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Thread: How long does it take for a bird to hatch?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2000

    How long does it take for a bird to hatch?

    I probably should have posted this in Pets as it is bird-related but I thought more people would see it here.

    Right now we have a bird who has chosen to build a nest inside our siding. It is actually above the living room window and there is a tiny space where it appears she is fitting through (I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen her come and go with my own eyes.) I have been watching her for a few days now and am amazed at all of the things that have been hanging, from time to time, through the slit in the siding from the nest. Of course we don't want to disturb her and her new family but are wondering just how long it will take the babies to hatch and leave the nest. Anyone know? Hubby certainly doesn't want to bother them before that.

  2. #2

    I found these sites Pam. Interesting

    Bird gestation periods and other stuff

    My post about "What brings you here?" actually brought more people looking for bird gestation periods. Google is sending people by the dozens who are looking for "hummingbird gestation period," "cardinal gestation period," "house wren gestation period," and so on. To those who have come here for that information, let me offer these notes.

    The black-chinned hummingbird gestation (incubation) period is about two weeks.
    From what I've been able to find on the Internet, cardinal eggs hatch after 11 to 13 days, house wrens hatch after 13 or 14 days.
    I've found it more productive to search for "incubation period" than "gestation period." Like I said below, I made the same mistake myself when I first wrote about the hummingbirds in my yard, so please don't think I'm criticizing! Just learning from my own mistakes.

  3. #3
    I've been watching a little bird for the last couple days too. Actually it's a pair of birds I've been watching and they're building a nest on my front porch. The cats have hardly left the window, they love watching the 2 little birds.

    I often use these 2 sites to look up things about wild birds
    - Kari
    skin kids- Nathan, Topher, & Lilla

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