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Thread: Prayers for Jack and even more Snoopy! Good Update on Snooopy Post #39!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Findlay, OH

    Prayers for Jack and even more Snoopy! Good Update on Snooopy Post #39!!!

    Took Jack to the vets today - he has been having some accidents and is losing weight gradually. They did an expensive blood test which I will get the results from tomorrow. He does not have an infection or bladder stones. So he could be just getting senile OR it could be Cushings Disease - the test to find out is expensive (although if we look at Snoopy's recent health tests it is not so bad.) However if it is Cushing it means another expensive drug for the rest of his life. The vet said it may be in the same vicinity of the price of Snoopy's Keppra. OH, how we cannot afford that!

    So I am asking for lots of prayers that it is not Cushings but something that can be helped in a much less expensive way. PT prayers work - so please pray hard!

    Snoopy just started having seizures - the first time in a long time that he has had two so close together -NOT good news at all. They were aonly about ten minutes apart. I called the vet during the 2nd one and he said to give him 3 more valium (after the 3 I just gave him). I have to call him at ten if he doesn't have another one and we will talk about what to do overnight. If he has another one then I have to take him down to the vet's office so he can get them under control. Then he will be showing me how to give valium rectally so the next time I can give it to him before he comes completely out of it.

    Something is not right now. Snoopy should be knocked out by now and he isn't. Pray hard from my boys!!!
    Last edited by 4 Dog Mother; 03-10-2008 at 06:20 PM.

    "That they may have a little peace, even the best
    dogs are compelled to snarl occasionally."
    --William Feather

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    indianapolis,indiana usa
    Prayers for a good result in Jack's tests. I do hope it's just a simple
    change he needs.I hope he feels better soon.
    I've Been Boo'd

    I've been Frosted

    Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    New Jersey
    Oh, I am so sorry to hear this. You sure have had a lot on your plate these past few months. Prayers going out for Jack and you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Lots of prayers are being said for Jack and the family.

    Hang in there! Love ya! {{{HUGS}}}

  5. #5
    Prayers for Jack. I hope it's not serious.
    Forever in my heart...

  6. #6

    <picks up Prayer Line> <dials God>

    <deep sigh>

    Hi God ~

    We're wearin the fur thin onna knee-bones wiff all this Purrayin ...

    New Needie FurKid = Diana's Jack - da fluffie wun ...
    Not eatin rite an *leakin* ...

    Tell Diana's FurGang she's a GUD Kook --- an to quit bein so phussie!
    Maybe Jack jest wants summa the attenshin goin to Snoopy ...
    Ask Dad to give Jack sum extra {{{Huggin}}}.

    We're askin fua a Cheep Fix on Jack ... but we'll pass da Kollekshin Plate fur da Whole Tribe
    so nunbuddie hasta be left outta da White Coat visits.

    FEEL BETTER Soon, Jack!

    THANKS, God!

    /s/ the Prayer Pups

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Off to the races....
    I hope Snoopy settled down and had a good night (and you were able to get some sleep!)

    Lots of prayers for both boys!

  8. #8

    <picks up Prayer Line for a PS> <dials God>

    Hi God ~

    We gotta add a PS: to da last Purrayer ... fur poor Snoopy ...

    Da Spotty Wun had sum seizures again ... we thunk thoze were unner kontroll?

    Kan you fix him up so'z he duzint hafta sleep over inna Hoppsbittle? He dont really like dat -
    He's a lot more Happie stayin at Home with Mom!

    Ditto fur Jack - he'll be Happie to stay Home too - so let's try to fix his plummin
    problem wiff a cheepie pill or two.

    And kan You send sum {{{God'sHugs}}} down here fur Mom & Dad?
    They'd really 'preciate 'em!

    THANKS, God!

    /s/ the Prayer Pups

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Prayers for both pups and for you as well. Lots happening at your place just now, hang in there. PT Prayers on the way!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Bexhill, UK
    Prayers for you all - what a tough time you are having at the moment
    Give £1 for a poundie

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Findlay, OH
    Sorry I haven't posted yet today. Good news about Jack. The bloodwork showed no signs that he has Cushings. The bile enzyme was a little elevated so she has put him on an antibiotic. She is also looking into some meds that might help if it continues because it may be the onset of senility.

    As for Snoopy, he has had no more seizures but the valium makes him very nervous and spacy - keeps running into things, getting into corners and can't find his way out and whining, whining, whining. I did go down to the vet clinic and get the instruction and stuff needed to give him valium rectally if he has another seizure that goes on too long or if he keeps having them and I can't get the oral ones in him. I am really seeing too much of these people when I don't have to give my name or even why I am there!

    Thanks again for all the prayers -- I know the are helping!

    "That they may have a little peace, even the best
    dogs are compelled to snarl occasionally."
    --William Feather

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Off to the races....
    Good news abut Jack!!! Hope Snoopy contines to do better.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    indianapolis,indiana usa
    Good news about Jack. Sorry that Snoopy has been feeling bad
    again. Hope you have it under control for now. Hugs for Snoopy.
    I've Been Boo'd

    I've been Frosted

    Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Glad Jacks Vets visit went well. Hope Snoopy is feeling better and he
    suffers no more seizures.


  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by 4 Dog Mother

    Good news about Jack.
    The bloodwork showed no signs that he has Cushings.

    I did go down to the vet clinic and get the instruction and stuff needed
    to give Snoopy his Valium rectally if he has another seizure that goes on too long ...

    I am really seeing too much of these people when I don't have to
    give my name or even why I am there!
    Did the Clinic fix you up with an Official Emplloyee Name Tag yet?

    Glad to hear Jack isn't too serious ... we ALL get "old".

    HANG IN there, Snoops!!
    Get back to Feelin GOOD!


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