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Thread: Mystic is gone! :(

  1. #1

    Mystic is gone! :(

    Mystic is gone! He has been missing a whole day now. He never leaves anywhere, ever! I saw him yesterday morning and he was in sleeping etc. He is always in now that the weather is bad. He will meow in the middle of the night (ALWAYS!) to let him in, and won't stop til we do. He is always around as well as my other cats and there really isn't any place to go in our town houses. It's set up so you can see everything. And last night he didn't meow, I sat up all night crying and worrying because he is never outside for more than two hours and when he is if you call his name he comes running and is always in earshot.

    The worst part is that he lost his collar a few days ago and we haven't been able to buy another yet. I amworried someone hit him with the car.......ummmmmmmmmmmmmm

    Nevermind! Ok he pulled another Houdini on me!!!!!!!! Dan just now ( I mean while typing this), right this second came out of out bedroom and said "Cassie"! Well Mystic walked into the living room. He didn't meow all day long yesterday, didn't come out to use the bathroom or anything. I looked all through the house and nothing. It is not normal that he didn't use the bathroom all day and all night and not eat either. Well I think his foot is broken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's very swollen and I can feel a bone sort of poking. He is putting no weight on it at all. I don't know what to do. We can't take him tothe vet right now because we have no money at all!!!!!!! We don't even have food in the house. Like I said in other posts, we are doing really bad money wise and our company has no money!

    I am going to call the Humane Society and see if there are any organizations that will help but I doubt there is. And none of family will give us money. They won't even give us five dollars.
    Fuzzies for Furries
    Northwest Opossum Society
    Zoology Major
    2 Virginia Opossums, 6 cats, 4 bearded dragons, 1 iguana, 1 red foot tortoise, 1 tripod chihuahua, 5 mice, dubia and hissing cockroaches as well as other misc animals that wander in and out of my home.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I hope Mystic is ok.My cats are always losing their collars,too.make sure to get Mystic a collar that cant come undone too easily or slide over his head.just make sure its not too tight.make sure too keep him inside if hes injured.hopefully,you can take him to the vet soon.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Can you take him to your vet and ask him to put it on credit or something?
    Owned by a demanding cat. Lol

  4. #4
    Well he went ack under the bed. I am such a wreck right now and can't stop crying. I called my parents to ask if they could use their credit card to pay the $45 dollar fee to take Mystic to the Emergency Clinic. And of course they said no. I don't understand why they say they don't have any money and then they go spend $200 dollars on clothes.

    I called the Emergency Clinic anyway and was crying so bad and told them what happened. They told me to keep him quiet and try to feed him (he won't eat or drink, and since he didn't come out of hiding all day yesterday this means he didn't eat or drink yesterday either, or go to the bathroom!) and keep him in our room where it is dark. I already know these things. I can't stand to see him in pain. They also said that if he seems like he is in a lot of pain that we can take them in and they can stabalize the leg and give pain medication but they can't fix it. Even pain meds would help him!!!!!!! I am going to take a shower, try to get him to eat and drink a little and then head to the clinic. I don't know what to do.
    Fuzzies for Furries
    Northwest Opossum Society
    Zoology Major
    2 Virginia Opossums, 6 cats, 4 bearded dragons, 1 iguana, 1 red foot tortoise, 1 tripod chihuahua, 5 mice, dubia and hissing cockroaches as well as other misc animals that wander in and out of my home.

  5. #5
    Originally posted by Lalania
    Can you take him to your vet and ask him to put it on credit or something?

    Our credit is really bad so we can't get any and we don't have credit cards either, that would put us into worse shape than we already are. We can't even get care credit because I have a lot of unpaid medical bills from when I was younger and my ex bf put me in the hospital (over 4,000 bucks) and I could never pay it, and I don't think I should be the one anyway, he's the one that put me in there so he should pay.

    I know about collars already. It doesn't matter what type of collar he has, he ALWAYS takes them off, no matter what.

    Maybe I should just put him to sleep, they would do that for free and I don't want to see him in pain. And I'm pretty sure it's broken because it is two times it's regular size.
    Fuzzies for Furries
    Northwest Opossum Society
    Zoology Major
    2 Virginia Opossums, 6 cats, 4 bearded dragons, 1 iguana, 1 red foot tortoise, 1 tripod chihuahua, 5 mice, dubia and hissing cockroaches as well as other misc animals that wander in and out of my home.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    how old is the kitty? does he have other health problems? I meant won't your vet fix your cat now, out of kindness, and hope you pay later?
    Owned by a demanding cat. Lol

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Lalania
    how old is the kitty? does he have other health problems? I meant won't your vet fix your cat now, out of kindness, and hope you pay later?
    Our regular vet is not open and they are extremely expensive! They don't do credit or payment plans. I even offered my services (I am a vet tech) and they wouldn't take it. The only place open today is the Emergency Clinic and that's it, and no they won't do that because they don't have the money.

