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Thread: Question about major change?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Cleveland, Ohio

    Question about major change?

    I've been thinking about graphic design a lot lately.. and I have found myself forcing myself to do the assignments. I find myself doing them the day before it's due. I have no movitation, and I have figured, that graphic design may always be my hobby - maybe it isn't what I wanted in life - my dad agreed with me and he was worried about that as well. He thought that I would've came to this conclusion. However, I am thinking about Public Relations as my major. Since I want to work with the country music industry, promotions/advertising/merchandising, I figured, this would be a better major. Now, I need opinions - Good, bad, whatever, really... what do you think?

    Also, I figured out that I am not 100% happy at Kent State Unversity. I just don't feel complete here, and I am not sure why, but - I came here because of my family's pressure of wanting me to go to Kent because of my major in Graphic design. However, I really wanted to go to Ohio State University.. so, I am considering on transferring it, if I FEEL the same way about this next semester - and, transfer to OSU next fall, if things work out.

    Yeah.. I've been going through a lot of thinking's, I just need to find what makes me happy. My parents agreed on if I wasn't happy at Kent, I could transfer anywhere, and agreed on the major switch.. It's nice to have my parents behind my back and know what I'm trying to figure out.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    As lame as it sounds, do whatever makes you happy. BUT, realize, in most cases, it isn't going to mean much 5 years later.

    While certain employers/employment opportunities will NEED you to have a certain background, lots (most?) don't...and just want a trainable, well rounded, easy to work with/for individual.

    I know this young lady that has been to 3 schools so far. Guess what? She isn't/wasn't happy at any of them. My guess is that she isn't happy (settled) inside. I think that makes all the difference in the world. So, don't be surprised if OSU turns out to be less than you expected.....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Tabbyville, PA
    Gosh, I always knew what I wanted to do.... but could never figure out which SCHOOL I'd have transferred after every year if my parents let me. They were gracious abut the first transfer - its common to make a mistake like that, But after wanting to test out every school in the state with my major... they made me stay put!

    One thing to think about is how many credits are going to be lost when you transfer majors and schools. You might lose as much as a whole year. I lost one semester of classes.

    Do what feels right. If you already feel like graphic design is monotonous and not you, then switch. It'll get worse in the real world when you have to do it and deal with crummy coworkers, crummy clients, etc.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    If you're feeling unmotivated about your classwork, then a major switch might be in order. What classes are you currently taking that you do feel enthusiastic about? What piques/holds your interest most? Don't feel bad about the switch - a huge percentage of people I started MassArt with who swore they were gonna be Graphic Design majors (and make it big) either changed to different majors or dropped out entirely. I was an Illustration major, and for the most part, we survived intact and in major.

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