I'm trying to use real life images for my latest project. I do not like the current "fake/posed" images as they are well, fake.

The photos I have access to are only thumbnails & the owner is gone for another month & is sooo hard to get a hold of when she is gone, & I need farm (barn with farm type animals) images asap.. the larger the image & better the quality the more likely I'll pick it

This WILL be used for my work & will go online here. So I will need written permission from you, for our company to use it.

So if you want to post images/urls here I can choose from, I will send you a PM with my work email you can send the image to with written permission. Then I'll let you know when the image switch has been made.

If you want to take a peek at all the current images & think yours is better & are cool with it being used go here .. I'm making plans for the pet one. I just need to convince someone to let me bring Digi into their beautiful home & let Digi sit in the newly redone livingroom (OMG its soooo pretty!!), so I can stage a naughty dog scene! hehe If that fails (I'm sure it will), anyone wanna fight for that spot too?