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Thread: Had to put my 10 year old great dane mix Cole to sleep today

  1. #1

    Had to put my 10 year old great dane mix Cole to sleep today


    I had to put my 10 year old great dane mix Cole to sleep today. he had health issues all his life but we would get him some medication and he would be happy and well taken care of. his stomach flipped last sunday (also known as the bloat). he had overnight emergency surgery. he was doing great until early this afternoon. by the time my husband and i got him to the vet today he was in severe shock. his stomach flipped again and we had to put him down, i just think he had had enough. we loved him so much and God gave us 5 more days to love him. i am ok one minute , start crying the next. we have 3 other dogs and they know something is wrong, they will help us get through this. Cole lived with us for 10 years and we were very lucky to have him choose us. Cole was born with hip problems and couldn't run as well as he would have liked, but i know that he is running his heart out in heaven like he couldn't here on earth. mommy and daddy love you Cole!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2001


    Oh, I am so sorry to hear about your dear Cole... he's in a better place now.

    Kaitlyn (the human)
    Sadie & Rita (Forever in Our Hearts) (the Labbies)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Bloat is such a heartbreaker, but at least you got those few extra days with him.

    Cole is, I am quite sure, running beside my Gracie up there at the Rainbow Bridge, she was a 3/4 Great Dane, 1/4 Lab who loved to run like the wind.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    New Jersey
    My heartfelt sympathy to you on the loss of Cole. Many of us understand what it is like to lose a furbaby (the alright one minute and crying the next). He was a lucky boy to have been so loved, and I am sure that he is smiling down at you with love in his eyes right now. Hugs to you and your family.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    indianapolis,indiana usa
    I am very sorry for your loss. Rest In Peace Cole.
    I've Been Boo'd

    I've been Frosted

    Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  6. #6


    I'm so sorry for your loss. may he rest in peace.
    Krista- owned by Rudy, Dixie, Miagi & Angel

    Rocky, Jenny, Ginger Buster & Tiger .. forever loved & always in my heart..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    I am so sorry for your great loss of Cole. Bloat is so devastating.
    I am glad Cole had a wonderful ten years with you. Hugs to you and your family.
    Save a life, ADOPT!!

    Rainbow Bridge Angels: Thor, Shiloh and Killian, Avalanche and Wolf
    (RB Gaylord and Bandit, fosters who have touched my heart)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Florida, USA
    Cole was very loved by you while he was on this earth. You gave him a wonderful life. My heart breaks for you. Rest in Peace Cole and play hard at the bridge (((((HUGS)))))

    I've been Boo'd...
    Thanks Barry!

  9. #9

    Unhappy Today isnt any easier

    thank you all for your support. last night was so quiet, too quiet. no snoring, Cole snored louder than my husband. Cole was also a sleep runner, he slept facing the wall and his feet click clacked all night on the wall while he was running in his sleep. then he would get up in the middle of the night flapping his ears and run around on the hard wood floors click clacking until i got up to let him out for a tinkle. the house is so quiet this morning, my other 3 dogs are very mellow today. our neighbors have a great dane that looks just like Cole and my little boxer girl Roxie keeps going up to the fence and crying, she thinks Cole is next door and wonders why he is ignoring her and not coming home. this is so hard.
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ohio, USA
    How heartbreaking

    I know how devistating bloat is (my Keisha died from the same thing about 5 years ago). I'm just glad to hear that you had those 5 extra days with him.

    R.I.P. Cole

    Many {{{hugs}}}

    Huney, Bon & Simba-missed so very much
    Remembering all the Rainbow Bridge Pets

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Charlotte, Michigan
    I feel your heavy heart. Poor Roxie

    Even though Cole was 10 years old,(in dog years that is) losing him is so much like losing a part of your own body.

    When a beloved Pet dies, we have to adapt to sudden and unexpected change, and the work that our grief requires of us-- is so demanding of our attentiveness. We have to tend to our daily lives, that are not at all the same anymore. We have to witness the grieving of others who share our loss, as you have mentioned with the solemn emotions displayed by the other dogs. I am so very , very sorry that you too must strive to make it through this transition.

    The photo of Cole brought tears to my eyes, because I dearly love animals, especially DOGS!!!! Keep a part of him alive for yourself, forever. He is actually a part of you anyway. He did not really die---- completely. He left you something valuable that you can always tap onto for your personal source of courage, tenderness, knowledge and above all, your place of origin.

    Remember your beloved Cole in this way for the rest of your life!!!! And, you will love another dog, I promise you that.

    Rest In Peace COLE!!!

  12. #12

    Unhappy missing my oldest baby

    this is still so hard. i have been Coles mom for 10 years. he had various medical problems, nothing serious til he got sick a week ago. but everyday he got his pills twice a day, ears cleaned, cleaned his face and head cause he drooled like crazy ,made sure back legs were ok (he was born with no hip joints) but could still run like the wind with a stumble now and then. a large part of my life was spent caring for him ,now this has all come to a screeching halt. i feel like i lost my identity. i have 3 other furbabies Sally, Argyle and Roxie. i love them to death but i feel so lost.

  13. #13
    Awwww what a beautiful boy! I am sorry for your loss! Rest in Peace Cole!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Charlotte, Michigan
    Oh yes, yes , yes,

    You do feel lost indeed. Cole's picture really hit me hard. He was born with no hip joints? Oh my goodness. You have been a savior for this dog. You tended to his every need, and now, that he is gone, you feel so displaced.

    Cole reached the end of his rope. And I am so sorry that you must tend to your daily life , without him . I especially feel your anguish during this tender time. His snoring, his wild runs during sleep, the sound of his toes on your hardwood floors, his presense in your life, all have come to a halt.

    This is hard for me to type, okay?

    You have touched upon my own "displacement", with Coles' story.

    I will continue to find your thread, and look at Cole over and over for atonement. You were there for Cole, God Bless You for that.

    I am so sorry that you have to feel such heartache, I feel your sorrow, your despair, your loss. Please talk more about this beloved animal. I found Pet Talk strictly by accident. By registering on this forum, I am on the right road now. when I read about Cole, Mandy, Bella, Savannah, Dixie , and so many other dogs, The pain that I feel can be shared, nurtured and acknowledged.

    This site is wholesome. healing, and informative all at the same time.

    I am rambling--------------------- but, I understand how you feel.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I am so sorry for your loss.
    Cole was certainly a wonderful dog and you and your family will have many great memories of him. hugs

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