I want to know if I should!

On Saturday, Grant dropped a bottle of mayonaise and immediately cleaned it up. We thought we got evryting before anyone (humans or animals) could come in contact with the glass and hurt themselves.

Today while scooping the litterbox, I noticed GLASS on one of the poops. I have no idea WHO it was. No blood in the stool, only this small shard of glass. Luckily, it didn't seems like a sharp, or piercing piece of glass... just a smallish rounded off piece of glass. but it WAS glass (not that I touched it to verify the fact.. I've seen enough glass in my life to know what glass looks like)

Everyone is acting normal. Pouncer, Harry and Abby have been tearing through the house today likeTazmanian devils. Allen begged to go outside, so I sat on the steps while he rolled around on the concrete patio like a little kitten. We came back in and he's been sunning himself in the office window all afternoon - which is great because this is the first time in weeks he's been spending time in the same room as me (too many chin cleanings - the boy hates me now ) Nobody seems quieter than usual.

So before I panic and watch poop for the next week - before I drvie myself inssane figuring out who ate the glass --- do you think there is ANYTHING to worry about?