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Thread: 28 random things about yourself..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    The Golden State

    28 random things about yourself..

    Got this idea from another forum. I think we should have one here, too.

    I'll go first:

    1). I love God & the Catholic Church with all my heart and soul. The more I study about God and the Chuch's teachings, the more I love them.

    2). I was born right-handed, but have learned to be dual-handed now.

    3). When I was 12 yr old or so.. I shared a house with a dog, a cat, a duck, a chicken, 2 birds, a rabit, a tank full of fishes, and about 20 crikets all at once

    4). I still feel like I'm a newcomer to the U.S., even though I've spend more years in the U.S. than in Vietnam!

    5). I only have 1 brother who's 13 years my junior!

    6). I am completely tone deaf. I can't tell between different tunes & can't sing to a right note - so I've never sung anywhere except in Church during Mass

    7). I love going to Church. For the first 17 years that I lived in Vietnam, I went every day, never missed one. Since coming to the U.S. 19 years ago, it's not possible for me to go to daily Mass anymore, but I have not yet missed a single Sunday Mass.

    8). I'm really good at maintaining lifelong friendships. I still keep in touch with my 1st grade teacher, and my 10 bestest friends in the whole wide world are those I knew since kindergarten. Tha'ts more than 30 years ago!

    9). I sleep on my tummy.

    10). I have no sense of direction AT ALL. No matter how familiar a place is and how many times I've been there, if I get in one way, and get out a different way, I'll get lost! Shortcuts don't work for me.

    11). I spent 12 months shopping for my wedding dress, checked every websites and went to every bridal stores from around California only to find & purchase my dream dress 5 days before my wedding day! *whew*. It's been 7 years and I still haven't seen any dresses I like better than my own!

    12). I don't like coffee, teas, any kind of soft drinks, or juices.. so just water for me, please?.

    13). We had 450 guests at our wedding. Half was immediate family members. The other half was our friends.

    14). I LOVE shoes!!! No shopping trip is deemed complete until I look at shoes!!

    15). I'm really really good at math (and anything that requires logic) but suck at anything artistic.

    16). I am very adventurous when it comes to food, and would dare to try anything edible, but I can't be without rice for long.

    17). I love the color purple. About 3/4 of my clothes have some shade of purple in it!

    18). I don't own an ipod or any video games.

    19). I'm very honest. If you ask for my opinion about something, you'd better prepared to hear the truth.

    20). I love my family. They're God's bestest blessings in my life.

    21). My greatest dream right now is to be a mommy.

    22). I hate wearing tennis shoes & socks. I don't own neither one.

    23). I'm bugs-phobia (I don't know the correct word!)

    24). I love Fridays.

    25). When I was 13-month-old, I had a freak accident that almost cut four fingers of my right hand off. Thanks God the doctors were able to stiched them back on, and they did such a good job that if I don't tell you, you won't be able to tell.

    26). I'm a hopeless romantic and dreamer. My husband is practical & down-to-earth. It can be frustrating at times, but we balance each other out.

    27). My husband is my first and only love.

    28). I can't whistle!
    Last edited by M&M's Mommy; 01-29-2009 at 02:59 PM.

    Thanks ~Jessie~

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Great thread, I really enjoyed learning more about you! I actually first saw this on facebook, and thought it was a great idea!

    I will have to think of some for me.... but right now I'm at school, and should be studying! LOL I'm addicted to Pet Talk!

    Kaitlyn (the human)
    Sadie & Rita (Forever in Our Hearts) (the Labbies)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Cleveland, Ohio
    1. I love web design/photoshop/illustrator

    2. I'm in love with my boyfriend of two years, Mike, which I believe he is the one for me. I am all right brained and he is all left brained, and somehow we balance each other out. I don't know what I would do without him, he has been really the "guy" I have envisioned myself to be with. He challenges me every time.

