you were living with a blind person.
    Another thing I've heard of people doing is helping their dogs use their sense of smell to get around. You put a few drops of a scent near certain areas ie. Put a lavender scent at the top of stairs, or a few drops of peppermint in a doorway etc. (I'm not sure if I explained that properly).
    I just said that to my husband the other day, that I hoped he liked how the house was set up, because it not ever going to change as long as Mooch is alive.

    I like the idea of putting smells around, even through she does pretty good getting around I have noticed that she doesn't sleep in her bed any more. Maybe that will help her find it better. It's just a small step up into her bed, but I think she not sure, when to take that step now. So she been sleeping on my husbands clothes that he leave on the floor. I noticed that she finds them by the smell of him, I would guess. Maybe diry clothes in her bed. Thanks

  7. #7
    I just thought of something else.
    Does she still have her hearing?
    You could teach her a command so that she doesn't get startled when you go to pet her or pick her up. For instance you can say "touch" just as you are about to touch her, or "up" as you are picking her up. It wouldn't take long before she learned what the words meant.

    *Thanks Ashley*

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Under a tree, inside a rock. :)
    Shelteez2, thank goodness someone thinking, cause I know I'm not. LOL Thanks

    I do say something to her, before I do anything. Most times it's just her name, but now that I think about it better, that's not doing much. As far as she knows I just talking to her. It would be better if she had one word that was meant for certain things. I do hate it when she jumps because she doesn't know I'm picking her up.

    Like tonight we had some people over so I went to pick her up and have her sit with me, sense they don't know to watch out for her. I talked to her before I picked her up, but even with that she jumped when I went to get her.

    I've had to deal with a lot of things over the years with pets, but blindness is a whole different thing then any illness I've taking care of.

    I read a story about a shelter picking up two stray dogs once and one was blind. The other dog was his eyes. He lead his friend around the streets, safely. If another dog can do it, I CAN TOO!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
    Years ago, we had a Doberman who went blind gradually ....... and my other dog became her eyes ............

    We also did not move anything around for ages, and did exactly what you are doing now .......... calling her name, putting her in the same spot all the time.

    I sincerely believe she will let you know when it is time. Until then, the memories will just be added to.

    Do any of your other darlings notice she is battling to see now ..? Have they changed around her?
    "No dog is born either vicious or friendly, but rather a blank slate that is moulded, for better or worse, by the owner."

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Beautiful story Fox-gal. What a special girl she is. I too think you'll know when it's time. My Maddie was blind and I had somebody tell me I was being cruel by not putting her to sleep. She puppy play bowed at me, everyday when I got home from work and there was just no way I was putting her to sleep as long as she did that. The day she died was the first time she didn't greet me with a puppy play bow.

    Dogs adjust to blindness much better than people. She got around the house and yard pretty good. If I took her hiking and set her down out in the middle of nowhere, I had to watch her, because she'd just toodle off, exploring, not a care in the world. She had no problem finding Murph and Oz to yank out some of their hair either. She ruled the roost around her until the day she died. Since she did not like getting bumped by either Murph or Oz, I use to always say, "Maddie, It's me", right before I'd pick her up or touch her. It did seem to work. She never seemed startled by me.

    Postitive vibes to you, that Mooch is with you for quite a few more years.


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  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ohio, USA
    What an amazing story you've told about Mooch. Sounds like she's one special dog not only to you, but to many other people as well.
    Sounds like you've gotten some great advice on how to deal with her blindness. I hope it keeps going well for you both and that you have alot of time left with this dear girl.

