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Thread: Cinder, Smokey & "The Pack" ...Continued Beyond page 9...

  1. #1

    Cinder, Smokey & "The Pack" ...Continued Beyond page 9...

    Let's ALL continue the Cinder & Smokey Tails {Here} onna new topic...

    We can see that Paul's pounding away on his "pawboard", trying to save our old page 8;
    [/B]YESSS!! Page 8 is BACK! Way to go, Paul & Karen!!

    He's even got a page 9 created; but we can't see #9 ~ yet...

    I think we, with a lotta help from All our Other Dawg an Kat Pals, possibly set a record for the longest continuing run onna thread ~ Good Job! Fellow FurKids...

    But maybe it's time to march on with a new thread - we might have pushed the limits of the BBS software when we filled page 8. Even if Paul is successful in postin page 9, we run the risk of loosing it again in the future.

    When we get page 9 back, let's agree to stop posting there and invite ALL our FurBuds over to THIS topic and Continue our Furry Tails {here}.

    Thanks to Paul we won't have to go back and pound in our storrie bout the Visit to our White Coat's Lab. But let's be thankful we all made it past page 8, and Keep our Big, Huge, Extended Pack together; and march on...

    Who's up for the First FurTail on the New Thread?
    /s/ Cinder, Smokey & Heidi

    R.I.P. ~ Boots, Bowser, Sherman, & Snoopy

  2. #2
    Well, NUTZ! We tried to post a close-out message that shudda gone onto page 9, but we got a "server error"; even Dad couldn't fix it .

    We furgotz to post a link back to the "old" Tails pages ~ So, for new readers, here's a kliker-link back to the First of the Cinder Dog Tails pages were we chronicled the Arrival and Adoption of my lil brudder Smokey! Things got a liddel rocky back in January and February, 2001; but with a lotta help and encouragement from our fellow FurKids, along with their Moms an Dads, Our Dad let us adopt Smokey.

    Here's the link to Smokey's Adoption Tail...
    Cinder wants to keep the Stray she "found" ...

    Get real comfortable before you get started... It's a looonng tail ! Enjoy!
    /s/ Cinder, Smokey & Heidi

    R.I.P. ~ Boots, Bowser, Sherman, & Snoopy

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Montana USA
    Count me and Mom in on the new thread. We have been kinda bad we've had lots of company the last couple weeks . Mom has bearly had time to read the boaard to me.
    Shes doing a new community project like last year she helped on "The Moose On the Loose" sshe and dad did technical stuff (putting forms to geather . This year moms on the board and gets to help form the commitees.
    This year its grizzly bears, 20 of them for the artists to do their thing on. Maybe you can all help her out Last year they called them mooseterpieces. But she is having a hard time thinking of one using bears or grizzlies.
    MERLIN!!!!!!oops mom caught me here mom just helping out.
    Thanks the funds we raise are for 3 charites that are great, the spay and nuter task force (i work with that one ) humanites in horseback(works with disablities on motion) and the studio ( an art center for children) Last year we raised 500,000 for the 3 organazations to split. We bought a trailer and an acre of property to have a permant place to hold clinics.
    Hope all are well on the board I have been working and entertaining family visiting, and working on the fundraiser. Poor Merlin only gets to see me at bed time and thats to curl up and sleep.Thank goodness we still have a boy at home to keep him company.Thinking of getting him a companion not sure it is a good idea hes been the only fur dog for 5 years.
    Gotta really think it out, it won't happen till I get a fence around the yard 2 run lines would be too much. Have a great day every one.
    I've been boo'dMerlin my angel

  4. #4
    Sad to see the padlock onna "old" pages; but remember that you can still READ those pages. We'll try to stick a reminder link on here every so often, back to the old pages, for the benifit of new visitors to these storrie pages.

    We all owe a BIG PT THANKZ to Mister Paul, the Quiet One of our co-Moderators, for all his wurk last nite to fix the old page 8! He stayed up late, way past dark:thirty, an made his finnerbonez sore, pounding out the "fix" for page 8. He's still gonna try and fix the closing page 9 where we invited ebberbuddie over to these pages. Thanks again, Mister Paul!

    Hey Merlin ~ Welcome back! Ask yer Mom ta leave the puter on while she's busy out Fund Raisin - we all missed ya!

    Now, where wuz we when allua puter fuss started? OH, yeah...

