Thank you all, reply-ers and lurkers alike, for following this thread.

I went to visit Mom today but got a late start because I FOUND a HORSE!

When I went to feed my horse (I board her), there he was schmoozing with the resident mustang. Had never laid eyes on this guy before and really had no clue what to do with him. (Oh how I wish you could just check tags and call an owner!) After a small game of "catch me if you can," I got a halter on him and stuck him in a roundpen. Anyways...

Today was a good day. Mom had a "bag o' blood" because she had a "borderline low" RBC count. We walked the hallways quite a bit, talked quite a bit, and (towards the end) cried quite a bit. (I didn't want to say goodbye -wanted to stay- and started crying. She cried because I cried and also because she's homesick.)

Lab reports came back and she is showing NEGATIVE for the c-diff bacteria. *yay*

Her oxygen levels are up, too. She no longer has to wear her oxygen thinger 24/7 - now it's just as needed (bedtime and occasionally after walks).

She had a milkshake and kept it down.

All in all, a very good day.

Oh yes, and a good day for the "stray," too. The barn owners found his owner. Three horses total got out last night; two went one way and he went the other.