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Thread: More Reptile Info Wanted Please!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    More Reptile Info Wanted Please!!

    Hi Everyone!
    I know I posted a thread like this befor ebut no body answered after awhile on it this question is a bit different, I am almost positive I am getting a bearded dragon now, we are getting a 50-55 gallon tank and a MVB bulb so I have no new questions on Beardies Now I still have my 2 hermit crabs so I was thinking of moving them to a bigger tank now,( they had to live in a smaller tank for a bit But I took them out for exercise a lot) SO I am moving them up to my 10gallon tank, so maybe in a while after I get settled with a beardie and my hermies are OK in their tank I was thinking of putting a new kind of animal in the old tank its a Exo-Terra Terrarium and the measurements are 12x12x12 , Looks like the pic I have included[IMG][/IMG] So if anyone knows what type of animal I could put in there it would be great! Than I can start doing some research! Fun-Fun! I am sorry to say this to any snake-lovers on PT but I dont really want a snake, although they are SO beatiful I just cant stand watching some eat mice or other animals Oh well Thanks Everyone

  2. #2
    Ahh.. you have the wide version of the exo-terra cage.. A beardie should probably have at least a 55 gallon tank for his/her entire lifetime.

    However, a few leopard geckos would go nicely in that cage. I'd say 3... 1 male, 2 females.

    Never put 2 males together. They will fight, and it's not a pretty sight.

    Or, you could get African Fat-Tailed geckos. Those are nice too. Or, a Crested gecko... also very nice.

    Start trying to research those... A fire skink would also love that cage. Keep in mind, each individual species requires a completely different set up/environment... Start doing your research, and pick which one you would like!

    Good luck!
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Deep-N-Heart of Tx && My Babie's Hearts

    More Reptile Info Wanted Please!!

    Welcome to Pet Talk & enjoy all the talks & pictures..
    Ummm I realy dont know much about reptiles, but the little guy in the picture is cute.. You might ask the Pet Store to catch their input.. There should be someone on PT that can help you.. Good Luck & more pics please..

    ~~~Thank You Very Much {Kim} kimlovescats for the Grand Siggy~~~

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    with my nose in a book
    So your breadie is going in 50-55 gallon tank
    your hermit crabs in a 10 gallon
    and the pic is of your hermit crabs old tank and you want to know what kind of pet would be best for that tank in the pic

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ILoveReptiles
    Ahh.. you have the wide version of the exo-terra cage.. A beardie should probably have at least a 55 gallon tank for his/her entire lifetime.

    However, a few leopard geckos would go nicely in that cage. I'd say 3... 1 male, 2 females.

    Never put 2 males together. They will fight, and it's not a pretty sight.

    Or, you could get African Fat-Tailed geckos. Those are nice too. Or, a Crested gecko... also very nice.

    Start trying to research those... A fire skink would also love that cage. Keep in mind, each individual species requires a completely different set up/environment... Start doing your research, and pick which one you would like!

    Good luck!
    Leopard Geckos, My neighbour has 2 Leopard Geckos in a 20 gallon he told me nothing less but I guess if I get some branchs and stuff to clim they'd have lots of room, I was thinking 1or2 girls I just get freaked if some guy at the petstorre makes a mistake and gives me 2 males and they fight But If I get a female and male wouldnt the breed?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Zippy
    So your breadie is going in 50-55 gallon tank
    your hermit crabs in a 10 gallon
    and the pic is of your hermit crabs old tank and you want to know what kind of pet would be best for that tank in the pic


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by lvpets2002
    Welcome to Pet Talk & enjoy all the talks & pictures..
    Ummm I realy dont know much about reptiles, but the little guy in the picture is cute.. You might ask the Pet Store to catch their input.. There should be someone on PT that can help you.. Good Luck & more pics please..
    Thank You for welcoming me! Although I am not that new to PT

  8. #8
    You are suffering from a common affliction in the herpetological world. We call it "ETS"- short for Empty Tank Syndrome. As an animal lover, it is understandable to want to surround yourself with as many creatures as possible, but that's not always the best thing. Maybe I read you wrong, but it mostly sounds like you're considering another animal just because you have an open slot. If you don't want the tank to go to 'waste', how about a nice little terrarium for now? You might be surprised how rewarding plants can be to care for, too. By all means continue doing research, and I hope your interest in herps continues to grow, but try to resist making the decision to be responsible for another life just because there is an empty square around.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Horse Lover
    Leopard Geckos, My neighbour has 2 Leopard Geckos in a 20 gallon he told me nothing less but I guess if I get some branchs and stuff to clim they'd have lots of room, I was thinking 1or2 girls I just get freaked if some guy at the petstorre makes a mistake and gives me 2 males and they fight But If I get a female and male wouldnt the breed?
    Yes, they would breed.

    I'm trying to visualize the dimensions of this thing... 1 Leopard Gecko needs the footprint of at least a 10 gallon aquarium.

    Stick with females, you can put more than one together... Sorry about that.
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Sophist
    You are suffering from a common affliction in the herpetological world. We call it "ETS"- short for Empty Tank Syndrome. As an animal lover, it is understandable to want to surround yourself with as many creatures as possible, but that's not always the best thing. Maybe I read you wrong, but it mostly sounds like you're considering another animal just because you have an open slot. If you don't want the tank to go to 'waste', how about a nice little terrarium for now? You might be surprised how rewarding plants can be to care for, too. By all means continue doing research, and I hope your interest in herps continues to grow, but try to resist making the decision to be responsible for another life just because there is an empty square around.
    Oh, Well I didnt really think of taking an animal in right NOW , I was kind of thinking for the future more of adn getting the info now, I dont think my family would let me get another reptile at this very moment, Especially since we are planning to get a beardie, Im not getting an animal just because theres an empty spot,

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    get a fat tail!!

    or a leopard there great but I wouldnt recomend a male with them females incase they mate
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  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    So right now I am considering a gecko for the new tank, not right now though! So many geckos to choose from! Right now I am choosing either Leopard Gecko or African Fat-Tailed geckos. I must do research! I just read a bit on geckos so what kind of light do they need? A low wattage?

  13. #13
    The african fat-tailed geckos I haven't researched, but I can tell you that Leopard Geckos are noctournal. They don't require UVA/UVB...

    The best thing to use with them is a light strip above the cage that takes bulbs, and use the blacklight night-time heat bulbs in it. Make sure you get the right size bulbs for the hood. Some are long tubes, others look like regular light bulbs.

    Good luck!
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    Cheerfully Childfree

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