    Mystic is only 3 years old and has no other health problems. I watched him being born and he came out on me!!!!!! I saved his life when he was a kitten because he was the runt and I spent $4,000 dollars on him to have constant treatment etc. Now he is a big fat cat though, 17 pounds and a purebred Bengal cat. He is the sweetest cat ever and always purrs and cuddles and loves to be petted. Him and Cheetah are inseperable and ALWAYS together sleeping paw in paw. I don't know what Cheetah would do if she lost Mystic, they are brother and sister and very attached and in love with one another.
    Fuzzies for Furries
    Northwest Opossum Society
    Zoology Major
    2 Virginia Opossums, 6 cats, 4 bearded dragons, 1 iguana, 1 red foot tortoise, 1 tripod chihuahua, 5 mice, dubia and hissing cockroaches as well as other misc animals that wander in and out of my home.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    He's only 3 years old....don't give up!! where there is a will, there is a way. Is there a non-profit vet somewhere (hahahha funny I know) heck you're a vet tech, splint his foot and put an elizabethan collar on him until you can find some way to take him to a vet.
    I shudder to think of what would happen if my Juneau got sick or hurt.
    Owned by a demanding cat. Lol

  9. #9
    Here is a picture of Mystic and Cheetah, Mystic is on the left and Cheetah is on the right. See how they sleep, they do that all the time!
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Fuzzies for Furries
    Northwest Opossum Society
    Zoology Major
    2 Virginia Opossums, 6 cats, 4 bearded dragons, 1 iguana, 1 red foot tortoise, 1 tripod chihuahua, 5 mice, dubia and hissing cockroaches as well as other misc animals that wander in and out of my home.

  10. #10
    Originally posted by Lalania
    He's only 3 years old....don't give up!! where there is a will, there is a way. Is there a non-profit vet somewhere (hahahha funny I know) heck you're a vet tech, splint his foot and put an elizabethan collar on him until you can find some way to take him to a vet.
    I shudder to think of what would happen if my Juneau got sick or hurt.

    Well he is going to get it splinted but I don't want to do anything if it is broken because it could heal a certain way, the wrong way. I am going to bandage it though and then take him to the vet to get that pain medication. He doesn't need a collar though, he doesn't mess with stitches or anything, he's a good boy when it comes to that. But I know he will need surgery to fix his foot, it is bent! At least he will be able to get the pain meds, which makes me feel a little bit better.

    It's so much different when the animal is yours, you freak out. I am so calm with other peoples pets but when it comes to mine I cry like a baby.
    Fuzzies for Furries
    Northwest Opossum Society
    Zoology Major
    2 Virginia Opossums, 6 cats, 4 bearded dragons, 1 iguana, 1 red foot tortoise, 1 tripod chihuahua, 5 mice, dubia and hissing cockroaches as well as other misc animals that wander in and out of my home.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    They're very cute! Make some calls around town to different vets, explain that you are a vet tech with an injured cat and unable to pay atm, and could you work it off or something???. *would be better to actually drive to the vets with the cat, and a few tears wouldn't hurt*
    Owned by a demanding cat. Lol

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    There is a vet near where my mom lives that helped me with many wild critters when I was younger. Once I found a baby starling that was mortally injured and I held it and waited for it to die (bawling my eyes out) the poor thing wouldn't die so i walked down to the vet and he euthanized it for free, I had a rat that was fatally injured once too (broken back) and that same vet euthanized the rat without charging me. Even when I found my first dog unconscious and carried him down to that vet, and it was obvious Blackie's time had come, the vet put the cost of euthanizing him on credit because my mom was at work. They even sent a card afterwards.
    Owned by a demanding cat. Lol

  13. #13
    It's hard for me to get anywhere. I don't have a car or know how to drive! The only car we have is Dans, and well, he works all day long. I am sure he will get work off but we need the money so bad, god this is so stupid. These things always happen at the worse time! But yes I am going to call around tomorrow and there is also a vet who makes house calls. I am just scared he got hit by a car and is going to die!!!!!!!! It makes getting around town a lot harder too when you have a baby.

    I am going to call the Humane Society and see what kind of info they have. I was actually thinking of calling the bank and asking the employees to donate a quarter every time they swear or something.
    Fuzzies for Furries
    Northwest Opossum Society
    Zoology Major
    2 Virginia Opossums, 6 cats, 4 bearded dragons, 1 iguana, 1 red foot tortoise, 1 tripod chihuahua, 5 mice, dubia and hissing cockroaches as well as other misc animals that wander in and out of my home.

  14. #14
    He doesn't have a fatal injury so I don't want to euthanize him.
    Fuzzies for Furries
    Northwest Opossum Society
    Zoology Major
    2 Virginia Opossums, 6 cats, 4 bearded dragons, 1 iguana, 1 red foot tortoise, 1 tripod chihuahua, 5 mice, dubia and hissing cockroaches as well as other misc animals that wander in and out of my home.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I understand about the car thing, I have a car but only a learner's license and not allowed to drive by myself grrr. Mystic is just as much your baby as the skin variety, and you have to fight for him no matter what. Is he eating and drinking? Do you know animal first aid? try to splint the foot? Ask some neighbours for help.
    Above all, don't give up! Mystic is young and otherwise healthy.
    Owned by a demanding cat. Lol

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