    Member how there wuz the big diskussun bout what the pounds meter said atta White Coat's place on Wensdee? Ya shudda seen whut we boff got fer lunch yesturday! Cudda picked it up in wun paw! Dinner last nite wuz the same way - hardlee covered the bottom uvva bowl. Smoke finished his an comed ober an asked iffin we'd run outta munnie fer Dawg krunchies. I said "Don't fink so, can inna klozet sounded purdy full when Dad skooped it out. But he poured a lot back out afore he served us!"

    Later, when I wuz snuggled inna kliner chair aside Dad, he sez What's that phunnie noize?

    It's my emptee tummie-tank, GROWlin, Dad! Then after outies, we onlee got two medium sized biskits, stead of the big uns we used ta get ! NUTZ!

    Is this whut summa you guyz call a "diet"? Now it's brunch tima atta Shop. Dad pours out the krunchies into our serving kupz. Wait a minnut, Dad - ya onlee filled it up to the Bottom of the tape mark. It's supposed to be atta Top of the tape!! 3/4 of an inch a tape, in a LIDDEL KUUP, is a lotta krunchiez missin!! Dad poured SmokeMutt's inna bowl, took his sit-n-shake; then Smoke sitz back down an looks inna bowl. Looks back up at Dad an sez "Where's the resta my krunch?" Even offered ta shake again. No remorse frum Dad.

    We've decided we're gonna lay unner the puter an alternately *moan* and sing a duet wiffa GROWlin tummiez. We're also gonna praktis wiff Smokey standin on my back ta see iffin he kan reach the Kat's krunch bowl onna baffroom vanity when we getz home tanite. Hafta be quick, though; Dad'll get kold iffin the Dawg blankets are gone offa bigbed for too long after lites out.

    Ennie of you guyz knowe how to order dawg food onna puter? Will the UPS guy leave the bag unner the bushes aside the Ranch House?
    /s/ Cinder, Smokey & Heidi

    R.I.P. ~ Boots, Bowser, Sherman, & Snoopy

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Hey Cinder and Smokey - ever try veggies? Carrots are pretty crunchy, like a biskit, and my dog when I was grwoing up LOVED them - and they count as diet food, too!

    Unless you can sneak Dad's credit card, they don't let you order over the 'puter - and UPS guys don't usually hide stuff too good, either. Think yer outta luck that way! Good luck with the pleas for more crunchies!
    I've Been Frosted

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    Hi Cinder, Smokey, Kat, Merlin and everyone else! This is mom and me are the only ones around the puter right now. Mom had us outside, takin pictures, as usual. She said she was just tryin to finish a roll of film so she could get it developed. But Honey has a dead bird in her mouth, and Mom is pretty upset about that, and she won't let her get near enough to take it away. She isn't chewing it up or anything....just carryin it around. I don't know why Mom would even care! We love stuff like that. She says we are tipical "Nawtee Dawgs". Mom tried to get us to sit by eachother and "stay". What's that? Honey sat there and did what Mom said (that was before she found the bird), but I just kept trying to get up and kiss Mom. She said I wasn't cooperating too good. Oh well, if any of her pictures turn out, she says she'll show them to you later today.

    Cinder and Smokey...I gotta know. What in the world is happening? A diet for you too? I hate that "D" word! But even though we're starvin here, she says we look so much better. She didn't take us to the White Coats to get on that scale again yet. She says she has to get a ramp to get us in the Jeep cause the doctor told her not to lift us anymore. She has a problem in her back and we haven't even gotten ride in the new car! I can't jump and Honey won't! Mom says that Honey is stubburn and I just am too heavy. But we have a "waste" again...and that makes Mom happy. Honey is prolly thru with her diet, but Mom says I have to keep on going.
    But you guys look pretty good to me...can't unnerstand why you would have to do the "D" thing and miss all those crunchies.

    One more thing before Mom makes me go back outside in the sunshine....our Butter has a big ole bump on the back of his head and Mom is wringin her hands over that. She says all that gushy stuff like "he's my precious boy", "I don't want him to be sick" and she tries to kiss him and hug him a lot and give him good skritches on his head. He ain't much of a kisser, and frankly, I just like to chase him up trees. He is a good toy for me and Honey. But he has BIG teeth and LONG claws....we get sorta upset when he tries to bit our tails. Makes me sorta nervous, you know? But Mom keeps on lookin at him, and trying to see what's wrong. Sure hope he's gonna be ok...cause we don't like it when Mom is upset.

    Oh yea, before I forget. Mimi sez to tell you hello too. She's sleepin in our Helen's bed right now. Mom can't change the sheets til she wakes up. She duddnt like to disturb a sleepin kat.

    I have to go help Honey with that bird now. Talk wif you later. Hope you have fun, whatever you're doin.

