Rio is aggresive to strangers ever since i got her, yet ever time we have introduced her to a stranger she has bin scared aggresive yet NEVEr bitten anyone, and i thought she would never bite (unless obviously neserccery).
But just in case i have brought loads of signs say, Beware of the dog, Beware dogs running free, Guard dog Beware, Do not enter, My personall favirate How fast can you run? (with a picture of a dog underneath the dog it say 0 to you in 0.4 secs).
Well earlyer i was on the net and the door bell rang (our door bell is attached to the gate not the door) so i went down stairs opened the door as normally (letting the dogs run out as the person "should" be out side the gate, but not this jack***, he came in the gate and to my utter suprise Rio took hold of his leg and shock it like i'd never seen before, i quickly grabed her collor and pulled her back, and the guy (i'd never seen in my life) lunged at rio (whom i'm holding back) shouting like growling at her, and she pulled so hard i couldnt hold her and she got his arm this time and just as i grabed her of him he kicked her in the tummy, Thats was it Rio was no longer in trouble HE was, i shut her indoors quickly and when i came out he was checking his "wounds" and i lost the plott i ran at him pushing him out of the gate slamming it shut and letting the dogs out again.
He had the nerve to say to me "I hope your rich girl cos you got some hefty bills heading your way", I said yer you not getting nothing but a vets bill for what you did, and i'll pay you to have reading lesson as you so cant read.
I went in with the dogs and rio was fine luckly.
I dont think she did much damage becasue she has mucked up teeth etc.
No way am i paying nothing to that freak.
long thread sorry but sheeash what does one have to do to make it clear DO NOT ENTER.
Ky and Rio
PS we will still go to our IAL, and Rio is not in trouble with me, she's still my angel