    3. I love country music.

    4. I am graduating with a BA in Art from the Ohio State University on March 22, 2009.

    5. My favorite artist of all time is Garth Brooks, and I dreamt of seeing him in concert since I was a young kid, and I was able to make it happen in November of 2007.

    6. I am hearing impaired and I have a cochlear implant.

    7. I am very easy going and laid back.

    8. I worry too much, and I try to learn not to every day.

    9. I am from Cleveland, Ohio, the birth of Rock & Roll.

    10. I am a tomboy, I can dress up and look beautiful, but about 99% of the time, I prefer to be a tomboy and dress comfortably.


    Makin' dinner, so I will keep thinking for the next 18!
    You're the one sure thing I've found so you better stick around...
    Best Fireman in da House´10
    dedicated to the kindest,loveliest and always helpful man that one would be honored and proud to know........R.I.P. Dear Phred

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    1. I am really particular about the fit and feel of my clothes but not how they look on me.
    2. I tend to follow rules unless I see something wrong with the rule.
    3. I can't fall asleep without an audiobook playing, and if it's one I haven't heard before I can't fall asleep either because I'll be too interested in it.
    4. I drink at least 4 cans of pop a day.
    5. I am absolutely TERRIBLE at telling faces apart. I always forget wether I know someone or not.
    6. I used to be able to sleep for about 16 hours a day, every day.
    7. I am inherently lazy and late, it took me 19 years to be able to get out of bed when I want to and out the door on time.
    8. I need to force a daily routine, it's not natural for me.
    9. I could never make myself do homework.
    10. I like to knit and crochet, and taught myself from watching videos online.
    11. I love museums of all kind, especially natural history and art.
    12. I love zoos and aquariums. For a very long time I thought I wanted to be a zookeeper.
    13. I used to read a lot but now that I have my laptop I don't really.
    14. I used to dye my hair neon colors a lot but I can't now because of my job. It's ok though because I'd take working with horses over dying my hair any day.
    15. I own a 1994 Jeep Cherokee that is currently miles away from me in Iowa on my dad's mini farm.
    16. I was one year old the first time I was on a horse, a mounted policeman held me.
    17. My father claims he and my mother were walking through a cemetery one day and they saw a tombstone with my name on it, and that is how they decided on my name. My mother vehemently claims I was named after Longfellow's poem and that my dad is making his story up or has remembered wrong.
    18. I love Doctor Who but only the new ones from 2005 onward and I'm excited to see Matt Smith as the new Doctor.
    19. I'm a HUGE Harry Potter fan, I've gone to a conference and several wizard rock shows.
    19. Right now I am living in an apartment at a horse barn.
    20. My birthday's in a few weeks, I'm turning 19.
    21. I like to draw but I don't like to challenge myself at all so I only draw when and what I want.
    22. My eyes are green.
    23. One of my life dreams is to be a stuntwoman on a horse in a movie.
    24. I really like Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson.
    25. I like bright and garish colors, if I cared about doing my makeup and hair, I'd look like a typical scene kid.
    26. I like to pretend like I am from the UK even though I've never been there.
    27. I like to hear other languages being spoken even though I'm not very good at learning new ones.
    28. I would like to take a course on both dialects of Elvish, so that I could become fluent. Either that or in Latin. I like the idea because they are both not spoken, one being made up by Tolkien.

    Niño & Eliza

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Florida, USA
    28 things. Let's see if I can come up with that many......

