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Thread: Cat bully

  1. #1

    Cat bully

    Hi, I hope someone can help me. We have 4 cats. Our oldest Tiggy (9 years) is being tramatized by our youngest cat. We have had Boo Boo for a year. The last few months Boo Boo has chased and bullied Tiggy so much that she started to loose weight because she was not eating for fear of Boo Boo chasing her. Boo doesn't beat Tiggy up, but she is forever chasing and scaring her. Now this morning Boo chased Tiggy up on the bed and Tiggy peed on the bed she was so scared. Right now I have food, water and kitty litter for her in our bedroom and have shut the door so Tiggy will have some peace. Tiggy is a petite kitty and Has never caused and problems..ever! I feel so sorry for her. Boo only bothers her and not the 2 male cats. Boo used to lie in wait for poor tiggy and scare her so bad. Right now Boo is posed by the bedroom door just waitng for me to open it up so she can resume her terror on poor Tiggy. Sorry this is so long. Can anyone suggest something. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    It's all a GAME for the youngster! And the senior kitty hasn't put him in his place.

    Have you tried using a water squirt bottle to let Boo Boo know this is NOT acceptable behaviour? Keep the bottle handy, even hook it on your pants waist band for the weekend while youa re home.

    I'm not sure WHY Tigger has let this go on rather than giving him a swat and letting him know to knock it off. Maybe she is not a dominant female.

    Has Boo Boo been neutered? If not, then get that done, that will help.

    How did you handle the introcution between the 2 of them when Boo Boo arrived? You may want to re introduce them. Keep Boo Boo "quarantined" in a room for a few days. Let everyone calm down. Then slowly let him be around the other cats moer and more, at first only when you are home. Maybe keep him on a leash and harness for a bit. I prefer the H harness for cats; mine slip out of the Figure 8 style harnesses.

    Introductions can take a week or more before the cats can understand how to live together. you have a weekend, consider starting it now!
    Good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA

  4. #4
    Thanks Freedom....Tiggy is a VERY emotional kitty...always has been. She has even been on Kitty calming pills because when she gets nervous she licks off her fur I think Boo Boo takes advanatge of this, thats why she gets such a thrill and bulling her. Tiggy has always been a loner, not really ever friendly with our other kitties. Boo Boo is nuetered. Tiggy seems very relived right now to have the bedroom to herself. You think Boo Boo should be the one locked up instead of Tiggy? Thanks

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Interesting. Well, unless you can re introduce them and get Boo Boo to calm down around her, ONE of them is always going to have to be separate.

    I think you can work towards that goal, using a water squirt bottle and keeping Boo Boo on the leash for a few days. At least you should have an idea if there is any improvement.

    Poor Tiggy! Catty1's Oscar is easily upset also. She made some fabric collars to put around his neck - they just slip over his cat collar. She sprays the fabric collar with Feliway and that seems to keep Oscr calm and happy!

    I wish you success in getting to a calmer household!

  6. #6
    well I have got a couple idea's from this thread!
    good luck with your cats, looks like we are in similar situations. darn cats, can't live with them and for sure can't live without them!
    Last edited by Lucycat; 03-27-2007 at 01:21 PM.

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