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Thread: I'll admit I wanted a day off...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Happy Valley, Utah

    I'll admit I wanted a day off...

    But that didn't mean I wanted to lose my keys! Ugh, I felt really stupid calling in to work this morning saying I was planning on being at work, but my keys have magically disappeared I've never lost them before, misplaced momentarily, yes, but I've always found them within a few mintues. It's big too...I have a ton of keys and keychains, so its not like they are small and easy to lose. I had some of my favorite keychains on there and other keys that I'm not sure I have a spare to like my toolbox at work and the key to my gas tank.

    I really don't understand as I was the first one home yesterday so I unlocked the front door. I set them where I usually do, and I didn't even go anywhere yesterday. I'm wondering if my parents grabbed them by mistake or something?

    The funny thing is the last day I had off of work/school was the Sunday before last (Nov 30th), I worked all last weekend and I wasn't scheduled for another day off of work or school until this coming Sunday. I was just complaining last night that I wished I had a day off. I guess my wish came true.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    New England
    Aw Amy that really stinks. I hope you can find them soon, and i know how frustrating that is.

    One time, i missed an Easter celebration that I was REALLY looking forward to because i had dropped my keys in the trunk and all the doors were locked. Mark had gone earlier and I had no way to contact him so I sat home through the whole thing and cried.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Belgium, near Ghent
    Oops...! I've been through similar situations !
    The funniest time was when I found my keys back in the fridge, next to the bananas , or that other time, when I found them in the dryer, all shiny again
    I miss you enormously Sydney, Maya, Inka & Zazou Be happy there at the Rainbow Bridge

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Happy Valley, Utah
    Well I just found them, how they got it in that location I will never know. They were on top of the fridge, at the very back, I couldn't even reach them. We keep the dog leashes in a basket on top of the fridge, the only thing I can think of is maybe they were hooked on a leash and were tossed back there. Very strange, I'm glad I found them though!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Off to the races....
    Glad you found your keys!

    I seriously debating calling off work today becuase I couldn't find my ID. In the end, I just parked in the front lot, that you don't have to key card into, and called someone to let me in the door. I still need to find my ID though...don't want to pay the $20 for a new one!! I'm hoping it is in the van, which Ralph drove today.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Land of the Ducks...quack!
    Funny how things happen somewhat in your favor...

    One day (not at my current job) I got a gut feeling that I really didn't want to be at work. There was some drama brewing with my boss and her manager that seemed like it would come to a head and I didn't want to be involved at ALL lol. I drove off and on my way to work my hood latch failed and my hood came open on the FREEWAY, almost taking my windshield with it. I was pretty rattled up so after I tied my hood down I went home and called in. When I came in the next day my co-worker said that I should be glad my hood came off because it was less dramatic than what happened at the office!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Deep-N-Heart of Tx && My Babie's Hearts
    So I guess you can still go to work/school this afternoon right..

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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Chihuahua, Mexico
    one thing tha comes to my mind is that somehow they fell.. somebody placed them over the fridge and later someone pushed the basket not realizing the keys were back there...

    anyway.. glad you found them...

    just last night I was desperately looking for bread... I had just taken some and went for more... what do you know... they were all nice and cold inside the fridge.. LOL.... why how.. I have no clue.. hahahaha
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    New Jersey
    Hmm...sounds like three little huskies had their paws in that. I think they feel Mom has been away from them too much for the past two weeks and purposely tangled their leashes in the keys. Glad to hear your found your keys, now Get To Work!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Happy Valley, Utah
    I called my boss when I found my keys and she said I could just stay home. Fine with me! I just came back from taking the huskies for a walk, now I have to go get some schoolwork done!

  11. #11
    Have you ever taken someone else's keys by mistake? Once when I was at the tanning salon, I laid my keys down to sign in and picked up mine and someone else's w/out realizing it. I tanned and when I came out of the room, the gal behind the desk asked me "Mary, did you by any chance pick up another set of keys?" I said "No, I don't think so but let me check". I felt like an idiot. The young man whom the keys belonged to was her boyfriend and he practically cried; he was so relieved. He said "It's a new car and I don't have a spare. I thought I'd need to call the dealer and have another key made". I felt bad for him, apologized profusely and he had been sweet enough to wait for me to tan and get dressed and fix my make-up, etc. before asking me about his keys. If the situation was reversed, I probably would've been pounding on doors. LOL So maybe the keys hooked onto one of the leashes and wound up on top of the fridge as you said. Anyhow, glad you found them.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wichita Falls, TX U.S.A.
    What a drag, Amy I am glad you were able to find them. This past Valentines Day, I was headed out to buy a nice present for my hubby. He was at work and I had it all planned out, I was going to get him flowers, something sweet, and a toy (he LOVES Transformers hehe) and wrap it and deliver it to his work......well, when it came time to go, I couldn't find my keys. I was frustrated at first, then downright fuming mad, I ran out to the car because I was so tired of flipping the house apart looking for them, when I saw them locked inside the car next to Quinn's carseat. She pulled them out of the side pocket of my purse and promptly dropped them while I was getting her out of her carseat earlier that day.

    So....all my Valentines Day money and then some went towards a locksmith. I couldn't get Ricky anything and I was so mad and upset. It does stink big time when you lose your keys (or they're locked inside).

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