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Thread: Two wonderful Puppy surprises this morning

  1. #1

    Two wonderful Puppy surprises this morning

    Well we had an interesting alarm clock this morning. I woke up at 6:30 to a puppy whining. I can hear them easily from the bedroom with them around the corner in the livingroom. But this was so much closer. So I sat up and here is Dark Blue, happy as you please, wandering around our bedroom floor checking it all out and enjoying himself emensly. lol So we picked him up and gave him some lovings and then put him back. So now hubby is going to take out the partition in the door(since they have proven they can get over it) and we will just have to close the door from now on. A 2 foot wall should keep them in now for a while at least. lol

    The second wonderful surprise was at their first crate session this morning. As you know I have been crate training the pups for the past 3 days. Tehy get 3 sessions a day at meal times. Well today was a huge break through. 5 out of the 6 boys walked into their crate on their own this morning to eat their breakfast. Only one had to be convinced to go in. I was so happy. All 5 walked in with tails wagging and went right to eating. I just placed them on the floor in front of their crate door and they walked right in like it was perfectly normal. Two of those five(Light Blue, my favorite and Light Yellow) didn't cry at all their whole five minute session. They just ate and then laid down. I was sooo proud of them.

    So today has started off great to what will be a very busy day.
    Nicole & Sheena & Puppies

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Quote Originally Posted by NicoleLJ
    here is Dark Blue, happy as you please, wandering around our bedroom floor checking it all out and enjoying himself immensely.
    Nicole & Sheena & Puppies
    Oh joy, look how BIG my world is! I have to investigate all of it right now!

  3. #3
    Your pup climbed those long stairs? I thought you were building two boxes, one for the bedroom and one for downstairs?? Smart pup if he can climb all those stairs.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    NC, USA
    great progress, Nicole.

    Now were are some more pictures?

    Champion and Obedience titled Rottweilers

    ALWAYS owner handled and trained.
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  5. #5
    Thanks Red. I will be posting pictures later today. They get their second bath today since they go to teh vet tomorrow for their shots and microchip. So I will post their bath shots today.

    Nicole & Sheena & Puppies

  6. #6
    I also remember nichole saying her hubby was building 2 whelping boxes, one upstairs and one down stairs. umm i'll try and find that link.
    puppies this young should NOT be allowed or given the chance to get any where near stairs. very very dangerous.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    No, no - the pups got moved upstairs late last week I think, and have been in the living room with Sheena. This made life easier for Nicole - who is pregnant, of course - than her climbing up and down the stairs.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Karen
    No, no - the pups got moved upstairs late last week I think, and have been in the living room with Sheena. This made life easier for Nicole - who is pregnant, of course - than her climbing up and down the stairs.
    Stairs? Who mentioned stairs? The only stairs in my home lead to the basement that has the playroom and so on. My bedroom is on the same floor as the livingroon, just around the corner of it in fact. The there is my kitchen and so on. Plus we have a half door that blocks the stairs from the main floor. We put this in when we adopted the ferrets. If you look in my first post it says that my bedroom is right around the corner from the livingroom. I have no idea why you would think otherwise Karen. Sorry for the confusion. The pups here have no chance to get anywhere near stairs. WAY to dangerous.
    Nicole & Sheena & Puppies

  9. #9
    The confusion is that you mentioned two litter boxes, one upstairs beside your bed and one downstairs for the daytime, said it would be easier to move the pups downstairs for the daytime and move them back upstairs for the night????

    In another post you said you trained your dogs to jump in the tub to throw up because it took too long to make it downstairs to get to the kitchen door to go outside.

    You also mentioned living in a condo and condos are usually two stories so I assumed the bedrooms were upstairs.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Pensacola Beach,FL
    What great surprizes! Silly little puppies are growing up so fast.
    Owned by two little pastries!


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Illinois, USA
    Nicole, is it necessary for the puppies to learn about stairs? Do any of their adopting families have stairs in their homes? Maybe that is something they will begin to learn after they go to their adopting families? I have such mixed emotions now when I read your posts about them because I know they will be going to their adopting homes and families sooner rather than later. They are just so, so cute. I got the summer members' mailing for Brookfield Zoo - it has a picture of our newest polar bear cub and his mom on the back cover - and I thought of Sheena and the pups!
    Praying for peace in the Middle East, Ukraine, and around the world.