    1. I have two children
    2. I have two dogs
    3. I am an avid quilter
    4. I am a pretty decent cook and I love new recipes and things to try.
    5. I must be crafting at all times or I get antsy.
    6. I love complimenting people for all the good things they do. I do it to the point of annoying people, I think, but I think people should be recognized for what they do. It's amazing how people can not take a compliment and find it odd that you give them.
    7. I try very hard to get along with everyone.
    8. I love music.
    9. I love Kevin James
    10. I'm addicted to King of Queens like nobody would believe.
    11. I'm addicted to Diet Mountain Dew.
    12. I am not a morning person.
    13. I love staying up late.
    14. I worked in electronics for 20 years.
    15, I'm left handed.
    16. I am addicted to Nerd candies.
    17. I love computer research.
    18. I love anything to do with biology/science.
    19. I love seafood-my favorite food by far.
    20. I don't really care for pizza.
    21. I want to be a cake decorator. I love gorgeous cakes. They're such works of art.
    22. I want to help people that need help.
    23. I want grandchildren, like yesterday!
    24. I love reading almost anything. I especially love readng a good magazine or mystery novel.
    25. I am addicted to audio books in the car.
    26. I want a puppy or two.
    27. I want a kitten or two.
    28. I love to learn new things and especially learning history of any place or anything.

    That was fun. I could actually think of a few more.

    I've been Boo'd...
    Thanks Barry!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Cleveland, Ohio
    11. I have two brothers, and I am the oldest. They are 21 and 18.

    12. I have met Kenny Chesney, Lonestar (4x - when Richie was still the lead singer), Montgomery Gentry, Jamey Johnson, Rhett Akins, Rascal Flatts, Trick Pony, Aaron Lines, Phil Vassar (2x), Dierks Bentley, Big & Rich, Chris Cagle (4x), Billy Currington, and Jimmy Wayne. (all country artists)

    13. I'm very quiet and not much of a talker. Sometimes I am mistaken if something is wrong, but it's more because I don't talk. I'm exactly just like my father.

    14. My eyes are blue/green and I am 4'10".

    15. I've lived in more than one city - St. Louis, Missouri; Broadview Heights, Ohio; North Olmsted, Ohio; Kent, Ohio; and Columbus, Ohio, so far because of my college career.

    16. I am part Irish, Italian, and German.

    17. I had a very close relationship with my grandparents, my mom's parents. Recently my grandfather passed away, and the next evening, he came to visit me to say goodbye and let me know everything was OK and he was happy to be back with his love of his life, of 53 years. I miss them both terribly so much. I will always cherish those times that I had with them while growing up.

    18. I enjoy photography, color and b/w. I like either manual and digital SLR's.

    19. I've been to Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Missouri, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, Maryland, the Carolinas, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Maine, Massachusetts, and Tennessee. I still yet haven't touched the rest of the States, but I would hope to someday.

    20. When I get married, I hope my honeymoon would be laid back and fun, I would love it to be in IRELAND.

    21. I prefer texting over talking on the phone.

    22. My favorite color is blue. Not dark, not light, but sky blue.

    23. My favorite candy is M&M's.

    24. I have to have a glass of chocolate milk every morning or at least sort of chocolate breakfast drink.

    25. I always thought I would end up with someone who had blue eyes and dark blonde/brown hair, but instead I end up with the opposite, my boyfriend, who has brown eyes & hair. I couldn't be any happier.

    26. My world consists of: my family, my boyfriend, my art and photography.

    27. I am simple. I am not complicated.

    28. I only have had one speeding ticket, and that was 7 years ago.
    You're the one sure thing I've found so you better stick around...
    Best Fireman in da House´10
    dedicated to the kindest,loveliest and always helpful man that one would be honored and proud to know........R.I.P. Dear Phred

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Humboldt County, California, US
    1. Almost everyone I meet thinks I'm older than I really am. (good thing)