    Huney, Bon & Simba-missed so very much
    Remembering all the Rainbow Bridge Pets

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Oh FoxGal,
    That is a Beautiful story...
    I had not seen her before...She is Beautiful!!!!!
    What Great Heart & Determination she has....
    My Scrubber was Almost blind before he died....I had to put Giant Xs' in Masking Tape on the sliders,so he wouldn't run into them...But as many have said before...Dogs deal with blindness much better than people...Their main sense is smell,so thats' what they use...
    I truly think you are doing the right thing...I Mean,if she is otherwise healthy,The blindness doesn't hurt her....The suggestions given in this thread are wonderful,and already you are doing good things for her...
    I don't know if you have a pool,but if you do...obviously,don't let her near it...I know she might not seek it out,but....
    Like Captain said...Have any of the other dogs started to pay more attention to her????Maybe Brock Boy can help!!
    Seriously....You never know!!
    Please Give Little Mooch a Hug & a Kiss for us!!!!!
    We would Love to hear more...
    The Deli Dog

    I want to Honor All of Our Rainbow Bridge Furkids

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    That story is so amazing, and like someone else said(I think), not alot of people would go through all of that to save her like you did! She is a very special dog, and she also doesn't look too old in that pic

    Im also curious about if the others seem to notice that she can't see, does she ever bump into them....or the other way around?

    RIP Jasper. I can't believe you're gone.
    RIP Tigger...I miss you every single day.
    Piddle Jasper Wiggles Emma Tucker Almond Pecan
    RB Furbabies:
    Tigger Ace

    RIP Angus, I miss you!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Under a tree, inside a rock. :)
    Thanks guys for the support on Mooch, I needed that. Like ParNone said, I too have had people tell me that maybe I should put her to sleep. They seem to think it's cruel to let her live like this. Plus they say she so old that she can't adjust to this. Well, I'm not ready to let her go, she eats very well, she seem happy, she still does her little happy dance when you talk to her and there is no pain involved so I see no reason to put her down. Except that one tought, way back in my mind of how scary it must be for her live like this. But again, she will learn to adjust, just as she learned to go on after she was burned. I just hope her hearing holds out, that to is showing signs of going or else she just being hard headed and not listening to me then. There are times I have to raise my voice at her, but not always.

    As for how my other dogs treat her now, it's a little different. The other day, we where out side and Tuffy was laying on the deck. Along comes Mooch and walks right over top of him. I'm thinking that's it Mooch is going to hear about this from Tuffy. But NO, Tuffy just looked up at her and then laid his head back down. This is not Tuffy's normal way!! If it had been another dog, Tuffy would have let them know real quick, Don't do that again.
    Now Brandy who spends most of her time with Mooch, acts no different towards her. I would have thought Brandy would have been the first one to change around her. But no. Cannilla now has to eat someplace else. She doesn't understand that when Mooch bumbs into her, she not trying to take her food she's just walking by, But Cannilla will fight any dog that gets near her food.

    I wish the cats would figure it out, they try to rub on Mooch as normal, but sense she doesn't know what it it, Mooch snaps at them.

    Mooch has walk into a few things now and again, but she never got hurt, she move so slow now so she wont get hurt and it's her way of feeling things out.

    My only big problem now, is she still wants to jump on the couch with me and she can't. She tries and of course misses, falling back to the floor. Most times, I see her coming and pick her up, but a couple of times, I was at that almost falling asleep satge and didn't know till I heard her fall. You can't image how bad I felt.

    And yes Delidog, we have a pool, and no we never let Mooch any where around it. As for "your" Brock, he has to be keep away from Mooch, the big goof, doesn't care, he'd walk on top of her if I'd let him. I swear he's so tall that I don't think he even sees her down there. But thats Brock, he's like a bull in a china store.

    This Sat. I'm taking Mooch and Brandy to a small PT meet, so it going to be a test of sorts as to how well Mooch can handle different, new places. I figure with other Pet loves there, they will be understand and hopefull help Mooch if need be. I'd leave her home, but thats to long for her to be left alone, now. Plus she loves car rides. I don't think I'm going to let her run free though with the others, safer that way.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    Oh, Fox Gal, what a lucky pair you and Mooch are!!! I got teary eyed reading your words about her and all the two of you have gone through together. This is just one more adventure for both of you and it sounds as if you and the old girl are handling it beautifully, as well as the other dogs.

    I hope that Mooch will be with you for a long time to come. I would love to meet her and watch her dance. As long as she has that spirit, is eating and drinking, and seems happy, I would enjoy every minute. Like you already know from the others, she will let you know when it is time.

    Big hugs to both of you special girls from all of us in SC!

    Logan, Honey, Lilly, Zipper and Murphy (our 14 year old Lab)

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