    Love, Lilly

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    Oh, I forgot one thing. Miz Karen....our Mom said that we could have lots and lots of them carrot things. We won't eat them unless she cooks them for us first! But we like popcorn and greenbeans. She says they're not so bad for us!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Honey....Bella here! You go girl! A dead bird! Yippee! You are a dawg after my own heart. Hope your mom doesn't get to take it away from you. If ya see her comin' you just start galloping as fast as you can. She'll never catch up! We are just too fast! Then when she is looking right at you, just start to chewin' that old bird. Guaranteed to send your mom gagging into the house!!!! That's what happened here! By the way, tell that Lilly girl that she gets a High Five too for alla diggin' I been hearin' about. You two are just great. I love NAWTEE DAWGS. Readin' about you all makes me feel so much better! Your pal, Bella

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    Hannah checking in with my song of *Where did all the treats go*. I've been on the big D since last spring when we got our shots and Dr. A opened his big mouth about my ample pulchritude. Let me tell you Cinders, although it was hard at first, eventually I kind of got used to the smaller portions in the krunchie dish, but I sure do miss my BaaBaaQ treats we used to get when we went outside. And if your still getting 2nighty cookies, you are doing good. Wait til it's only 1! I do got somethin you might want to try, but it only works if you don't try to use it very often. Wait til Dad gives you the nighty cookie and then about 10 minutes later act like you haven't had your nighty cookie. Sometimes if they gots stuff on their mind, they can't remember if they gave you your cookie or not> and then if you play it right you gets anudder one. I want you to know I did lose 4 pounders according to when Mom hoists us both up on the scale and, get this, that is more pounders than she lost. Only thing makes both mom and me is that Tucker and Dad both eats more than usen and they don't do all the running around like we girls do either, yet they are just muscle, skin, and bones. Not an extra inch on nedder of them. Course they don't be gettin up in the dark to have snackies like mom does. There are Krispe Kremes in the house, so I'm predicting there will be gettin up in the dark tonight. hee hee. Maybe I'll get up with her and catch a crumb. Nah, I needs my beauty sleep.

    Lilly, what's the ButterCup been doing to gets a lumper on his noggin? My Dad's got a lumper on the tip of his finnerbonz and gots to have it biopsied next week. Mom's freakin out too. If'n you can think a somethin to keep the moms from going bananas, I would sure appreciate it.

    Tell that Honey, good one gettin the BURDZ. Tucker and I been stalkin chippies and evil squirrel but no luck yet in catchin em. One of our buds named Harley, whose a little bit of a fella, and lives couple blocks from our house got him a burd, and it was one that LIVED IN THE HOUSE. I don't want to say no more about it 'cause I know it'll just 'cause some of the moms and dads to feel

    So gots to go, its time for one more time outside and then nighty cookie!!!!

  10. #10
    Hi, ebberbuddie; the Kidz are here...

    Kinda phunn day - Dad's UP at dark:thirty (reelee spechul fer him). Puts onna Fire shirt an sez we can kum iffin we're "good". We're alluz good - count us in!

    Trakter Kar winds up atta Fire Station - big blinkin sign sez Chikun BBQ inna afternoon. How comes we hadda get up so urlee? Oh, Dad's gotta cook em afore we eats. We gotz roped up near the big cook pit - had a buncha liddel Fire Kidz ta play wiff all day. Onlee woofed atta few (OK, a lot) of the dinner crowd. Dad's cookin wiffa few of the Fire Guyz...

    Got kinda late; we're waitin on our chikunz... Allua sudden the server guys come out an ask "Ennie more chikunz - we're out!" Dad sez "nope - we cooked em all." Not eben a liddel *nibble* all day! NUTZ!

    Joints all cleaned up now; we gotta half serving of our krunchies we keep atta Station. More'n the Fire Guyz got! Hehehe... We're goin home now - Dad *stinks* lika dead chikun .

    We sure hope the ButterBall's bumpie neck getz better wiffout having to see the White Coat. Tell yer Mom ta take a deep breath and give it a liddel time. Mebee it'll go away wiffout a lotta fussin. Sure hope so!

    We'll ask the Boots Kat ta cross his pawbones tanite, too!

    Oh, about them karrut things... They're sorta OK, but don't have a lotta flavur. Ya sorta have to aquire the taste. Thing we don't unnerstand is when Dad munchez on em, he alluz dips em inna lil tub marked "unyin dip" afore he pops em inna mouff. We've tried it an it makes yer plain ole basic karrut stik taste a hole lot better. But Dad sez that stuff ain't a diet item fer us. Nutz!