    2. I have agoraphobia.

    3. My favorite animal is the capybara.

    4. I have Native American and Irish in me.

    5. I am a very messy person, I hate having a neat room. But I can't stand a dirty toilet.

    6. I haven't cried in years.

    7. I'm very lazy.

    8. I'm a newbie photographer.

    9. I only eat about one meal a day.

    10. My favorite color is green, just like my eyes.

    11. I get around 10-12 hours of sleep.

    12. I sleep during the day, and love the nighttime.

    13. My favorite candy is Big Hunk.

    14. I'm a very picky eater.

    15. I love singing, but only do it over music.

    16. I love baking.

    17. I was born in a family with a dog, a few cats, and lots of chinchillas.

    18. I wear black everything.

    19. I don't watch TV, but can't sleep without one being on.

    20. My favorite season is spring.

    21. My birthday is on earth day. So, I was born a tree hugger.

    22. I'm good at getting better things for cheap.

    23. I'm addicted to "Crystal Light On The Go" packets.

    24. I like the natural aroma of guinea pigs.

    25. I hate everything orange flavored, but love oranges.

    26. I think I have a big nose.

    27. I refuse to eat off brand waffles and syrup.

    28. This took me forever!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Land of the Ducks...quack!
    I should be practicing for a gaming tournament...but this looked fun!

    1. I am the queen of random. I'm the type of person that will all of a sudden exclaim WAFFLES in a crowded room just to see how people react.

    2. I've been published in the Carson City Nevada newspaper

    3. I was painfully shy as a little kid. Now I go out in public wearing orange pants.

    4. I'm a database developer. I published a database that is still being used by the state of Nevada

    5. I like food, just about every food! I am the least picky person I know when it comes to food.

    6. I didn't used to like cats, but Pet Talk changed me and now I have three lol

    7. I know how to work on my own car

    8. Ive been playing video games since the age of 4

    9. Ive had my email address for over 15 yrs

    10. I've been to just about every state in the union, with the exception of the northeastern coastal states (furthest north on the east coast I've been is Boston), Florida, Alaska and Hawaii.

    11. Ive never been outside the US

    12. I almost skipped 12 for some reason

    13. I know how to build a fence

    14. Ive lifted over 400 lbs by myself (and I didn't hurt myself!)

    15. I have extra bones in my feet.

    16. I have three tattoos, one covers my entire back

    17. Mountain Dew is my favorite soda

    18. I live less than 30 ft from a railroad track

    19. I am fairly proficient in the use of firearms

    20. I almost cut my earlobe off when I was little. I learned not to jump on window seats that day!

    21. Ive driven over 120 mph

    22. Ive driven over 100 mph in my Festiva!

    23. At one point I could bench press 150 lbs

    24. I fear blood. I could never work in any medical profession

    25. I can't read music

    26. I can however DJ. Its harder than it looks.

    27. I once caught a bullfrog fishing for catfish. That frog was the biggest thing I caught that day...

    28. I actually got to 28 without skipping any!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    New Zealand
    1. I have two children.

    2. I have four cats.

    3. I have been married twice.

    4.I have social Phobia.

    5.I secretly would love to be a singer, but am too shy.

    6.I love going to cafes.

    7.I am allergic to cats and costume jewellery, can only wear Pure Gold.

    8.I sleep with a fan going all night ,every night, summer and winter.

    9.I am Scottish by birth.

    10. I have one older sister.

    11.Other than my parents, and sister and her family, my relatives all live in Scotland and one in France.

    12. I have a second cousin who is just five months old and is half french and half Scottish.

    13.I am a chocoholic.

    14. I am a very organised person.

    15.I am very punctual, infact usually i am a head of time and never late.,and i really hate it when people are not.

    16.I love fresh fruit, and salads, and they are very much a part of my every day diet.

    17. I also love ice cream.

    18.I have two main regrets in my life, never getting my drivers licence and not travelling back to the Uk When i was about 20 and given the chance to go with my parents, and only having to save my spending money, silly me.

    19.I enjoy baking, but tend to pig out on it, so don't do it very often.

    20.until five years ago, had never used a computer,now i could not live without it and PT of course.

    21.I would love to learn homeopathy, especially for Animals.

    22.I have always loved animals,especially cats, but now i simply adore them,PT played a very big part in that,and I learned something about myself.

    23.I suffer from Anxiety.

    24.I lack confidence in myself, and have a low self esteem.

    25.I like helping people.

    26.I am afraid of Heights.