    I've been Boo'd ... right off the stage!

    Aaahh, I have been defrosted! Thank you, Bonny and Asiel!
    Brrrr, I've been Frosted! Thank you, Asiel and Pomtzu!

    "That's the power of kittens (and puppies too, of course): They can reduce us to quivering masses of Jell-O in about two seconds flat and make us like it. Good thing they don't have opposable thumbs or they'd surely have taken over the world by now." -- Paul Lukas

    "We consume our tomorrows fretting about our yesterdays." -- Persius, first century Roman poet

    Cassie's Catster page:

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by cassiesmom
    Nicole, is it necessary for the puppies to learn about stairs?
    None of them are learning about stairs. I have no idea why this weird idea that the pups are near stairs. None of them are. The only stairs in my house is at the end of the kitchen and you have to go through a half door to get to themWhich we instaled when we got 2 ferrets from a rescue. We did it to ensure their safety. So they have no access to any stairs and they are too young to learn about them anyway. Mine are made of concrete, with carpet cover. And it would terrify me to think one of them might slip and fall down them. The pups will have to wait to be introduced to stairs at their new homes. I have no idea why Karen thought they would be going near stairs, or anyone for that matter.
    Nicole & Sheena & Puppies

  13. #13
    Actually GS pups shouldn't be climbing stairs till they get much older, this is very bad fir their hips. Might be the same for all large breeds, but I don't really know which ones except Danes, Rotties and a few others.

    In one of your posts you did mention the two litter boxes, so unless you've moved since the whelping you mentioned the bedrooms upstairs. I've frankly never seen a one level condo. And you did mention the training in the tub so the dogs wouldn't have to run downstairs?????

    You had it posted on 3 other forums also, so I'm sure I'm not mistaken.
    Romance seems to be a newbie that remembers the post, she might also have seen it on another forum????

  14. #14
    OK Mike I have taken you off ignore since I was confused by why others thought the pups had gone near stairs. And in your usually style you lie and twist things to try and make me look bad. First I do not need any crap form you so I suggest you leave me alone. Anyone with any type of morals at all would leave someone that is going through what I am with this pregnancy alone if all they ever usually do is harass them.

    Now to correct your mis info. Yup I did make two whelping boxes. Yup to make it easier since I was several months pregnant and really didn't want to sleep on my livingroom floor. One was in the bedroom and one in the livingroom. But as you have been reading my regular updates you will know, I would have thought, that the bedroom one ended up not needed since I clearly posted about hubby moving our bed to the living room for 2 whole weeks. We slept there for the first two weeks so never needed the bedroom one.

    Second I moved to this town 3 years ago. I live in a house. A single house with it's own huge back yard, front yard and side yard. Not a condo. I have NEVER lived in a condo. I lived in a complex of apartments in another town before moving here. But the bedroom was down stairs. The house you are talking about where I trained my dog to throw up in the tub was a house I lived in 9 years ago. I have moved to 3 other homes since then. None of which are condos.

    Second my bedroom as I have clearly posted many times, is on the main floor. I live here so I know. You can argue it, twist it and so on all you want but none of my pups have been near stairs, none are being trained to throw up in a tub. They are too young for that training yet, and I never said I was.

    So now do you get it? For the 3rd post now I am saying my bedroom is on the main floor and NOT near stairs. Maybe now it will sink in.

    Now please stay away form my threads because I do not need your harassment right now.
    Nicole & Sheena & Puppies

  15. #15
    Such hostility over stairs. Makes 3 of us that misread your posts I guess. I checked with a few friends who belong to the other forums you are on and they read the same thing I did. Sorry, I must apologize for all of us reading wrong.

    Stairs 9 yrs ago? You mentioned training Luca in the tub, I thought you had just gotten him last yr, didn't realize he was an older dog. Maybe I just don't click into the forums as much as I should and missed your posts. I hope you don't mind if I do some browsing on the other bunch of forums you are on so I can verify for myself that we were all wrong.

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