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Thread: Bald spot/rash on 9 year old huskey

  1. #1

    Bald spot/rash on 9 year old huskey

    I tried posting this but it wouldnt let me.
    My baby Trina has a bald spot for some reason on her, it aloso is looking like a rash/or adgitaged a bit.

    I didnt know what to do so I cleaned my entire house, and gave her a bath. *IM gonna hit the vet tomorrow, but if I can sav the $ if someone has a idea for me, or has experienced this.

    ANy ideas to keep it clean, and heal, IM OPEN TO ANYTHING> IF this is life threatening im going vet, but if not they cost so much and would LOVE

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Where is the spot? Some dogs get a "hot spot" in summer, like heat rash in people. What does the spot look like? Does it bother her? Has anything changed in her diet lately? Lots of things this could be ...
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3

    Few things

    HRmmm... Id say she has ate a bit less, then the usual eating of a small bit less during the summer. Not a HUGE difference and if I dndnt have this dog at 3 weeks for 9 years i doubt i would have noticed that.

    As faras heat this has appeared as she sheds her summer coat. As well I live in IL where the heat has been bad enoughh to %100 obliterate our corn. ANd its not %100 bald, id say %90, just the iritates part that has me worried.

    ALSO ITS ON HER BACK RIGHT LEG< LIKE middle as far as up and down gos of the uupper leg, not counting the thin part that dose the walking, im speaking of her thigh or muscle part I guess you can say. Towards the back, a few inches from her back side.

    BUT- She is not outside to often, she only gos fr walks at nnight cause its cooler. And when I simp;y let het out, she just is out for maybe 5-6 mins.
    I also did a flea check and found none, had a flash light in mouth and was gong threw her hair, the one time she had fleas years back I found them that way. She is clean as a whistle it lookds to me, now I cant see mites. So im not saying I know its nothing on her.

    *One other thing that i thougth was just her age(9). She gos to the bath room on my patio now, it has grass growing up in parts. But Ithink being a husky, anjd being 9, with the heat, she just dose her thigns ASAP and wants back in.

    Thats all I can think of, other ten she still plays, loves her night walks.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    You can get - not food - but a topical flea treatment like Advantix or something. We always took our dogs to the vet once a year for a check-up, just in case, even when they were older. If the spot doesn't seem to bother her, isn't warm or red, I'd not stress about it, but maybe make a vet appointment just to get her a check-up and make sure everything is okay. She's getting to be older, so it's a good idea to have a vet give her a good going over, and check for issues, etc. You can add garlic powder to her food that will help deter fleas, some folks find that works great.

    Does she lick at the spot?
    I've Been Frosted

  5. #5

    %99 sure

    Quote Originally Posted by Karen View Post
    You can get - not food - but a topical flea treatment like Advantix or something. We always took our dogs to the vet once a year for a check-up, just in case, even when they were older. If the spot doesn't seem to bother her, isn't warm or red, I'd not stress about it, but maybe make a vet appointment just to get her a check-up and make sure everything is okay. She's getting to be older, so it's a good idea to have a vet give her a good going over, and check for issues, etc. You can add garlic powder to her food that will help deter fleas, some folks find that works great.

    Does she lick at the spot?

    IVe done some looking on line, im almost sure its a heat spot. I guess common in older huskies, this is her first so it freaked me out. I shaved the area around it, and added the cream thney told me to pick up, then made it so she cant get at the cream. Im gonna get spray so I dont have to keep a T shirt on her, cause we are going to grandmas in a bit.

    Also got a fogger to kill the buggs in my yard im gonna go after now:

    QUESTION- What other things should I do, to keep them protected from dangerous bugs, is there food that dose it?? Or whats the safest best way, for one wold dog, one young(pit lover- sorry cant say pit bull with this angel) I spend so much on her food all ready cause its a no-grain she needs. But ill do ANYTHING

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Like I said before, some people have had success sprinkling garlic powder in their dog's food. But I would try it once and make sure neither has a reaction to it - I, myself am allergic to garlic!
    I've Been Frosted

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    This is how we treat hot spots:

    If it is wet, put some Gold Bond powder on it. You can apply this up to 3 times a day.
    If it is dry, put some hydrocortizone cream or if you don't have any, some Vaseline, on and see if that helps at all.

  8. #8

    i think

    Quote Originally Posted by Karen View Post
    You can get - not food - but a topical flea treatment like Advantix or something. We always took our dogs to the vet once a year for a check-up, just in case, even when they were older. If the spot doesn't seem to bother her, isn't warm or red, I'd not stress about it, but maybe make a vet appointment just to get her a check-up and make sure everything is okay. She's getting to be older, so it's a good idea to have a vet give her a good going over, and check for issues, etc. You can add garlic powder to her food that will help deter fleas, some folks find that works great.

    Does she lick at the spot?
    I thought she was not, but i could tell she was when I lookee d it over.
    I went on another dog sight, and got advice of how to deal with heat spots. They are common in huskies, even though this is Trinas 1st. I was told to get it shaved, not with a razor, but a like electric cutter you do people hair with. As low as you can, then about a quarter inch around the spot do the same to stop the spreading. THen put COrtizone spray /cream on it. Just be sure she dose not lick it.
    my dog is well traineed, so all it took was her trying to lick it a couple times and me saying no, and she stopped. SO right now I got it trimmed up, and she has cortizone cream on it, its not itchy and its helping the rash part of it.

    I hope this works, ill keep a close eye on it and update to let you know. ANYTHING ELSE YOU THINK OF< PLEASE SHARE

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
    This is how we treat hot spots:

    If it is wet, put some Gold Bond powder on it. You can apply this up to 3 times a day.
    If it is dry, put some hydrocortizone cream or if you don't have any, some Vaseline, on and see if that helps at all.
    Is hydrocortizone cream neosporin?>?>? Sorry im a bad speller

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Neosporin is an antibiotic cream. A better one for hot spots is a cortizon cream. You can get it at any pharmacy.

    BTW bichons are prone to hot spots, I've dealt with them many many times, darn nuisance!


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