    27.I am rather emotional.(more so as i have aged)

    28.I would love to take up rowing.
    Furangels only lent.
    RIP my gorgeous Sooti, taken from us far too young, we miss your beautiful face and purssonality,take care of Ash for us, love you xx000❤️❤️

    RIP my beautiful Ash,your pawprints are forever in my heart, love and miss you so much my big boy. ❤️❤️

    RIP my sweet gorgeous girl Ellie-Mae, a little battler to the end, you will never ever be forgotten, your little soul is forever in my heart, my thoughts, my memories, my love for you will never die, Love you my darling little precious girl.❤️❤️

    RIP our sweet Nikita taken suddenly ,way too soon ,you were a special girl we loved you so much ,miss you ❤️❤️

    RIP my beautiful Lexie, 15 years of unconditional love you gave us, we loved you so much, and miss you more than words can say.❤️❤️

    RIP beautiful Evee Ray Skye ,my life will never be the same with out you ,I loved you so much, I will never forget you ,miss you my darling .❤️❤️

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Hmm... let's see...

    1. I'm left handed.

    2. I love my camera more than I love most (MOST, keyword...) people. No lie.

    3. I plan on having a ton of kids. For those of you that know/have seen my nephew, you know that I love him more than life itself. I want a LOT of kids. If I was financially stable and in a stable relationship, I would have kids now. I'm 20. I've had that mentality since I was 16.

    4. I hope to pursue photography someday.

    5. My family means a lot to me. Lots of kids nowadays don't like their families much, but I really do love my family; all of them. My grandparents are also pretty amazing... my family is the only thing keeping me from getting the heck out of Wisconsin.

    6. I care too much about people. And the wrong people, too. I put my heart and soul into everything I do, and I care more about making other people happy than I do about making myself happy. There are a few people out there who I would do ANYTHING for, just to see them smile.

    7. I'm addicted to doing surveys and posting them on myspace and facebook and such. I have TONS.

    8. I'm also addicted to quotes. I have tons saved on my computer, tons on my livejournal, tons in a binder... having a few simple words explaining how you feel about something its just reassuring.

    9. I have emetophobia.

    10. I want to learn to speak and read Latin.

    11. I follow no religion. I'm agnostic.

    12. I am a virgin. Yes, I'm 20, and a virgin. My friends are all shocked when they find out. It's not that I'm begging to lose my virginity or I even CARE about losing it, I'm just waiting for the right person.

    13. I have two tattoos. One is a bass clef and a treble clef in the shape of a heart on my left wrist. The other I got done last night. It's on my back and it says in Latin, "Dum spiro spero" which means "While I breathe, I hope". I plan on getting another one soon for Gavin.

    14. I love to text. I sent nearly 8,000 a month. (be shocked, I know...)

    15. I want to learn to play the cello. I've always loved the cello.

    16. I played french horn for 7 and a half years before I quit. I regret it every day, I just didn't enjoy the college symphonic band AT ALL.

    17. I have really bad stage fright. Public speaking is my worst enemy.

    18. I have big feet. Like... big. Size 11, anyone?

    19. I'm horrible with spending money. My bills get paid, but I spend money way too fast.

    20. I'm a dog groomer. I love my job, very very much.

    21. I smoke. (yes, yes, I know...)

    22. I have two men and one woman in my life that I can tell everything to.

    23. I HATE getting up early. I am SOOO not a morning person.

    24. I've only been kissed twice.

    25. I have a scar on my cheek from getting bit by our lhasa apso we had when I was one.

    26. I've been driving for almost 4 years, and I've never been pulled over or gotten a ticket. I have been in two minor accidents, one wasn't my fault.

    27. I have only passed out once. It was at work and I hit my head on the floor. I don't recommend it. =p

    28. My mom has 7 sisters. Altogether, there are over 30 cousins on my moms side of the family alone, and over 10 second-cousins. I love my family. =]


    now she's slowly opening
    new eyes.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    1. I'm going to be a Mortician.

    2. I can't wait to be out of college. It's hard to believe that I'm halfway done (and it's gone by so fast), yet the end still seems so far away.