    Woof at ya'll later...
    /s/ Cinder, Smokey & Heidi

    R.I.P. ~ Boots, Bowser, Sherman, & Snoopy

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Southern California
    Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke:
    <STRONG> Not eben a liddel *nibble* all day! NUTZ! </STRONG>
    Today while meeting some new neighbors, I got introduced to their Summa dog (summa dis, summa dat). He's a REALLY big dog. I noticed that when he barks, he sounds like he's saying "NUTZ!" just like our fire buddies!

    I'm sure the new neighbors thought I was wacko when I laughed every time the dog barked - But I could just hear Cinder & Smoke doing their paw-pounding comment. Oh, how this PetTalk place will get to ya!
    "Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened" - Anatole France

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke:
    <STRONG> he alluz dips em inna lil tub marked "unyin dip" afore he pops em inna mouff. We've tried it an it makes yer plain ole basic karrut stik taste a hole lot better. But Dad sez that stuff ain't a diet item fer us. Nutz!

    Woof at ya'll later... </STRONG>
    Tell Dad he can make uyin dip with lo-fat yogurt steada sour cream - that way it can be diet food for ever-buddy! But I, and my old dog, like carrots just plain - they ARE yummy, honest!
    I've Been Frosted

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    columbus, ohio, usa
    dear cinder and smoke, i really really feel for you with this DIET thing. earlier this summer, nice Dr Bev had me get on the scale so i could get more heartworm meds and she told my mom that i was 4# more this year then last year. so my mom started adding veggies to my bowl like carrots and green beans. i do like those, but it still wasn't the same as a full bowl. one day i went a little crazy (from hunger i swear) and helped myself to a big sweet potato, a yellow squash and a banana that was on the kitchen table on a bowl. mom says that if she doesn't catch me in the act she can't scold me but now she doesn't leave ANYTHING edible on the table. i keep checking tho. good luck on sucessful counter surfing, alex the wonder dog
    joyce who has princess peanut, spokesdog for the catpack, mojo, magic, kira and squirty, members of the catpack, angel duke, a good dog who is missed and angel alex the wonder dog, handsome prince.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Drama Queen Rehab
    Precious Princess Sara here. I'm proud to say that I iz 60lbs of lean, mean, boxin' machine.

    Ok...Not really.

    Butta gurl can't neber reveal her TRUE weight, right? *whine* (Mom jist red dis and sed she taughtz me well. Seyz she told the DMV peepholes that she weighed 10lbs less than what she really does! )

    Hunny, Lily, Bella, Hannah: We could all be sissies! DEAD BURDZ! WHUT FUN! Ya know whut I luv to do that COMPLETELY grosses Mom out?! Well, ya know, I gots dem big droopy jaws? Heh heh...I pick 'em up so datz their lil' leggies poke outta da sides o my jaws. Iffin' da burdz da right size, I can get itz head to stick out AND make dem leggies poke my jaws out too! Dat's BERRY effektive, when ya wanna make your Moms and Dads squeal!

    Mom sez I hafta go to bed now but I wanted to tell ya one more thang. Mom did something she sez she may regret in da mornin'...she jist ordered a new puter! How eggs-siting! I'm jist happy cos now I getta bark at da delivery guy! WOOO WOOO WOOO... sorry...jiz, praktizing.

    Cinder, Smokey: I'll try and sneak some kibble wit your address onto da delivery truck.

    K well, shez yellin' a bit louder so I guess I'll get offa here for now.

    Luh-uv to all,
    Sara and the other fluffy-butts

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    San Diego, California USA
    Daisy here, Honey, I'm proud of you, wow, what a catch. Hunting must be good in your backyard. I have to stay out here on the cement patio and one day I had good luck and a bird swooped down and I caught it. I had to run into my house to get away from Dad he wanted to take it away from me and Mom was yelling at him to get the bird. I went as faaar back as I could in the house but Dad got on his hands and knees and took it away.
    Perry just sat there like a boob, he is so prissy he don't like to hunt. We hunters have to stick together.
    Cinder and Smoke I know what you mean about the goodies. Geeze they are there one day and gone the next. I love goodies and the girl at the Petsmart gave me a cookie but I don't know if her hands were clean or not so I spit it out. She gave it to me again and I spit it out again. I think Mom was really embarrassed, but a girl can't take too many chances. Perry will eat anything that don't walk.
    Well good luck on your "D", maybe your Dad will break down if you give him those sad eyes, it works for me.

    [ September 30, 2001: Message edited by: Jackie ]

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