    3. I want to be done with college, but I don't think I'm ready for the 'real' world. I'm terrified of the future, and excited at the same time.

    4. My family is very important to me. I couldn't wait to move out of their house, and now it seems the longer I live away from "home", the more I miss it.

    5. What I really want is to be able to have my own place, my own family, my own dogs and my own life. I can not wait for that day.

    6. I've recently become addicted to working out. My day just doesn't feel right unless I've hit the gym.

    7. I hate being forced to do things. If it’s my choice I’ll gladly do it, if I’m told I have to I won’t…or I’ll complain the entire time.

    8. I love to learn things relevant to my life. I don't really enjoy reading fiction and hate having to learn things for a class that I know I'll never ever ever use again. I wish the time could be spent learning something I'll need to know.

    9. I didn't get a cell phone until I moved to college, and I never carry it anywhere. If people want to reach me, the call my boyfriend. (My parents actually put his number under my name, lol)

    10. I really despise driving new places or in congested cities, especially alone. Usually I'll remember the cell phone, but since it's always neglected the battery often dies when I really need it.

    11. I love taking pictures, especially of my dogs and scenery.

    12. I listen to Cake on my Ipod every single day, all day long and it doesn't get old.

    13. I'm not a night person, and I'm not a morning person. In fact, I'd sleep all day if I could.

    14. I believe I'm bi-polar.

    15. I tend to meet and make friends very easily, but can count the number of close, best friends I've had on one hand. It's a trust and self-confidence issue.

    16. I hate typical college parties and don't understand that lifestyle. I'd much rather learn something during my college experience than kill brain cells.

    17. I love watching Jon and Kate plus 8. It's one of the three shows I watch (Lost and Nip/Tuck). With the aid of the show (and "growing up", I guess) I have a strong desire to have children someday.

    18. I LOVE Dance Dance Revolution. I'll play for hours at a time every day if I can.

    19. I like to have a schedule and often feel lost without my planner.

    20. I spend way too much time online. I blame PT. Before PT I didn't even know what a forum was. Now I'm an addict and was amazed there are forums for everything.

    21. I fall asleep during movies.

    22. I have a horrible, horrible memory.

    23. In a group situation I'm more likely to observe and take everything in than jump into conversation.

    24. I couldn't carry a tune to save my life.

    25. I've never really been a girly girl. I love helping my dad on things in the garage (such as building derby cars) and I love anything that has to do with the outdoors (skiing, biking, camping, hiking, kayaking).

    26. I'm very laid back and not too hard to please.

    27. I'm not particular with what I wear.

    28. I have a hard time managing my time wisely and get stressed when I have a lot of things that need to be done.

    Ashley & Crossbone ("mini ACD")
    Living with my parent's: Jack (Lab/Beagle), Micki & Mini (JRTS)
    RIP Kyra: 07/11/04 - 11/3/12; Shadow: 4/2/96 - 3/17/08

  12. #12
    28 Random things about me

    1. I was born and raised on a 100 acre farm.

    2. I didn’t have many friends over when I was younger because I lived so far out of town.

    3. My favorite thing to do as a kid was play with our animals in the hay bales in the barn.

    4. I rescued every kind of animal while growing up.

    5. I’m more like my father than my mother in many ways.

    6. I’m a librarian like my mother, however.

    7. I actually didn’t belong to a clique growing up.

    8. I lived for roller skating on weekends.

    9. I loved fishing with my dad, and would love to do that again while he’s still able.

    10. I’m still quite a pacifist and hate fights and conflicts.

    11. I do like to hear gossip, lol.

    12. I do not condone bullying in school, and let kids know it straight out.

    13. I stick up for the underdog in most situations.

    14. I feel more of a connection to my students than I do to my fellow teachers.

    15. I love my career choice. Books and kids, what could be better.

    16. I love to cook and bake.

    17. I’ve been cooking since age 5.

    18. I have ribbons from my awards in county fairs for baking.

    19. Baking helps me relieve my frustrtations and keeps me from being bored.

    20. The more challenging the recipe, the more I want to make it!

    21. I have had depression for the past 22 years, it has just taken me some time to realize how long it’s been.

    22. I’m not embarrassed of being depressed. I’d rather it be know and be able to help someone else if they have questions.

    23. I am unable to have children.

    24. I broke up with my ex because of it because he said he’d take a 2nd wife to have children with (muslim) if we ever married.

    25. My cats are my kids. I’d like to have a dog some day when my finances are more secure and my hours are more stable at work.

    26. I love the friends I’ve made on Pet Talk. They are like family to me.

    27. I love sleeping in on a weekend/snow day. That is a big treat for me!

    28. I’m bad at keeping my house uncluttered. There’s always fur floating around somewhere, lol.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    1. I love shoveling snow.

    2. I have strange food allergies - celery! Who knew that was even possible?

    3. I was the only blue-eyed person in my family growing up - both grandfathers had blue eyes, but neither my parents or siblings did

    4. I have been married for more than half my life now!

    5. I love to bake.

    6. I am a voracious reader (proof -

    7. I saw a short-tailed shrew just a few days ago, hoping through the snow in the back yard, looking for seeds the birds might have missed

    8. I live on a steep hill

    9. The Boston Marathon goes right by my street

    10. I name my cars

    11. My current car's name is Turtle

    12. My hair was blonde and curly until I was 4 1/2 years old

    13. Then my hair was brown and straight

    14. Now my hair is curly-ish again, depending on the weather

    15. I live in a city but my street doesn't feel like one

    16. I'm allergic to apricots, but not allergic to peaches

    17. My MFA is in Illustration

    18. It's raining out now, was snowing earlier

    19. Two dogs on my street are named Riley

    20. We have a wild turkey in our neighborhood

    21. When a passenger, I look for hawks above the highways

    22. I will finish a book if I start it, with very few exceptions

    23. I'm right-handed but can write legibly with my left

    24. I was kid #3 out of 4

    25. My mom died of ALS - Lou Gehrig's disease, which can sometimes be inherited, so I hope it doesn't hit any of us kids

    26. I love my stuffed animals even though I am not supposed to have any

    27. I like people

    28. I have a teeny cast iron bunny that I found in a teeny box covered with Christmas paper that I found in my house
    I've Been Frosted

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    1.) I am the most hard-headed, argumentative person you will ever meet, but only when people blame me for stupid things or say something totally ignorant. I tend to disagree with people on alot of things.

    2.) I love lemon water. Random thing but yeah. I probably couldn't live without it .

    3.) I sleep with a Figaro stuffie I got about 13 years ago on my first trip to Disney World.

    4.) I enjoy and intelligent conversation on controversial issues and I hate when people get nasty with me. Although I am opinionated I can hold in my thoughts pretty well.

    5.) I hate Chemistry, I'm nearly failing right now.

    6.) I love, love, love, love, love art. Sketching, painting, digital, photography, modern, anything. I love it. I enjoy going to art museums.

    7.) I have been called a nerd that everyone loves xD. I think it's true. I read books nearly everyday.

    8.) I LOVE cartoons like Back at the Barnyard, Spongebob, Fairly Odd parents, Batman, Looney tunes, whatever it is I'll normally watch it. I just cannot get into shows like "lost", "gossip girl" or whatever else 16 year olds watch. I hate that stuff. The only funny real TV show I like is Two and Half men or George Lopez.

    9.) I love, love, love the LION KING 1 and 2. They are awesome movies! I love the music and everything.

    10.) I hate when people are talking to me or I'm in a conversation with others about pets and someone is like "Oh when I was 12 I had like 3 hermit crabs but I forgot to feed them and they all died" or "haha, my hamster died last week". LIKE wtf? You think it's funny a living thing died because you're a dumba** who forgot to feed it. It annoys me when they laugh especially. Why did you even bother getting the pet if you didn't care about it? Then when they get all mad at me for pointing it out and they were like it's just a hamster bleh bleh bleh. It's still a living thing moron. It pisses me off till no end!!

    11.) I work at a Six Flags amusement park and it's made me hate people.

    12.) I volunteer at an animal shelter and it made me see how pure animals truly are. Those animals are the best in the world, they are so happy and loving even though they've been abandoned. It's also shown me not all people are heartless and rude.

    13.) I want to go to Rutgers so bad.

    14.) I should be studying for Spanish Midterms right now.

    15.) I LOVE video games but never have time to actually play them, it's sad because I'm addicted to them. Spyro, Sonic I miss my loves.

    16.) I want a drawing tablet and a Wii.

    17.) I walk really weird xD

    18.) I'm really uncoordinated and clumsy but have never broken any bones.

    19.) I surprisingly enjoy spending time with my parents unlike most people my age.

    20.) I'm REALLY(!!!!) excited for this summer. NEW DOGGY and DISNEY WORLD WOOT!!

    21.) I've never had a boyfriend but I sort of want one. I like two boys but I don't know if they like me.

    22.) My siblings and I get along surprisingly well. I'm a family and friend person but I'm shy around people I don't know.

    23.) I still play neopets and I've been on the site for 7 years on various accounts. My oldest one I know of is 5 years old, I don't remember the

    24.) I have a really weird phobia of chewed gum, OH MY GOD, it's so disgusting. I HATE gum now with a burning passion, haven't had a piece in like 8 years or so.

    25.) I know a ridiculous amount about dogs for my age. Dogs are the best thing in the world. I read mostly books about them, and I know many breeds. My mom thinks I'm the walking Dog Book.

    26.) I'm a tomboy. I love Hot Topic and Pac Sun. I hate dresses, skirts and that type of stuff but I sometimes wear them, bleh. I like Vans and Converses and Skinny Jeans

    27.) I wear my hair straight nearly everyday.

    28.) I had open Heart Surgery when I was five, but I hate talking about it because people feel sorry for me and I hate that.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Riding my bike somewhere...
    1. When I'm home, I'm almost always burning an incense.

    2. I prefer to be barefoot.

    3. I ride my bike A LOT.

    4. I'm hopelessly addicted to photography.

    5. My dogs are my loves.

    6. I'm always the girl that's "awesome" and "one of the dudes" but always ends up alone.

    7. I own 4 bikes and want more.

    8. I sleep with my papa's flannel t-shirt every night.

    9. I adore making people laugh.

    10. I love beards.

    11. I have a horrible memory when it comes to most things.

    12. I often find one song and listen to it over and over for days (at the moment it's "thrash unreal" by Against Me!

    13. I meet a lot of amazing people but the realest most trustworthy friend of mine is in a better place.

    14. I used to be incredibly bitter and hate kids, however, they aren't so bad.

    15. I still never want children.

    16. I've worked for the same business for 4 years. I quit for 6 months.

    17. "I don't give a damn about a greenback dollar, I spend it as fast as I can" suits me well.

    18. I have a thing for Bruce Springsteen.

    19. I hate the feel of lotion on my hands.

    20. I only sleep 4 hours at the most as night. Sometimes I take a nap.

    21. I'm 21.

    22. That means I'm legally able to drink, that's it.

    23. I like burritos.

    24. I hate beef.

    25. My clothes mostly consist of hand-me-downs and thrift stores.

    26. I love vintage items.

    27. I rarely watch TV unless I'm at someone else's house and they're watching it.

    28. My favorite movie is The Lion King.

    ~Kay, Athena, Ace, Kiara, Mufasa, & Alice!
    "So baby take a axe to your makeup kit
    Set ablaze the billboards and their advertisements
    Love with all your hearts and never forget
    How good it feels to be alive
    And strive for your desire"

    -rx bandits

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